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ipasgas1 05-25-10 11:02 AM

Skymaster valuations
I have read quite a bit on the SID here and people's opinions concerning the future impact. A friend of mine had spoken with one of the folks on the Cessna Owners board and he knows with 99.9% assurity that the SID will not become an AD. However, I am wondering how the 337 market is fairing...are they selling? should a pilot buy one or wait and see? how many current owners are holding off on improvements, etc until a more definitive answer is given? how many current owners are considering trying to get out of it now due to the uncertainty? I have been into a single engine from a skymaster for almost two years and have never been as comfortable as I was in the skymaster. I want to enjoy my flying again but the uncertainty of their future is making it hard to warrant buying another if it is going to be worthless in a couple years. It is very upsetting and disconcerning especially for those of us who don't currently own but want one...again. It has me considering a Seneca, Seminole, Baron, or Duchess...very sad.

edasmus 05-25-10 05:21 PM

This is simply an opinion. Others feel free to add or argue as appropriate.

The Skymaster market is not really any different then the rest of the airplane market. It is down, simple as that. It will most likely stay down forever. These are old complex machines that as the years pass, less and less people have the interest or means to operate. My guess is that it really does not matter the type of aircraft as long as they are of similar complexity. The older they get, the less likely people will be willing to operate them. There will always be exceptions, but the norm will be for the market to continue shrinking.

The used aircraft market of the 1990’s is behind us now. In those times, 15 to 25 year old airplanes did not seem too old to people and one could be purchased, operated for a few hundred hours, and sold fairly easily for about what it was purchased for. I think people purchased these airplanes with the intent to do exactly this.

Now times are different. Airplanes are more like cars. The older they get and the more hours they have the less they are worth. They will not hold value anymore. Again, there will be an exception or two but the norm will be for the value to shrink.

I think people who purchase airplanes today (or houses, condos, etc.), need to purchase them with the mindset that they will want or need them for the long haul. Turnover will be at a minimum.

I do feel badly for people who purchased airplanes planning on recouping their investment someday. Sadly I think these days are behind us. I have been watching Trade-a-Plane, Controller, our website, the website, and others, and have seen the same Skymasters for-sale for well over a year some of them for two years. Then I will see some of them on e-Bay, and bids are coming in at maybe half or less of what people are asking. I have put my own Skymaster through some of the online price evaluators and have had the number come back in the $38,000 range retail. Airplanes do not usually sell at retail. I paid $83,500 in the fall of 2002 for my Skymaster. Fortunately, I want my airplane and have made piece with the reality that it is not worth much to anyone except me.

Ipasgas1, if you want a Skymaster and plan to want it for a long time, then go buy a Skymaster. Assume that once you write the check, the money is gone forever. This way you won’t be disappointed. You might get lucky some day and see some portion of that money back, just don’t plan on it. I personally would guess that the type of aircraft will not matter all that much. The market, for a 40 year old airplane of any type, has dwindled.


CO_Skymaster 05-25-10 09:44 PM

I agree with Ed. We have gone through that period where airplanes were not being manufactured and the only option was to buy used aircraft. I think since new aircraft are on the market, business will start to purchase those. Our aircraft will not be as desirable except for those who like the older style. It's like the people who collect vintage cars. I bought my Skymaster, because I like the capabilities and it was in my price range. I knew when I bought it that I would never get the money out I invested in it. I didn't mind because it does allow me the freedom to fly where I want on my schedule. It also bought the exact aircraft I wanted and don't plan to trade up.

The only problem I've had is when looking for aftermarket additions to my aircraft, we are not high on the list for modifications. Therefore, it takes a long time or never that it will be avalable for my Skymaster.


Ed Coffman 05-27-10 11:03 AM

I was once told "if it has wheels, it ain't an investment"
Montana Dispensary

K337A 05-27-10 12:18 PM

Here is a rare exception to the rule-

WebMaster 06-03-10 09:45 PM

Maybe Bonhams should be contacted when one wants to sell an airplane. They seemed to do quite well with the Bugatti :D

stratobee 07-01-10 08:13 PM

I follow the 337 market very closely as I'm on the hunt for the right plane. I'm not in a terrible hurry, but will hopefully buy before the end of the year. Anyway, it amazes me how huge the differences are. Clearly many sellers are stuck in early 90's pricing and think that old aircrafts just appreciate, no matter how bad the times are.

This is an example of that:

$60K for a 11.500hr plane with a clapped out rear engine? I don't think so. Even at half of that it would be a struggle.

Good thing is I see a lot 337's coming on to the market, so there's plenty of movement. This will probably increase as time goes on. Rightly priced, they're a lot of airplane for the money. Which is why I'm interested. My funds are limited as a first time buyer, so time is all I have on my side.

tropical 07-01-10 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by stratobee (Post 15921)
I follow the 337 market very closely as I'm on the hunt for the right plane. I'm not in a terrible hurry, but will hopefully buy before the end of the year. Anyway, it amazes me how huge the differences are. Clearly many sellers are stuck in early 90's pricing and think that old aircrafts just appreciate, no matter how bad the times are.

