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SkyMac 12-30-15 06:35 PM

337G Project - Progress
2 Attachment(s)
Good Morning Everyone

Firstly I trust all of you have had a safe and Merry Christmas with family and friends, tomorrow another year begins and happy New year to all.

I thought it was about time I gave a short update on restoration of my 74 337G as it nears completion.

But before I go into more detail, I truly want to recognise Herb, Don Nieser, the team at Preferred Airparts, Yingling and this forum, without all the assistance completing this mammoth task would not have been possible.

And I am sure I will be calling on the expertise of this forum as we start to de-bug once it is operational.

So where are we?

I am now 5 years down the path of the restoration with over 1600hrs into the project, keep in mind I spend up to 7 months of the year overseas with work. Firstly my aim was to keep the aircraft as original as possible, therefore I have scoured the world for many new parts.

Since arriving back into Aus just over a week ago both engines and props have been installed (just doing the plumbing) refurbished exhaust and new baffle rubbers (McFarlane) should be fitted in the next couple of days.

Every nut, bolt and washer that was removed has been replaced with new, all hydraulics actuators have been rebuilt, hoses replaced and electric pump O/H. Instruments either rebuilt or replaced with original, complete new set of circuit breakers and new terminals fitted, new cables, fuel tanks removed and repaired, new tyres, brakes and bearings, rebuilt front leg, new plastics, new leather interior, rebuilt yokes, rebuilt cowl flap systems, all new micro switches everywhere, a strip and repaint naturally and the list goes on..........and yes SiD's have been completed.

I feel there is still approx. 200hrs to go before we attach wings, booms etc. Before any of you ask, yes I am still married! very patient wife and she doesn't like being in small planes.

The cost so far, lets say it's considerable, but worth every bit to bring this back to better than showroom condition.

A little bit of history, it took me 2 years to find a suitable 337G to undertake a project of this extent, one that was complete but not loved. OK so I have gone way beyond what I originally planned, but I am looking at this old girl as part of the family and it will see my flying days out.

Anyway I have recorded every minute I have spend removing and replacing each component, nut, bolt etc and in doing so come to learn that patience is something you need with aircraft, deep pockets and very small hands which I don't have. You might say I could have bought one cheaper in operational condition and flown it straight away, but think of all experience I would have missed out on and all the great connections I have made along the way.

Main thing, the end is near!

So a couple of photo's of the engines installed this week.

Aircraft details
1974G SN337-1575
Airframe TT 1953hrs
FE IO- 360G 553 SFRM - Calender 12 years to go (Just been bulk stripped and freshened up, rings, bearing etc)
FP 227 S O/H - Including Gov
RE IO-360GB1B 589 SFRM - Calender 8 years to go
RP 227 s O/H - Including Gov

Everything else is new.

hharney 12-30-15 11:30 PM

Exceptional work Dave and the engines look great. I see all the sound proofing leftovers behind the rear engine......thanks for the compliment, just trying to keep this message board alive. My passion runs deep for these aircraft. Can't wait until we hear the day it flies and one of these days I will be back down to OZ to look you up.


edasmus 12-31-15 09:42 AM

Awesome! Fantastic! Very cool and you're gonna enjoy that airplane!

kilr4d 03-23-17 03:17 PM


Was there a thread for the finished aircraft?

SkyMac 03-23-17 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi John

No final update, it will come soon. Again O/S so everything comes to a halt whilst I am away. Good news is everything is done except for refitting the new interior.

Engines runs are now done, below is a photo from my guys after the engine runs and on it's way back to the hanger to be tucked away until I return.

*Refit new interior
* Then fly!!!


kilr4d 03-23-17 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by SkyMac (Post 21480)
Hi John

No final update, it will come soon. Again O/S so everything comes to a halt whilst I am away. Good news is everything is done except for refitting the new interior.

Engines runs are now done, below is a photo from my guys after the engine runs and on it's way back to the hanger to be tucked away until I return.

*Refit new interior
* Then fly!!!


Looks incredible Dave. You must be DYING to get up in the air.

AP AVM 03-25-17 12:17 PM

Great to another Skymaster was restored as a restoration project. I thought I was the only aircraft Nut to take a Skymaster restoration on these forms. Your bird looks great and as others I can't wait to see your aircraft fly again!

Here you can see all the updates of my project. I have sourced 5th n 6th seats, first parts for interior and couple of control yokes that will be arriving soon.

