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Keeler 10-14-05 08:30 PM


I am in the process of installing a Dynon in my O-2A. I thught it was all downhill after I purchased the unit, but was I wrong. I have down loaded the previous threads, but (surprise) my avionics wizard would like to see copies of any FAA approved paperwork.

Can you help.

Any advise is appriciated.

George Keeler

Pat Schmitz 11-09-05 11:14 AM

Jack -

Shared the 337 form today with another flyer - he is asking for the back page of the 337 form - apparently there is addtional information on it that is needed?

Could you fax that side of the 337 to me? I will add it to the distribution for those that want it. Same fax as listed above - 563-922-3033.

George - send me your email - I'll forward to you too!


wybenga 11-09-05 02:37 PM

Will send it to you on monday


Keeler 11-09-05 07:36 PM


Thank you.

My e-mail is


Pat Schmitz 12-27-05 01:29 AM

Ok - I get requests for this paperwork almost weekly - and surprisingly - about 1/2 the time from Non-337 pilots....

I would like to take a quick poll to see who has since completed this installation and the requisite 337 forms successfully?

The paperwork I have was not sufficient to convince my local FSDO officer to approve it..... he never said no - but rather he would look into it.... and has never, ever responded... I want to pursue this further - and I am hoping that there are others out there who have curagious and open-minded FAA Inspectors...

Perhaps there are 2 or 3 of you who have completed this, and I can again get copies of the paperwork for others who wish to take advantage of it??

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!!

WebMaster 03-24-06 07:55 AM

Another good reason, but sad.

bawb 04-27-06 06:08 AM

I got field approval to put a Dynon EFIS front and center in a C-150. The inspector looked at the 337 for about 30 seconds, said "Wow" and signed it.

Keven 04-27-06 10:38 AM

I spoke with a Dynon Rep at Sun N Fun and he said that all prior field approvals for certificated birds are going to be revoked by the FAA.

He was none too pleased, but said that they are not even going to be approved for "VFR" reference only. He said that the FAA told him in no uncertain terms that there would not be any of these in certificated planes.



Richard 04-27-06 09:52 PM

Sounds like they are trying to put the final nails in the GA coffin.

You know. You can make them fairly easily removable.

Keven 04-27-06 09:57 PM

I did not know that, but if so, that's probably the future of their market/product. A shame too, because I flew an experimental a couple of weeks ago that had the full set up and it was very slick.

It would be near the top of my list if it weren't for the uncertainty.


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