This is an example of that:

$60K for a 11.500hr plane with a clapped out rear engine? I don't think so. Even at half of that it would be a struggle.

Good thing is I see a lot 337's coming on to the market, so there's plenty of movement. This will probably increase as time goes on. Rightly priced, they're a lot of airplane for the money. Which is why I'm interested. My funds are limited as a first time buyer, so time is all I have on my side.

So what do you consider "rightly priced"?

tropical 07-01-10 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by stratobee (Post 15921)
My funds are limited as a first time buyer, so time is all I have on my side.

If your funds are limited, owning ANY airplane is a mistake.

stratobee 07-01-10 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by tropical (Post 15922)
So what do you consider "rightly priced"?

That aircraft should not be much more than $30.000 with those times, in my opinion.

Compare the above to this aircraft:

Roger 07-01-10 10:34 PM

The P is not bad. Put $50-60G's in it, radios, engines, etc., and you would have a pretty good plane for $110g's. Of course it is still a P, so it has a limited value like a P210 vs a regular or turbo 210. But for certain missions, the P is a great plane. Just not that user friendly, and the maintenece and insurance can eat you alive if you're on a budget.

And no i'm not dissing the "P" :), just trying to give some advise to a newbie who doesn't seem to have yet experienced the expenses of a plane, which is even worse than a boat.

tropical 07-01-10 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by stratobee (Post 15924)
That aircraft should not be much more than $30.000 with those times, in my opinion.

Compare the above to this aircraft:

If you bought this Skymaster you are looking at putting in about $50,000 to bring it up to standards. Of course, that's a conservative estimate.

Cole5Oh5 07-02-10 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by stratobee (Post 15921)
I follow the 337 market very closely as I'm on the hunt for the right plane. I'm not in a terrible hurry, but will hopefully buy before the end of the year. Anyway, it amazes me how huge the differences are. Clearly many sellers are stuck in early 90's pricing and think that old aircrafts just appreciate, no matter how bad the times are.

This is an example of that:

$60K for a 11.500hr plane with a clapped out rear engine? I don't think so. Even at half of that it would be a struggle.

Good thing is I see a lot 337's coming on to the market, so there's plenty of movement. This will probably increase as time goes on. Rightly priced, they're a lot of airplane for the money. Which is why I'm interested. My funds are limited as a first time buyer, so time is all I have on my side.

Well, as others have pointed out, with limited funds, you might be better off buying a vintage corvette. Of course, some of those cost more than most Skymasters, and therefore are out of your price range.

When you dis someone for offering a plane for a price that you think is high, it does them a dis service. The guy may be looking at unpaid hangar fees, inheritance fees, and a mortgage. If the airplane REALLY interests you, give him a call, and make what you think is a reasonable offer. Obviously, if he doesn't think it's reasonable, he'll hang up on you. That's the chance you take, instead of whining about it to everyone who has already ponied up their money. So, pick up the phone and see if he is interested. What's the phone call going to cost you??? Can you afford that?? Maybe send an email, it's cheaper. However, for real negotiations, I have found that face to face is always best. A phone call is a good place to start.

Here, try this one on your budget.

stratobee 07-03-10 10:23 PM

Listen Cole.

There wouldn't be a forum like this or a second hand market for these aircraft if it weren't for people much like myself, so why the patronizing tone? We were all first time buyers at some point. It almost feels like some people here would much prefer to keep people out of their "club" rather than being welcoming. Cessna 337 owners need all the new members they can get.

Much thanks to this forum, I'm well aware of the costs of ownership. I can afford it. However, what I can't afford is to overpay in todays market just because some poor sod has hangar fees to pay or a mortgage. Well, I also have a mortgage and bills to pay.

Skymaster337B 07-03-10 10:56 PM

Stop dreaming, and start flying. The only thing that makes airplanes fly is MONEY. So, either way an airplane will cost you buy in cheap so you'll have money left to pump into it.

jchronic 07-04-10 08:02 AM

Well said, Stratobee. Being somewhat tired of flying OPJ (other people's junk), I've been idly watching the Skymaster market, and it's analogous to the housing market: I'm sorry you bought at a higher price, but don't expect me to make you whole for what you thought was an 'investment.'

Likewise, as in any enthusiast market, there's always someone looking to turn a fast buck (as they have every right to do). There's a 336 (in pieces) on Barnstormers that I know went at auction for well under $10K; the guy's now trying to get out of it for $18k, down from an initial ask of $25K.

Cole does have a point: They have a right to ask whatever they want, and may have a perfectly valid reason for doing so. They likewise have a right to sit on their airplane forever - or until they get real or find a sucker willing to bite.

