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WebMaster 10-15-02 11:00 AM

How about
How about TC in May, Vegas in Oct?

Ernie Martin 10-15-02 12:51 PM

I'm in
Keven & Larry:

Count me in for TC in May. I will shoot for Vegas in October (it's 2003, right?), but can't guarantee.


kevin 10-15-02 02:21 PM

I'm in for TC in May, Vegas in October, unless economics force me to sell airplane.


Ernie Martin 10-16-02 01:02 PM

Note: Webmaster moved this message from another thread, so "two messages above" is not accurate any longer.


Two messages above, you say to Bob that the group has spoken regarding a meeting location. I went to look at other threads but could not find this. I see a suggestion of Treasure Cay in May and Las Vegas in the Fall (and considerable support for these locations) but Nashville may still be in the running in the East (for me in Miami TC is better, but for other Easteners Nashville may be far more convenient). Also, and I think this is VERY IMPORTANT, the location may be substantially influenced by your availability. If you can make Nashville, say, but not TC, I think the consensus might be to do it in Nashville. We haven't heard from you on this subject; could you give us your views?


GMAs 10-16-02 04:57 PM

Ok... lets get it on... with the meeting place...
It appears that from the discussion and flury of E mails that LosVegas is going to the the meeting place... I cliped a section from the navweb group (public) that shows North LV.. but, mccarren is still good too... as they have services to the hotels... here is the site.. check out the aerial shots of the place...

I have also asked for permission to land... yep land at area 51 better known as Groom lake... as a group to tour the facility... limited access.. and guess what.. they came back and asked when we would like to come.. wow... that is a switch... I also asked Nellis if we could tour the air base and play in the simulators... and they too have shown an intrest... of course we could always go down to the dam and take the dam tour... as hover dam is well know also... then their is the grand caynon...

I re-read Bobs trip around the islands.. and heck I don't think it would allow for much time... one day Sat morning... is all.. hmmmm almost a HI how are you thing... the rest of the time its party on... so I guess not much technical... all social... I am of the oppinion that it should be balanced... kinda thing... but, then again its up to what ever everyone wants...

Looks like were looking at May on the strip... now to decide where to stay and what services they will provide for us... most have small business meeting rooms that can be scheduled for a group who stays at the house... and with the new mid-evil times... and all the rest of the entertainment... wow... it should be a full house ... not requiring much travel unless you want to...

Frankly I would perfer grand caynon... marble as it was great to land down in the bottom of the grand caynon.. and the take off up thru the painted desert was well worth the stay... as it is the only way you can go down into it now... you have to have reservations... else ATC will keep you high... above... where this way you can get within 500 ft of the floor... like we used to do... rafting down the river ... optional... at your own risk... smile...


SkyKing 10-16-02 05:11 PM

KVGT- North Las Vegas

This sounds like a a good selection, close to Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon... excellent scenery. And besides, it's not so far as to limit you in what you can bring along for the meeting. That commercial airport TSA stuff and their Homeland Security BS is for the 'birds'... they can keep it!!


GMAs 10-16-02 05:23 PM

More... on LV
Hey here is the biggie airport... as their are three in Las Vegas... Henderson, north and this one... check it out... as well as meeting rooms and great rates... if we go as a club we might even get comped in to a dinner show... check it out... its looking better all the time...

GMAs 10-16-02 07:44 PM

and for those with nothing to do.... while at LV.... check out these side trips...

some food for thought... after all out west we don't have anything except rattle snakes and indians... pardner... GMAs..

Jerry De Santis 10-16-02 07:50 PM

Is nashville out?
From the various comments it appears to me that Nashville is out! If not, I will set it up. Just let me know.

GMAs 10-16-02 08:03 PM

Where is it.. Oh.. let me send you the area... where you can see...
This makes a good trip in October... as it is cool and clear.. and the kids are back in school...kinda thing here is the whole map of the area.. in detail...

good for boating trips up through caynons.. etc..

Rickskymaster 10-16-02 08:04 PM

Late to the party but let's have one
I think TC and Las Vegas are great choices. After having lived in LA for over 20 years, we have flown into Vegas many times and have not been disappointed with the time we had there.
I would suggust going into the major international airport as it is much closer to the strip and you can actually walk from your tiedown to the Strip in about 10 minutes, if you know the FBO to go to and the area to park.
Now that we live on the EC, I am all over getting down to TC, you tell me when and where and we are going to be there.

Ernie Martin 10-16-02 08:08 PM

I'm getting confused by this thread. Are we narrowing it down to TC in the Spring of 2003 and Las Vegas in the Fall of 2003? Sounds good to me. My question to GMAs stands: will you come to TC in the Spring?


kevin 10-16-02 08:55 PM

I agree that the main airport in Vegas is fabulously convenient. I flew there for years on business and pleasure trips. But nowdays, better check the ramp fees, overnight fees and fuel price at the FBO you select, to make sure you are prepared for what it will cost. I checked a couple of months ago, and found it to be prohibitively expensive for me (perhaps not for others). North Las Vegas is very inexpensive.


Jerry De Santis 10-16-02 10:13 PM

I am confused! Seems like most people voted midwest. Now the talk is west and TC. People, why did we vote on anything? Been to TC last meeting. Time to try somewhere else. Remember, a lot of folks can't take that much time to go to TC. Is this only to be a social gathering or are we as a group interested in helping our skymaster friends who would like to learn more about their planes and at the same time meet and enjoy other nice people who own Skymasters.

Ernie Martin 10-17-02 10:24 AM

I tend to agree with Jerry. Although TC is far more convenient to me, a more central location in the East (like Nashville) may attract far more people and is more convenient for GMAs. We ought not rule it out.

In fact, since there now seems to be a consensus for LV for the Fall 2003 meeting (with perhaps only the airport up in the air), now is the time for us to focus on the Spring meeting in the East: should it be TC or a more central location, say Nashville? Add your message below with your views. I vote for Nashville.


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