SkyMac 04-14-17 07:07 PM

Hi Everyone

Just landed back in Aus, I had the guys bring the aircraft out storage and into the maintianence hanger during the week in readiness for my return. One more internal flight to go.

I will post some more photos as I refit the new interior over the next few days, W&B booked in for week after next, then COA.

Then fly!!!


SkyMac 05-07-17 06:09 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Hi Everyone

Well a busy few weeks, lots of evenings and big weekends since getting back into Aus finishing the old bus.

Interior back in, W&B done, just waiting for the CoA, avionics sign off, then off we go.

I have a question and an ask, I need help from those having 74G. They are related to the middle seat (been 7 years since it was disassembled) and the manual is just not that specific.

First question: When you move the white knob located on the front lower right of the seat base which releases the back rest's, do they spring forward by themselves?

The ask : Middle seatbelt locations, I am not happy with the location, could I get a photo of the belt mounting on another 74G for the middle seat.

Some photo's of the interior......


kilr4d 05-07-17 06:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by SkyMac (Post 21610)

First question: When you move the white knob located on the front lower right of the seat base which releases the back rest's, do they spring forward by themselves?

Yes they do...I've attached a picture of mine a couple weeks ago prior to interior removal. Not great pic, but....


Originally Posted by SkyMac (Post 21610)
The ask : Middle seatbelt locations, I am not happy with the location, could I get a photo of the belt mounting on another 74G for the middle seat.

Send me your email address and I'll send you a link to my album of interior pics prior to taking it apart.

Your aircraft looks just amazing btw.

SkyMac 06-29-17 07:34 AM

Hi Everyone

Latest news, yesterday after 7 years and a total ground up restoration the old girl flew for the first time.

A 20 minute flight to check the basics, then back on deck for a thorough inspection. All good and back in the air for 70 minute flight, again testing all systems numerous times.

Finally we finished the day with another 60 minutes of flying conducting more checks.

We are all set to commence some cross country flights as we bed in the front engine.

Stalls like a dream, clean and dirty. Handles brilliantly, easy to stabilise and trim, then hands off.


Pictures to follow.

kilr4d 06-29-17 08:33 AM

Congrats. Can't wait for pics.

SkyMac 07-18-17 03:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone

The only close up photo I have of the old girl getting airborne. Taken a couple of Sundays ago on it's first 2.7hr cross country run. We flew to a small airport along the way which was having a fly-in for the day with some warbirds present.

Since then the weather has not been great, hoping to be out again on some more cross country runs as we finish running in engines.


edasmus 07-18-17 02:17 PM

Awesome! Good for you! Beautiful looking Skymaster!!!

kilr4d 07-18-17 08:24 PM

Looks fantastic...get a GoPro going!!

AP AVM 07-19-17 09:47 PM

Huge Congratulations to you and your team on very very successful restoration and maiden flight! It's a very proud moment for you and your team. Love to hear all the tribulations, ups n downs you went through the whole restoration process.

On this huge success, I like to invite you to fly your beautiful girl to CYKF at our airport's Aviation Fun Day and join us to celebrate 50th birthday of AVM and all other C337B models including O2A/Bs on August 26th.
Since we are in between restoring our girl, it will be great to have you and your bird in the group of Skymasters that are flying-in between US and Canada.

kilr4d 07-20-17 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by AP AVM (Post 21735)
...I like to invite you to fly your beautiful girl to CYKF...

I think he's going to be a little light on fuel. :p

hharney 07-22-17 05:48 PM

Big hoorays from Michigan Dave, brilliant job mate. Hope to see you some time soon in OZ

SkyMac 02-13-18 03:07 AM

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Morning Chaps

I thought it was time I gave a quick update on the old girl, and yes I will post some photos :). We managed to put 12hrs of flight time in before I spent the last 4 months of 2017 O/S. Majority of the flights were short and within an hour of the airport, with the odd cross country run as well.

December 27th we hit the skies over NSW once more, this time all cross country with flights between 2 & 3 hours. Over the next few weeks we put another 15hrs of flight time as I became more familiar with the old bus.

The plane has performed brilliantly.

Now back O/S once more, she is fuelled and ready for my return in a couple of months.

PS: Absolutely worth every cent and the man hours to bring her back to life, just can't stop smiling.

kilr4d 02-13-18 09:14 AM

Fantastic. You've done an incredible job.

Keep building up those hours.

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