Capt Ahab

Roger 07-04-10 08:15 AM


I believe this board exists for and through the civil dialouge of people who both aspire to and actualy own and operate Skymasters .

re: your comment: "Much thanks to this forum, I'm well aware of the costs of ownership. I can afford it".

What I believe some of us are saying is that given your post history it appears that money is of paramount importance in your quest for the "proper" plane. Whether that is because you don't have enough, or are just cheap, it's hard to tell. Skymasters and "cheap or budget" are never discussed in the same sentence, by people who own and operate them

The odds that someone like yourself would come onto the scene and be the one peorson on the planet earth to "beat the system" by finding a Skymaster in the price range that you seem to think is not "so 90's" and fly off into the sunset seems pretty absurd to most users.

Instead what will more than likely happen is one of two things:
1) You will find a cheap Skymaster, and to bring that aircraft to a standard that is safe and effective (i.e. runs when you want it it) the operating finances will consume your budget. or,
2) You will find the same airplane and cut corners on the expenses until it kills you.

So one really has to wonder if there is a level of civility that must be breached to keep someone from either ruining themselves financially, or killing themselves? I for one would vote for the practicallity of telling it like it is, and be dammed if someone was a touch miffed because it tweaked their ego.

edasmus 07-04-10 09:36 AM

1973 C337G

2009 - $32,270.33

2008 - $34,665.76

2007 - $24,132.48

Each year was 100 hours +/- 10 hours.

Operating costs are: fuel, insurance, hanger, maintenance. No mortgage on the airplane. The airplane is paid for.

So far 2010 has been a good year. Possibly best ever in terms of cost but the year is only half over and anything expensive can break at anytime so we'll see.

Hope this helps.


jchronic 07-05-10 07:00 AM

That's good info, Ed; thanks. Can you share what caused the spikes in any unplanned maintenance?

Capt Ahab

edasmus 07-05-10 02:34 PM

These numbers come from my spread sheet off my computer. The spread sheet simply totals the categories for each month and I can read the totals in any category for the month or year. The "airplane" category had these numbers I posted for the past three years. My data prior to that included operating multiple airplanes under the one "airplane" category so 2006 and earlier was more than just the Skymaster so I do not have easy access to the totals for just the Skymaster prior to 2007. Since 2007, I have been operating only the Skymaster.

As for what causes the variations in operating costs from year to year is simply that some things cost more to fix or replace then others. I could go back to my files and dig out invoices to see exactly what went where but that will take too long. What I can do is recall from memory some examples of things that have either been fixed or replaced over the years since 2002 and the approximate cost for these things to hopefully give you an idea of what can all be involved financially.

Each year the "base price" annual runs about $4500 gradually increasing from year to year. That is to say if my shop takes the plane apart and puts it back together and finds no discrepancies then the annual will be $4500. Anybody who has operated an airplane knows that this never happens. Something is always broken or should be replaced simply from a preventative standpoint. If I have an annual that does not turn up any major discrepancies then I will take advantage of that and spend money on something that should probably be replaced but did not necessarily have to be replaced. I mentioned in my last post that 2010 so far has been going well. If the annual in this coming November 2010 proves to be a relatively discrepancy free annual then next on my list are all new flight control cables.

In the past several years items that have been repaired or replaced and approximate cost including labor are as follows in no particular order:

1) flap cables - $2000 to $3000
2) props resealed twice and other prop parts (2002 and again in 2009) - $1500 to $2500/prop
3) both vacuum pumps - $500/pump
4) new prop governors - $2700/governor
5) rear muffler twice - 2003 and again in 2007 - $2000 to $2500 each occurance
6) motor mounts on both engines - cannot recall price
7) starters on both engines (internal gears failed) - $3500/engine
8) throttle, prop, mixture cables on both engines - cannot recall price
9) windshield - $2500
10) several interior plastic furnishings and interior parts - $4500
11) much autopilot repair and avionics repair over the years - several thousands
12) new encoder - $500
13) replaced signal conditioner and fuel gage issues - $2000
14) new brake discs will be installed this fall 2010 - not sure yet
15) rear prop removed and repaired due to F.O.D. - 2007 - $1500
16) replaced all hydraulic lines for the landing gear - cannot recall but expensive
17) several electrical issues, rewiring, battery cables, etc. (see my post on "over-voltage") - $2000
18) new auto-pilot attitude gyro - $2000
19) over-haul second attitude gyro - $500
20) replaced ELT with used serviceable unit - $150
21) many hrs & parts to get both the original Cessna CHT/EGT system and JPI CHT and EGT systems working - $$$
22) fuel leaks, lines, and senders repaired or replaced - $2000
23) aircraft trim system was completely out of rig and need to be redone - cannot recall
24) electric trim inop and rebuilt to function proprerly - $1500
25) replaced rear cowl-flap motor (front one getting slow but still working) - $2000
26) repaired cracks two or three times and repainted rear cowl (it took awhile for the shop to get it right) - $$$
27) repaired a fairly large crack in the belly skin behind front left exhaust pipe
28) replaced fuel caps

29) had enough yet?

