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Ernie Martin 05-18-09 10:50 PM

Actually, Rick, I think it makes sense if you look at the objectives. CBP views eApis more as a people thing. Who's entering the country, who's leaving? Are they on any "list"? The same info it's been collecting from airlines and 135 operators, now imposed on GA.

The decal thing is more an administrative matter.


billsheila 05-19-09 06:53 AM

I had a terrible time getting my 2009 decal. Prior to this it was a few days process, apply online you got an email confirm for your records and CC charge and presto, decal was in the mailbox in 2-3 days. This time, I applied in November last year, and didn't see the darn thing until mid-Feb I think it was. I called them about it and they said the process was changed this year with the e-apis effort and that was the slowdown and that it shouldn't happen again. They said I could travel sans-decal just to indicate (and have your online receipt) that you had applied for it. I don't know what extra you need to do to travel without the decal when you finally make it to seeing an officer on the ground.


Robalo 01-13-12 01:19 AM

eApis Update
Lobo Labs has a NEW eApis iPhone NATIVE App. Works with iPad and makes filing your manifest very fast. Search for eApis in the Apple App Store.

Video of App here:


hharney 01-15-12 08:55 PM

That is awesome. Very nice app. Thanks for posting.

Ernie Martin 02-15-12 01:56 PM

Just tried the new app. Awesome indeed. Flashpass had made the laborious eAPIS filing a snap, but their new app pushes the envelope in simplicity and intuitiveness.


ipasgas1 02-16-12 06:44 PM

Is it the Flashpass or the fltplan app that is better?

hharney 02-18-12 08:56 PM

The app that is suggested is Flashpass. I think that is what Ernie is referring to.

Ernie Martin 02-18-12 10:05 PM

Yes. I changed a word in my posting above ("the" became "their") to reflect this.


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