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JimC 10-09-12 07:16 AM

If you have any pictures of the whole effort I'd love to see 'em.

kdiel11 10-10-12 12:41 AM

My wife made sure that there were pics of it.......I think the term is blackmail. When she decided to back the car out of garage without the benefit of the car door being shut her only retort to me for the $3k damages was, "you bought a plane!" So yes there are plenty of pic.

FYI, I just found out that there is no statutory requirement for me to get the engine that had a blade strike tore down for inspection. Given that it had a nearly perfect crank run out check. I will just visually inspection the engine mount frame for any obvious damage and be able to install it. I have also found a prop and a spare power pack that I will send off for rebuild and replace my broken one that NTSB wants for teardown.

JimC 10-10-12 07:29 AM

I'm curious - what's the statutory requirement on giving the power pack to NTSB? Aside from the obvious benefit to the community at large, are you required to do it? Do you get compensated for it? Do you get it back after they're finished so so can get the core charge back?

Ernie Martin 10-10-12 10:39 AM

You sure that there is no FAA requirement to get the engine torn down for inspection after a blade strike? Unless things have changed, you had to do it. Just make sure.


kdiel11 10-12-12 10:48 PM

There is a well-used engine shop in SC that I was planning on shipping it to. I spoke with the owner. He was adamant that there was no requirement. He did say that no insurance company would insure it without a teardown but I don't insure it. I had a crank runout check that gives tolerances of 0 - 0.005" It ran out to 0.0005". So there is no doubt the crank wasn't bent. Additionally, there was little if any inertia left in the blade as the engine was shut down and the prop was coasting down as it hit the earth. Anyone else have any written requirement somewhere I would be glad to see it. KD

Tony 10-13-12 05:37 PM

Not necessarily mandatory but something to consider.
prop strike info

kdiel11 10-13-12 10:34 PM

Thanks for the post of the SB. Will definitely rethink decision. Otherwise, I went over to plane today. They have the rear out, tailbooms off and everything out of the cabin. A friend and I did some careful measuring and have modified my trailer to accept the plane side ways on the trailer (now only measure 16' long which will be my max width when side ways). Will load it next Friday and transport early Sat morning when traffic is slow. My first look over the engine mount shows no signs of stress from the landing. I'm also hoping to update the interior during this down time as well. The seats are very nicely done in a grey velour. There is no signs of wear on them anywhere. My plan is to accent them with a grey leather interior. No sense in wasting the seat-covers and I think the other interior parts need renovating. I also had one of my OBS not reliable so will have it worked on as well. I also want to install a second comm panel and yoke mic switch for the right-seater. That and th annual should be enough for this annual. KD

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