Anyway, hopefully readers get the idea. As I have said before, the C337 is a wonderful flying machine. They are expensive as any twin engine airplane would be. People who are considering operating these airplanes need to understand that the costs are expensive and can vary widely. No two Skymasters are the same. Turbo and P-models will only add to the costs, ALOT. If you can live with the costs, I would recommend the airplane in a heart beat.

A $15,000 annual is routine for me. A $20,000 annual is not out of the question and I probably would not start to cry until the annual exceeded $25,000. My smallest annual was about $8500 and the highest was $20,000. The big one was the first one in 2002. Last year was around $15,000.

Just remember, the easy part is the purchase. The operating costs in short order will blow through the acquisition costs.

Hope this helps! This is simply my experience. Others may be different. I enjoy my airplane and am mostly happy to have it.



billsheila 07-06-10 07:15 AM

Edamus -- good post
Thanks for sharing your actual experience. Mine is similar but not quite as costly. My approach to the airplane is identical, however, ie recognize it will be expensive, be happy when an annual doesn't go completely bad and use those times to continue to pour in funds to maintain some questionable and/or wearing items. These are old airplanes, and to keep them safe and properly maintained is going to take money. I recall some posts on this site of guys getting away with $1500 annuals...I thought it was just me, but I don't find this realistic at all. I have some historical bills for my bird from prior owners and from what I can see, the worst was a $25K annual. My worst was $14K and last year was the best at $4.2K. This is just annual, doesn't include hangar, insurance, fuel etc etc.

WebMaster 07-06-10 08:24 AM

Very Good, Ed
I no longer own it, but I bought my Skymaster for a good price, in 2001, and immediately spent 25K on a new engine and installation. My worse annual was about 12k. Not counting the 2K for a new rear cowl flap motor, and new torque tubes for the flap controls.

After about 4 years of ownership, I spent another 30K to buy a new rear engine. And more money to get it installed, along with a new engine mount, new lord mounts, and a new exhaust.

My situation was a little different, in that I could, for several years, do owner assisted annuals. While it took quite a bit of my time, I was able to save some money by opening up and assisting on closing up the airplane. I recall one of the maintenance shops saying that Cessna had a block time of 39 (or 41) hours for the annual inspection. Just the inspection. Removing panels, inspecting, and closing it back up.

For the last few years, I kept the plane at my hangar, next to my house.

Cole5Oh5 07-06-10 04:46 PM

There You Go
There you go Stratobee.

Real world numbers from people who own Skymasters. Depending on location, you can count on higher or lower numbers for you annual. You'll still have the whole insurance thing to contend with, along with hangar or tie down, and then there's ongoing maintenance, and gas.

If you still plan on having it go across the Atlantic, add a whole bunch more for the ferry flight. Last months EAA magazine had a good article on it.

hharney 07-06-10 06:34 PM

My thoughts on annuals and cost
I (and dad) have owned 2JF for 34 years. That’s a lot of history on one Skymaster. Insurance the last 10 years has been pretty linier, $2900.00 for $85K on the hull and all the usual liabilities. As of the last three years there has been 3 pilots on the policy. Skysmith has had most of the biz but currently I am with Travers.

Maintenance has been the same policy for the last 18 years that I have made the decisions. Dad’s maintenance was a little different than my policy but we won’t go there. While located in Idaho in 1991 I took the airplane to have the first annual that I would be responsible for and it was a shock. Because one rear blade had to be replaced and this shop had not ever scene the plane before it was close to $10K for the annual. Welcome to aircraft ownership. I was wondering how long I was going to last with this hobby. I then located a FBO near my home base that I developed a long, wonderful relationship with. They loved the airplane, were very thorough and passionate with their work. They had low overhead because they were based at a smaller airport and just really fair guys. This company maintained the aircraft throughout the next 10 or 11 years. My policy like others on this board is, if it needs fixed or looks like it might need fixed just fix it. I have never been one to skimp on a maintenance item. Throughout the time that this FBO shop did the work we did some major items; rear engine, gear door removal, vacuum pumps, etc. The annuals averaged over the 11 years about $2500.00, except the engine change. Each year there was at least two or three items to do service or replacement on. Rear mufflers seem to be about every two years. I had it welded most of the time and would cost about $300 on average. After several times a rebuilt was purchased. Now with the MT props I have only had to weld the rear muffler once in 9 years. I did not do owner assist with this shop. I was too busy running 3 companies that I could not take the time to join in on the fun. One year during this time I decided to have the home base FBO shop do an annual. I had an acquaintance with one of the IA’s at this local shop and he talked me into having him do the annual. Figuring that it was probably a good idea to have another set of eyes look at the airframe I brought the aircraft to the shop just a few hangers down from mine. They found a few little things that I agreed to have repaired or replaced but nothing earth shattering. The bill was over $6K. I was again shocked. I went back to my regular guys for the next annual and again it was in the $2-2500 range.

