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hharney 06-05-11 12:15 PM

Air Force Museum
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If you have never attended the USAF museum it has to be one of the best, if not THE BEST, aircraft museums in the world. Most of the SOAPA members had not been to this spectacular facility, so it was really fun to attend with the group. We arrived in our 15 passenger chauffeured (Herb) van right at about 1 PM. This gave us a full 4 hours to check out the displays. Unfortunately, it takes about 12 to 16 hours to really see all that this available at this fantastic facility. One of the greatest parts of the tour, it's FREE. The whole place is free to attend, except the iMax theater, which some SOAPA members did. We attended the special on base tour which requires security clearance, so that ate up some of our time but was well worth the look. It's like the back stage tour. We are bussed through the gate onto the actual Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to a twin adjoining hanger that features Presidential planes on one side and closet cases on the other. The Super Constellation, Columbine III that Eisenhower used, a DC-6 that Truman had and the 707 that carried Kennedy from Dallas in a casket. Along with other presidential and political aircraft scattered about the floor of the hanger.

On the adjoining side was a collection of wanna-be's and historical record breaking planes. Towering over all the interesting aircraft was the venerable XB-70 Valkyrie super-sonic bomber. Also seen was the XB-1 that broke the sound barrier, the x-15 and many aircraft that had great intentions but just never made the cut. It was a once in a lifetime chance to see these unique aircraft in one location. The collection was phenomenal. Everyone enjoyed taking the extra base tour. We then returned to the museum and scattered to various points of interest within the 3 enormous hangers that separate the aircraft displays in era's of use and time. Early years, European Campaign, Pacific Campaign and the Cold War days. Just to get a perspective of the size of these hangers, the cold war sections has a B-36 Peacemaker, B-1B bomber, C133 Cargo Master, B-50 and dozens more all in one of 3 hangers. It was truly a visit that all will want to come back to spend more time in the future.

I took some time and visited the memorial park that is just outside the museum which features memorials from all the different bomber and fighter groups. There must be 3 or 4 dozen granite and bronze memorials that recognize these brave men and their tribute to the fight for freedom that we enjoy each day. It really stirred my emotions several times while taking at least an hour to visit this dynamic holy ground. I humbly walked through alone only imagining the lives that have been touched by these memorials. It is something everyone should take time to experience, Lest we never forget.

hharney 06-05-11 12:19 PM

Memorial Park
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Some of the memorials

hharney 06-05-11 12:37 PM

Saturday Breakfast and Excursion
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On Saturday it was up at 8 AM and back to the airport to Commander Aero. i really can't say enough about the warm reception and support that this FBO provided for our event. The folks at Commander Aero were one of the best FBO's we have ever had. They put on a pancake breakfast Saturday morning just for our SOAPA group. There were a few other pilots that also joined in so the event actually touched people that were not even part of SOAPA. John, Sherry and Mike (and their crew) went beyond the call of duty to support this event. If you are ever in the area please stop in, buy some fuel, visit the FBO, take the Lexus courtesy car to the museum or just stop to visit. They are really a huge part of our event this year.

After the terrific breakfast at Commander Aero some of the folks walked over to the Wright Flyer museum next door and checked out the displays. They were going to test fly one of the replicas that morning but we had planned to depart before the test flight. We all loaded up the aircrafts and headed south for Sporty's Hot Dog Feed. We actually met Dan and Diane at Clairmont County airport when arriving at Sporty's. Dan is a Skymaster owner that regularly participates on the message board. They tried to make the meeting but because of conflicts could not but it was great to meet them at I69 that morning. It was a fun excursion and each Skymaster departed I69 to their respective destinations either home or otherwise closing the 2011 SOAPA event.

Stay tuned for the 2012 location and agenda.

hharney 06-23-11 05:56 PM

Photos from Mike @ Commander Aero
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The folks at Commander Aero are just the greatest. If you are ever around the Dayton area stop in and visit. They have a Lexus for a courtesy car, will treat you like you drive a Citation and good fuel prices.

Thanks again to all at the FBO especially Mike.

I have a disc with all the photos that Mike shot if you want one just let me know

ipasgas1 06-24-11 10:25 PM

It was great to meet you guys too. I wish we could have made some of the meeting as well. Excited about next years meeting in the Bahamas (keeping my fingers crossed as my wife may want to fly if we have it there). It was great watching you guys fly in and then take off. Trying to talk Diane into doing the Guatemala flight...not having much luck :O(
When do we open voting for next year's location???? Again, great to put some faces with the names...getting ready to start reading my book...Thanks all.

hharney 06-26-11 12:37 PM


Typically the voting is posted in January, sometimes a little earlier.

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