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kevin 05-21-05 05:10 PM

Keven Kenison caught Liza and I suffering through an afternoon at the beach just now. You know, sun, cool breeze, scenery...tough duty, but someone has to keep the local bars in business, even if my doctor is making me keep the drinking on "low" rather than my usual setting this year...

I took many pictures, as did several others. I will get them up on the site when I return to a faster internet connection.

Also, folks, please keep the number of pictures you post here (as opposed to sending to me) to the bare minimum, as they just fill up our more expensive database space.

But please email me everything you've got, and I will put most of them (avoiding too much duplication) on the site as we have in past years.

It was a very successful event. Kudo's to Paul and Mary for running a well organized, well managed and most of all damn fun event!

Kevin and Liza

kevin 05-24-05 06:45 PM

Liza and I caught colds (me on the last day) in Key West. Delta messed with us, only 3 hours of sleep Sunday night, which softened us up nicely so that we are both sicker than (insert favorite simile here).

Have not received any photos yet from anyone. When I feel better, I will fix the home page, upload the pictures, and write a bit about the meeting.

Sure was nice to put faces with all those "web names"...

Thanks everyone.

Kevin and Liza

Kimber 05-24-05 09:50 PM

Hello all,

Thanks to Ernie, Paul, and Mary for organizing such a great meeting! It was so nice to put faces with the names, and hear so much valuable information.

I'm sorry I didn't get to party with everyone Friday night, but I saw a weather window and thought I'd make a dash for it. Got to Memphis after finding a gap in the thunderstorms in northern Florida Friday night. (Southeast US weather still spooks me)

Rick and Keven...I still can't get my AnywhereWx to work! I must be the biggest non-geek there is! But, I imagine it's nothing a few more hours on the phone won't fix.

Based upon the numbers, I'm surprised there isn't a MSOAPA (Montana Skymaster Owners and Pilot Ass'n). I don't know if we even have three Skymasters in all of Kansas, much less together in one meeting!

Anyway...what a wonderful time! The hard work and preparation was so obvious in every detail of the meeting and presentations. Thank you all!


KyleTownsend 05-24-05 10:52 PM

Key West a Blast!
Dad and I had a great time at Key West and were really glad we decided to go. I especially enjoyed the sailboat ride (I'm a real sucker for free beer, and the sunset was fabulous).

Just wanted to say thanks to those who put in all the hard work to make the event a success. It greatly exceeded my expectations. Truly a professional job. kudos to all!

Kyle Townsend

Dale Campbell 05-25-05 08:44 AM

Where are all the photos
All us poor guys that could not come to SOAPA meeting are waiting for all those photos of what we missed. Some day I will make one of those meetings. Probably after I retire from this rat race. Dale Campbell

WebMaster 06-06-05 03:37 PM

This is Discouraging

After the Bahamas, no one submitted anything until we got home, but we didn't have internet access until we got home.

In Nashville, and at OKC, stories and photos were submitted while it was in progress.

It's been 2 1/2 weeks coming up on 3, and we who were not there still haven't heard from those of you who were.

Did you stick to the schedule that was posted? What was the Adam like? How was Owen's presentation. What should we get our planes for christmas? What does the Raven, and nexrad look like?

stackj 06-06-05 11:51 PM


Our main photographer wasn't there.... YOU!

Keven 06-07-05 07:10 AM

The Difference

The difference between the prior venues and Key West is that all of us are STILL trying to recover from the night life. :)

kevin 06-07-05 08:58 AM

Thanks Keven, I was trying to figure out a succinct way to put that. Well done...

I have pictures that I took, and pictures that Mary took, no other submissions so far.

I know, I promised I would get it done by Sunday. Luckily, I didn't say which Sunday. Being sick for two weeks, and gone a week before that, puts one a little behind.

I will get the info up as soon as I can.


WebMaster 06-07-05 10:15 AM

Oh, I understand about Sunday.

WebMaster 06-07-05 12:59 PM


Originally posted by kevin

I have pictures that I took, and pictures that Mary took

I will get up as soon as I can.

Hmm, do Lisa and Paul know about this??
Never mind, we don't want to know.

WebMaster 06-07-05 01:04 PM


Originally posted by stackj

Our main photographer wasn't there.... YOU!

Okay, it's an excuse. weak, but it's there.

jimmuse 06-09-05 01:19 AM

I cannot believe this.. I had a HUGE thank you written with everybody mentioned (appropriately) and it all went away.

I will do it again... but not tonight.

This was a FABULOUS experience. We met wonderful people and had a great time.

I also learned a bunch of stuff about Skymasters and a hell of a lot about weather.

Thanks to Ernie, Mary, Paul, Kevin & Liza.

The rest I will get to tomorrow.

Good Night, Wayne and Dianne.

Jim and Joyce

WebMaster 06-09-05 01:22 PM


Originally posted by stackj

Our main photographer wasn't there.... YOU!

Changed my mind.
I appreciate the flattery.
It won't get you anything, except my eternal (for the next nanosecond anyway) appreciation.

stackj 06-09-05 07:47 PM

nano nano nano!

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