In 2002 I brought the aircraft to Michigan and was based at GRR with a choice of two large airport FBO shops. I talked to both and chose one to start the work on 2JF for annuals and PM. The first year I bought the MT props so that was a large bill for that work. But after that routine annuals were done with an average price of $3500. There were a couple of years that I needed something special like a seat rail or tires but for the most part there really wasn’t anything huge through the 6 or 7 years that they looked over the plane. It was great to have them on staff because there was a couple times something was needed between annuals and they would jump at the opportunity to serve me as a preferred customer. I figured after paying $2.5K for many years at the small little airport that the $3.5 at the big metro airport was still a good price. And both shops were top notch at their work. It was a pleasure to do biz with them. Again at the big shop here in GRR I did not assist with the annual.

Well here goes again, somewhere in the mix while in Michigan; a guy talked me into going to a shop that had some kind of Skymaster expert. This shop was south of GRR so it was a pain to deliver and pick up. But I decided again that it is always a good idea to have another set of eyes look at the plane every so often. Well it was a horrible experience. I am not an impatient kind of guy but when the annual goes on for over twice as long as they originally say I started to feel the friction coming on. Come to find out the so-called Skymaster expert never even touched the plane. One of his A&P’s did all the work. Again nothing earth shattering had to be done, pretty much a routine inspection. How much? $6.5K, yes I got a royal screwing on that one. Live and learn they say. In fact Larry got the same treatment when he went there, only he had an engine changed and it really got expensive. So I went back to the big guys shop in GRR and again only $3.5K.

Today I do owner assist annuals. Sometimes it’s a party. I have taken my plane to Larry’s hanger and we do mine and his together. I have learned so much that I could in no way put a price on the knowledge and experience. My annuals now average $900- $1500. I end up putting in a good 40 to 50 hours of time but it’s worth it right now. I have the time to be able to do this. That makes a big difference. But to know my airplane is invaluable.

To sum it up, I think you have to seek the right shop. There are some shops that have a price to do business. Lots of overhead, employees, costs, etc and their fixed cost just require a higher initial price. $15K to $25K is way too much. You need to shop around. My current IA works on 4 different Skymasters and lots of Bonanzas, Pipers, Cessna’s, Homebuilt, vintage and the likes. He has low overhead but is very good. His base price for a owner assist 300 series Cessna is $750.00.
If you don’t have the time then his full service price is $1,100.00. This is base price and as we all know things happen and stuff needs fixed or replaced so that is extra above the base price. I just think that there are shops out there that will be much more reasonable than others and that the cover on the book doesn’t always dictate the price.

These Skymasters are complex aircraft, compared to a 172, so expect to have high maintenance costs. The more they have, like turbo, pressurization, air conditioning, the more it is going to cost to maintain them. Mine is simpler, normal aspirated and non-pressurized. I like it that way. But these are complex machines. Buying the airplane is the easy part, maintaining it will be the real challenge. Buying is fixed price, you can prepare yourself to buy but on the contrary, maintenance is an unknown, this is where the rubber meets the road. A well maintained used Skymaster with mid times that has been flown regularly will always be a better choice than the low time not flown for the last 2 years ramp queen. A pre buy by a qualified maintenance person that knows Skymasters in a must. Don’t ever attempt to do a pre buy with the seller’s maintenance shop or someone that does not know Skymasters. You will be asking for disaster.

There are a lot of Skymasters out there on the market right now and I am sure that some of them are great airplanes. But watch out because I have seen some that look really inviting that may carry a vicious bite. It’s a buyers market and I would buy a Skymaster that has the most candy that I am looking for, especially in the avionics arena. In today’s market you will spend literally as little as 25% of the value of new for some upgraded panels. I would buy all the goodies I could on the right plane.

I will be in Oshkosh from Saturday thru Tuesday. Parking with all the Cessna’s in the North 40. Look us up.

Roger 07-08-10 08:51 AM

Thanks for your responses on your maintenance. However I think the question we have here is what is the cost of "ownership" of a good Skymaster, not necessarily what is the cost of any given annual or years maintenance.

If I'm not mistaken, Herb's bird is essentially "perfect", and has been maintaned and operated in a manner that has placed it in a position to not be expensive to maintain. Conversely a Skymaster that has sat out on the ramp unused and un-maintained for the past 3 years, with close to runout engines, will be extremely expensive to bring to the condition of your plane.

Of course this is a complete guess, but I would imagine you value your plane in the $130g- range, vs a runout which would be worth in the $30g range.

