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Keven 02-24-03 10:31 PM

How About . . . .
Alright, I ain't no techie (you can trust everyone on the Board to confirm that fact) but here's what this ignorant lawyer would do:

1: Get a bunch of really big buckets/ 5-20 gallon containers, and put them under the fuel quick / check drain valves under the wings drain all of the fuel out each side.

2: Then . . . go to a fuel pump and fiill up all tanks on the plane and see how much fuel the plane takes.

3: That should give you a pretty good indication whether the log books, representations, etc. were right.

It will be the best money you've ever spent on fuel in your life, one way or the other.

My own unsolicited opinion (MYUO)


jimmuse 02-26-03 10:06 AM

That's next.

After a lengthy meeting yesterday, we have decided to do just that. We will either drain the tanks and fill them up, or go fly for a couple of hours on cross-feed to draw one tank below the 45 gallons it is suppose to contain(according to the guages).

Flying is more fun, but draining is quicker, so that is probably what we will do today.

Everybody, including Tom Carr at CPa, the previous owner and mois, is convinced that they are long range tanks that have under-utilized for 2 years.

More when I get more.


jimmuse 02-26-03 08:56 PM

The Final Word!
Well, the verdict is in. The plane does , indeed, have long range tanks.

It also has fuel guages that are improperly calibrated... either the outer senders are inop or the guages are messed up... whatever, the tanks hold 75 gallons of fuel.

The simple method won out... we offloaded the fuel into cans... 74 gallons worth and then fueled from the truck...75 gallons.

The current owner had asked the guy who sold him the plane (on the pre-buy flight) why they only had 93 gallons (according to the guages). He knew the salesman had filled the tanks just before the flight.

The salesman told him that he had standard range tanks, and that was that.

So he has been flying for two years with an extra 300 lbs of fuel.

Thanks to everyone for all of the advice, from the simple to the complex.

Always an adventure.


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