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GAdams 04-18-21 11:08 AM

Fuel Selector Valve
My left wing fuel selector valve is leaking. It functions normally. What options do we have? Can we reseal? Overhaul? Who and where can we get repairs on the valves done? A new valve, if they have them, is $3,750. I'm not doing that. This is a 1969 337D S/N 1094 the PN of the valve is 1426029-4 I believe the new part number is likely 1H12-3.

TomM 04-18-21 07:38 PM

Give McFarlane a call. When I spoke with them last summer, they were working on the rebuild parts with the intention to rebuild them in house. Sounded like he was close last year.

Jhogan0101 04-19-21 05:05 PM

I called mcfarlane today. They have 25 kits but not one for the 337.

Skymaster337B 04-20-21 02:04 AM

All the parts are available for overhaul except the cork gasket. That’s where it leaks from. Make your own cork gasket and problem solved.

wslade2 04-20-21 11:45 PM

where are parts for overhaul available from? McFarlane?

making a cork gasket easy enough.

I have a valve that won't provide positive shut off.

Frank Benvin 04-21-21 10:18 AM

There is one on ebay

wslade2 04-22-21 04:49 AM

Saw that and appreciate that.

But for sustainability I am interested in a source of parts for these valves.

mshac 04-22-21 04:10 PM

Yes, it would great if a company name or a link could be provided to where these selector valve overhaul parts are available. Just stating that they are available is not particularly helpful. :(

And I saw the one on Ebay awhile back, but it looks so corroded I decided not to mention it.

Skymaster337B 04-23-21 03:26 PM

I was able to purchase check-balls and springs from The gasket is another story. Although if you search this website for “fuel selector” a lot of good discussions. Plus, one guy posted info about a supplier for the cork gaskets.

GAdams 04-29-21 09:41 PM

Follow up on Fuel Selector and Dukes pump
I took my fuel selector to Quality Aircraft Accessories in Ft Lauderdale. They sent both the fuel selector and the duke pump to their Tulsa facility. The Tulsa facility sent the fuel selector to another shop and I got a call from QAA Tulsa that says the other shop can't touch it. So far I'm parts. The pump overhaul is $1,250. No fuel selector diagrams so no-one will open the fuel selector to inspect or repair. Thoughts?

TomM 04-29-21 10:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is the selector diagram for the older skymasters, not sure which one you have.

For Skymaster337B what part numbers did you use when ordering the ball and spring? The attached diagram does not have any parts numbers.


wslade2 04-30-21 12:53 AM

It appears the only option is to do self repair if needed as no one is overhauling or repairing these valves.

Jhogan0101 04-30-21 10:03 AM

I emailed Mcfarlane about this , here is their response from this morning:

Hi Julian
We are going as fast as we can on fuel valves.
In fact we were talking about the 337 valves just yesterday.
I know they’ve done some work on those but I’m not sure just where they are in the process.
I did forward your e-mail to the owner of the company,(he has a 337) and the others who decide what gets priority in the way of projects.
Additionally I will make a push for it.

As you know, fuel valves are critical in function and even though they appear simple; are complex in determining fits, dimensions and tolerances. That in part is some of the reason it takes a fair bit of time to design parts for fuel valves.
Thanks for checking with us, hopefully it won’t be too much longer.

Fred McClenahan
Senior Engineer
Responsible Safety Officer

wslade2 05-03-21 11:21 AM

I called McFarlane after the last post. The operator reported they are keeping a spreadsheet of requests. She said my request was logged. I suspect the more requests, the more interest they have, the more likely they will jump into this valve thing for 337’s. But again confirmed they’re not doing anything for 337 valves at this time.

Wouldn’t hurt to have more requests logged from other owners...

Like anything, they’re a business and spend money on things for which there is demand. I added my two cents for demand.

GAdams 05-03-21 08:20 PM

QAA Response
I heard from QAA about my valves. They cannot work on them and could not find a shop that will work on them. They tried McFarland too, To be continued.

Skymasterdriver 05-03-21 08:34 PM

This is your lucky day two showed up on eBay they look pretty nice you better jump on them

mshac 05-04-21 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Skymasterdriver (Post 26693)
This is your lucky day two showed up on eBay they look pretty nice you better jump on them

There also a clean 337 being parted out here in Texas by Texas Air Salvage. Late sixties model IIRC.

GAdams 05-10-21 09:00 PM

Didn't Work
I bough the eBay fuel selector valve and it shipped and arrived quickly. The problem is the valve is badly corroded and it will not move.

wslade2 05-11-21 12:48 PM

That’s a bummer. Maybe the valve can be soaked in oil to free it up
I bought the other BAD looking valve off ebay. Plan to do an autopsy on it to see what parts are in it, maybe create a parts list and sources. Of course already been established that the gasket will have to be self made.
Maybe check with Don Neiser at Commodore Aerospace? He just got me a couple hard to find items.

Jhogan0101 05-11-21 02:15 PM

mshac 05-11-21 02:21 PM

I was gonna suggest you let let it soak in Evapo-rust, which has done miracles for me in the past, but that last pic really looks bad, as if the housing is breaking down internally. Hopefully the autopsy will prove valuable to our tribal knowledge!

GAdams 05-15-21 08:11 AM

I Found A Source
I finally found a source for the fuel selector valve:
Fenix Aircraft Parts Inc.
Christian Baez
Tel (954) 440 1445

Within a few days I had the valve in hand and I exchanged for my valve. The part cost $1,410 with shipping. If you don't have an exchange valve for him it is another $1,000 for the core charge.

It came with an 8130. I asked where it came from and he simply said Nevada. No other information.

Jhogan0101 05-15-21 08:16 AM

Great work!

mshac 05-15-21 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by GAdams (Post 26740)
It came with an 8130. I asked where it came from and he simply said Nevada. No other information.

What shop name is on the 8130? Could we see a copy of it?

I wonder if he would've accepted that corroded Ebay valve as the $1000 core???

GAdams 05-20-21 11:10 AM

Vendor for valve
Webco Aircraft LLC
1134 N Oliver Rd
Newton, KS 67114

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