If so, then the premis that one could buy a decent 337 in the $30,000 range, put a few thousand in it, and fly off into the sunset is still incorrect. You may get away with it by buying a $60,000 plane, and maintain it to a bare minimum, but it certainly wouldn't be something that many of us would be interested in flying.

The idea is that you pay one way or the other. Time (ie the year 2010 vs 1990) is only relevant as related to the condition of the plane. This because when the price of a new plastic plane is $500,000, the value of a real airplane stays relatively constant, as related to it's condition (not what year we currently find ourselves in).

So I stand by my premis that you can pay now, or you can pay later. But you are not going to get out of paying in the $80g-$100g range to own a Skymaster that is worth flying.

hharney 07-08-10 12:59 PM

My intentions of the above post was to point out the difference in maintenance shops based on feedback from Ed and others. I agree with Roger that buying a ramp queen at a low price is, as stated in my message, the easy part of ownership. Maintaining it will be the challenge. I have an advantage with my plane because I have owned it for 34 years. I know every screw and rivet. But that doesn't mean that I can get a break on a high priced shop for an annual. Some shops just have higher costs.

My plane is nowhere near perfect. Thanks for the compliment but it is still a 42 year old Cessna that has had some passionate care. The blue book says $78,000.00 is the value and before the interior and paint it was $60,000.00. I spent well in excess of $50K for all the refurbish last year and will no way see a return. But then I didn't do the refurbish to make money. I did it to enjoy a nice airplane that I know intimately. I felt I could justify the cost of the refurbish because of the sentimental value the family has in this aircraft.

I also own a Twin Commanche. I have found this to be similar to the Skymaster in operating costs. The aircraft is a simpler airframe given that Piper made only 3 models and they all were almost identical in build. The service manual for the TwinCo serves all models and the parts are almost identical for all twins and single Commanche's. I have found that I can achieve annual costs very similar to the Skymaster using the same system.

However you look at it you don't buy these aircraft for an investment. They are worse than home ownership. It is a constant maintenance program to keep these 42 year old planes safely in the air. Don't think that you can just buy one of these type aircraft for a low price and maintain like a 172. It just won't work. I owned a 172 also. Speaking from experience here, as many do from this board. It's a serious venture, not to be taken lightly.

stratobee 07-14-10 12:24 AM

It seems I've found a quick way of financing that Riley Rocket now - just get a quick STC for new cowl flap motors and sell them for $200, done deal. Millionaire within the week..:)

Ernie Martin 07-17-10 12:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't disagree with some of the key points made here, that you need to start with (and pay for) a sound aircraft and that you can't skimp on maintenance, but some of the numbers posted above seem very high and I believe there are ways of flying a reliable aircraft while spending considerably less money.

Let me shock most of you with this: I have been recording the costs of the annual inspections since 2005 and they were $3,540, $2,770, $1,745, $950 and $2,025. That averages $2,200 per year -- and it includes biennial transponder tests!

More on this in a moment (including an image of my actual handwritten records and how I achieve it) but let me talk reliability. I fly mostly over water, typically Florida to the Bahamas, with my family. Several families who also own aircraft will routinely ask me to take their children and grandchildren on my flights ("Ernie, you got a seat on your Thursday flight?"), and yet will not let these same children aboard other private twins, including twins where I sometimes serve as their consultant and I know they spend $10,000 - $20,000 each annual. Why? Because these families trust the reliability of my Skymaster, which I have been flying to the islands for over a decade. In short, I may cut costs but not corners.

There is an entire thread on maintenance costs at where members were asked by the then Administrator to share their costs. The last message on the first page is mine and explains how I achieve these numbers. In part: we do most of the work on the ramp (not an FBO); I do some of the work, including all the AD compliance paperwork (I'm an aerospace engineer but not an A&P) and will be hands-on during the entire annual; I try to find apprentice A&Ps to do much of the labor intensive work (depaneling and in my case sanding and painting corrosion because the plane sits outside); I aggressively search for parts (details are in that message); but most importantly because I have an A&P who knows 337s intimitately, has been doing my annuals for 10 years, is a friend who I pamper and essentially supervises the labor and limits himself to the actual inspections (compression check, flap cables, etc.).

One way of buying a sound aircraft at lower cost is to find one without the latest avionics. If it has reliable radios and transponder, if the engines, props, landing gear and airframe have been meticulously maintained -- with the records and ADs to show it, and after a rigorous pre-purchase inspection -- and if you find the owner HAVING to sell, then that's your aircraft. This takes advantage of the marvelous hand-held avionics now on the market.

One note, however, now in the opposite direction. Most of the numbers you see in this thread, including mine, don't have engine and prop reserves. If you fly 100 hours a year like I do, I figure $2,000 per year in reserves. Also, I occasionally have maintenance between the annual inspections; I don't keep a record of this but I believe it is under $2,000 per year. So add reserves and miscellaneous maintenances and I have annual maintenance costs of about $6,000 per year.

