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Jose L. Ichaso 12-06-04 08:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The beach, with my wife Patricia, and my second son Cristobal, photo by my 8 years old son Blas..

kevin 12-06-04 10:47 AM


If you have a lot of pictures to post, perhaps you could put them in a zip file (if you can, not required) and send them to me. I can shrink them to a more easily viewable size. The pictures you are sending are so large, they are not too easy to view, and they are using a lot of database space...



Ernie Martin 12-06-04 10:52 AM

Jose Luis:

As a rule, I like to reduce pictures intended for web viewing to a maximum dimension of 700 pixels. Adobe Photoshop does this easily.


kevin 12-06-04 02:06 PM

I think my message was not clear. I will shrink the pictures and post them elsewhere on the site, and put a link in your message, just to save space.

But if that is too much trouble, I know we all appreciate very much seeing the pictures.

Blue skies,


Francisco 12-07-04 06:50 PM

Love the pictures, How Hi were you whe you took the photo over Maiquetia? That foto brings greate memories Gorwing up in caracas in the 60' we would fly from La Carlota over to the farm in Tucacas, and flew over the mountains "el callejon Tacawa" and followed the coast line all the way, reporting at Choroni and then Puerto Cabello, many times we would do a couple of "touch and go's" in Venepal and go on to the "Hacienda" "El Rocio" we had a dirt strip there. in fact I had my first trip on a Skymaster on that strip, maybe that is when I got hooked. the farm was 18 kilometers from Tucacas we would go there to the beaches and the keys in Morrocoy..... I am getting exited I will be leaving on the 28th


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