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Bob Cook 01-11-03 09:40 PM


Your right on the money. All I did is periodically look at the download and you can see which cyl peaks last and use it for reference. I was not aware of the "icicle" display but it does make sense. There is part in the program that asks "gami" and if you confirm you will get the last cyl to peak (lop mode) but this is not an icicle display. I tend to run 50 LOP when not in a hurry.

Funny enough the cylinders balance out the best (about 75% delta on all cyl) when running LOP. Maybe fuel pressure is slightly less or just fuel flow itself makes the difference. On the ground I just "tweak" for "peak" <G>.

BTW I am sure Dave will use LBS for fuel measurement since he pays for it in LBS................. couldn't resist.


Dave Underwood 01-14-03 08:32 AM

Bob, made me laugh!

Just remember that although my petrol maybe very expensive, and I do use lbs, one of my lbs buys 2.5 of those Cdn birds (loonies) and 1.5 of those US deer (male deer).

Regards - Dave

Bob Cook 01-14-03 10:28 AM


And no doubt it will buy more in the future..
and....... Petrol (fuel) is rising to your price as we speak!

Now... just waiting for US to privatize ATC and we well be "down the tubes" just like you....

Soon there will be a credit card slot on all instrument panels marked "ATC"............ pay as you go......... No authorization // no clearance! and charged to you in EUROS.... System will be called "swipe-and-go"

you know.... just like Canada.



Dave Underwood 01-14-03 10:48 AM

You are not far wrong. There is a lot of Euro pressure for the early introduction of mode S, in fact 2005 is the current plan for all craft including micros and balloons.

The feeling is that it make automatic charging more straight forward. No need for the swipe on the panel, they will be able to track you automatically then and do auto debits on your credit card. Big brother is watching you and taking your money when ever he can (at least here in the UK).

The good news on that however, is that I am working on getting an STC to lower the MTOW on the 337 to just below the two metric tons, or 4400 lbs in weight (as opposed to money) so to come in at just under the current charging threshold.

The lengths you have to go to to beat the system. :)

I was going to suggest that it was feeling like time to move home to Canada, but I think it will have to be on the Islands with you. Do you rent rooms?


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