I realize that my situation is atypical. But if you can find an A&P who works on the ramp and knows and likes to work on Skymasters, and if you start with a sound aircraft (my current 1973 337G was maintained by the Ohio State University FBO before I purchased it), and you are willing to do some of the work, then your maintenance costs should be under $10,000 annually, including reserves.

Now add other costs which should be easy to compute (hangar/tie-down, fuel, etc.) and you can get a fairly accurate picture of what's ahead.


Paul Sharp 08-22-10 07:04 PM

I agree with Roger and also with Ernie. You are going to spend around $80K-100K either now or later. And if that doesn't suit your budget you should look for something else to do for fun.

My worst annual was $11K+, the next worst $8K+, and the average is around $4-5K. I've O/H'd an engine recently @ $35,000, and over the years added IFR GPS for $10K, repainted @ $10K, new boots @ $20K, new heater @ $5K, etc. I've owned the plane for over 10 years. If someone buys it there are lotsof things they won't have to do because I've kept it up, but I don't intend to give it to up for any $40K. If they find one for $30-40K, they'll be putting a bunch of money into it.

You can take your pick: pay now or later. Bad mouth the asking prices if you want, but you aren't likely to escape reality.

stratobee 08-23-10 02:19 AM

With all due respect, I think some of you are still a little bit reluctant to accept just how bad the times are. For all aircraft, not just for Skymasters.

Let's look at some real world examples:


Halftime engines. $39.000. On the market for 208 days.


More than 2/3's left on engines, $49.500, on the market for 327 days.

The list goes on ad nauseum on

All I'm saying is that obviously the buyers are not finding them rightly priced, or they would not be sitting on the shelf this long. So the notion that you pay either up front or later is not entirely true. What you spend on them to keep them up is not something you'll get back in todays market.

Roger 08-23-10 10:57 AM


With all due respect, you really do not seem to have a clue. Your first example has NO LOGS. If you have ever owned an airplane, you would know what that means, and if not, then it's not even worth talking about.

Your second example is listed as a 1965G. Well that's real nice, except there is no such thing as a 1965G. So I would suggest that once again you are attemptng to compare something that doesn't exist.

I can't even find the third example, but I would imagine it's not much different than the first two.

I think it's great that you are looking, but you seem to be living in the twighlight zone as to cost, operations and maintenance, which is exactally what this web-board is all about.

I personally am done responding to this dream sequence in a bad movie. The next thing you know, Bobby will wake up in the shower.

Cole5Oh5 08-23-10 07:14 PM

Not BOBBY!!!
Yo, STATOBEE, Hang on there, Dude.
If you were looking for a reasonably priced Skymaster, why aren't you bidding on one of those??

Spend your money, or NOT, and stop the whining. A Skymaster is not in expensive, but then neither is a good woman. So, you can pick up a cheap one, spend major money to get her to where you want, or spend a little more and get one that someone else has already poured their hard earned money into.
Take a look at my tag line, you'll get what I mean. :D :D

Ed Coffman 08-24-10 12:40 AM

Exactly! As a young 20 year old lady years ago told a 40 year old friend of mine. "Honey, you can drive a Ferrari or a station wagon. It is your choice" He picked the Ferrari until she turned into a station wagon.
Plymouth gtx

Ernie Martin 08-24-10 10:55 AM

While I don't disagree with the above, let me offer some hope based on my experience.

There are occasional opportunities, where a person HAS to sell and you can pick up an aircraft at, say, $20,000 under market value. Eight years ago, after selling my first Skymaster, I bought my 337G with half-time engines, updated avionics and maintained by the Ohio State university FBO for $71,000, when market was close to $100,000. But I was without an airplane for about 6 months, looking for such an opportunity (the seller had been using it for business and had already bought a larger aircraft to accomodate growth, so the Skymaster was just a liability on his balance sheet) and I negotiated hard.

If you have mechanical skills (or a friend who does) and lots of time, and can use some of the tips in this forum to buy parts, you may be able to find an aircraft with some deficiencies that can be brought to a satisfactory standard at a total price within your budget. The trick here is a) to make sure you know exactly what's wrong (that you are later pleasantly surprised when there is LESS wrong than you thought, and not the opposite) and b) to leverage the deficiencies to reduce the price BEYOND what the deficiencies suggest (take market value, deduct for repair of the deficiencies at full FBO labor/parts rates, and deduct another $20,000 for uncertainties and for the fact that in its current condition the aircraft attracts 90% less buyers).

But both of these examples still require that you find an expert to determine condition and, in the second case, the remedies and the resources to accomplish them. End result should be a fully airworthy aircraft, not an accident waiting to happen.


stratobee 08-25-10 01:35 PM

Ernie, I think everyone is missing the point. I'm not talking about odd opportunities. Those exist in all markets and like you said, are rather random. Right time, right place kind of things.

I was merely reflecting on the fact that overall prices have decreased. This has obviously upset many people here and I'm made out to be the bad guy, so I might as well just embrace that since the damage is already done. I understand that my views are in-popular on a board where most people have paid for something they thought would if not increase in value, at least not decrease. Believe me that this is not something I obviously wish upon you, I'm just observing this a a spectator and a potential buyer.

My point was alway this:

A real depreciation in overall valuations across the board for aircraft, whether you have new engines or clapped out ones, whether it's in mint condition or has flown 100.000hrs, whether it's a Cessna 337 or a Luscombe.

The same depreciation has not happened on the maintenance side (in fact the opposite), so there's a bigger gap between what you can get for your aircraft when you sell it, and what has gone into it in parts and maintenance. All that effort and those parts will not get rewarded come selling time.

So, sure, a clapped out 337 that you want to make mint will cost you tons, this I completely agree with. But the point I was making was that the same clapped out or dolled up 337 5-10 years ago would cost twice as much as it does today. Nothing in the aircraft has changed, just the economic times.

Paul Sharp 08-25-10 03:52 PM

Strotobee, looking at your overall responses on this thread, I'm afraid I have to agree with the others. You aren't living in the real world.

Roger 08-25-10 04:58 PM

OK, this is my last response. really, really the last one :)

There are very few mechanical devices that you can buy that do not depreciate. Boats, planes, cars, lawn mowers, chain saws, etc.. all depreciate. Some things even become obsolete like CRT computer screens, sony Walkmen, 3-wheelers, etc.. which regardless of their condition or age, make them go even boyond depreciation to essentially no value.

So the question seems to be: where does an aircraft fall into the zone of depreciation? To this there is no easy answer because an airplane is virtually the only mechanical device on the planet that has a set parameter of maintenace and repair that MUST be maintained to allow it to be used. Likewise many if not all of the components therein are repairable, exchangeable and or ungradeable.

So the answer to "did the set value of a particular aircraft substantially decline in the past 5 years" has about 5 components, and under some circumstances the aircraft could actually be worth more, depending on the condition therein.

So yes, out there somewhere are aircraft that have gone down in value in x years. But for example if I was even inclined to sell mine, I would not sell it for less than I paid for it about 4 years ago. This because my plane is worth more than I paid for it 4 years ago by they way I have maintaned it, and the upgrades I have done to it.

So Strato you may find what you are looking for out there, but you won't. Because a) it really doesn't exist in a condition that is flyable for a value you think is fair and b) you will never do it anyway because on one hand you are talking about saving pennies, but weren't you the guy that was talking about having it set up to ferry back and forth to Europe? This whole thing is like the Twighlight Zone.

Buy a 150. They are pretty cool, and it would allow you to get the feel for owning an aircraft. Then once you've had it for a couple of years, sell it for less and buy something else :)

stratobee 08-25-10 05:23 PM

I appreciate you coming out of retirement for me Roger;)

But what everyone is trying to convince me of (but mostly themselves) is this:

1. You buy an aircraft that's perfect, but has run out engines for 50K.
2. You replace engines for 70K.
3. You turn around and can now sell for 120K.

This won't happen in todays market.

I think what has skewed everything is that for a very short while, aircraft prices actually appreciated due to a)demand, b) the good times and c) the lack of new alternatives. All those three parameters are no longer there and this has had a profound effect on used aircraft pricing. I know, because I've been a closet buyer for 10 years, it's only now I have the funds.

Add the uncertainty of the SID's, 100LL and no Mogas alternative on top and plain and simple, you're not going to get back what you put into it, at least not a Skymaster (who already was a fish-out-of-water in the used market). This was already stated by Edasmus very early on in this thread, but for some reason nobody jumped him, only me.

I did miss a 336 very recently and I hope it gets re-listed (it didn't sell) again as it seemed like a manageable project for me, I was just not quick enough on it.

ipasgas1 08-25-10 07:32 PM

I tend to agree with Strato. I got out of my Skymaster a couple years ago and went to a single. I have regretted it and have not been comfortable flying since. As such, I am planning on another twin. I would love another Skymaster but I would not buy one at the price some folks are asking because you would never get back out of it. It is a great plane but the demand is declining, age is increasing, and the wing SID isn't going to help a bit. I'm not sure why everyone jumped on Strato for his opinion as it is one way to look at things. Skymasters are selling for alot less than they were a couple years ago. I have never seen P's and Riley's as low as they are now. Paul, wasn't your T337 listed at 120K a year ago and is now at 69K? How can you say you can't get a decent 337 at that price? I think your plane is nice but you have had to lower your price like everyone else due to demand and the economy. I'm still selling my Lancair Legacy but once she is gone... it seems like an ideal time for 337 buyers.

tropical 08-25-10 08:11 PM

The entire airplane market is down, not just Skymasters. I've noticed you've had your Lanceair Legacy for sale for a while now also.

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