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edasmus 03-07-19 02:33 PM

SkyBeacon for my SkyMaster
2 Attachment(s)
Just had my IA install the u-Avionix SkyBeacon ADS-B OUT 978 UAT on the pilot side wing tip of my 1973 C337G during the annual inspection. After emailing u-Avionix with pictures of my wing tip configuration, they assured me installing the unit under the plastic lens would cause no problem for SkyBeacon. I was also concerned about the proximity to my strobe light immediately behind the SkyBeacon and they assured me that it would cause no interference either. I do have the option of running another power wire to the unit and utilizing the SkyBeacon's strobe light however at this time I chose not to do that for simplicity of the install.

I have not had the opportunity to configure the unit as of yet however the app provided by uAvionix looks very straight forward. I will do this after completion of the annual inspection as well as take a flight and have the FAA email a status report of my ADS-B OUT performance. I'll report back then with results.

The install was very easy with the trimming of the plastic lens cover to accommodate the blade antenna taking the most time. My IA said 2 hours in all.

Attached are two photos....

FlyGuy 03-08-19 05:34 PM

SkyBeacon question
Is it only certified to 18,000'? I'm trying to figure out if you could install it in a P337H certified to 20,000'?


edasmus 03-08-19 05:57 PM

Yes, this unit is a 978 UAT OUT only useable only in the United States below Class A airspace. This unit would not be practical for your purpose if you intend to fly at 18,000 feet or above (in Class A airspace) or outside the USA. You could install it on your airplane but would then be limited to altitudes below 18,000 feet after January 1st 2020.

You really need a 1090 OUT to realize the full capibility of your airplane. Those units are significantly more money. I installed the Stratus 1090 ESG Transponder in another airplane 2+ years ago and the total cost was $6500.00 less the $500 FAA rebate that I took advantage of at that time.

Hope this helps. Good Luck!


FlyGuy 03-09-19 06:42 AM

That's what I thought from the paperwork Ed, thanks. I'm just examining the options for potential buyers.


Ernie Martin 03-11-19 02:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ed, I noted your installation of a wingtip u-Avionix SkyBeacon ADS-B OUT, but did you consider Garmin's GDL 82 unit? The price is about the same and, for my Skymaster with a Garmin GTN 650 which can provide a GPS source, the installation is just as simple, perhaps even simpler (see image below).

I wonder if you or anyone else has installed the GDL 82 and can report on the installation.

Ernie Martin

GAdams 03-11-19 05:07 PM

I'm now installing a Stratus 1090 OUT in my 337D model. It will be finished this week. It's costing $4K. I did not have a WAAS source so I went this route. I have a 530 and a Garmin 330 transponder. I figured by the time I upgrade the 530 to WAAS and the 330 to ADS B out I'm not gaining much and I wind up with an old GPS and an old Transponder, for more money. This way I can fly until the 530 dies and up grade then. My dealer took the transponder in trade. Net $4K

cessnadriver 03-12-19 11:32 AM

SkyBeacon for my SkyMaster
Ernie. I purchased the Garmin 82 but have yet to install it. Waiting for warmer weather. I'll let you and SOAPA members know how it went after the install. I have an avionics guy around here that has installed 6 Garmin 82 in different type airplanes and said they are very simple to install BUT 4 out of 6 failed the FAA performance check DUE TO THE OLDER ENCODER INSTALLED. The old encoders had to be replaced but afterwards the FAA checks passed.
Regards, BILLS A&P C337 owner

edasmus 03-12-19 01:41 PM

Hi Ernie, and yes I did consider the GDL 82 and others. Just my opinion, the SkyBeacon seemed easiest to install but even more importantly it did not require one second of anyone crawling around the airplane or behind the panel. I'm all for that as you can't have a MIF (maintenance induced failure) if no one is touching anything. I love my shop and mechanics. They have done well for me over the years but I prefer to not create opportunities for them to put their hands "IN" my airplane. Just my opinion. I'm certainly no expert.

For what is worth, I installed the Stratus 1090 ESG OUT/IN transponder in my other airplane several years ago. I've since sold that airplane. That airplane had a really crappy transponder so it made more sense to so that. It was WAY more expensive than the SkyBeacon. Hopefully u-Avionix is around for the long haul and hopefully their device stands the test of time. I decided to take the gamble. We'll see, time will tell.



BTW Ernie, Glad to see you're back. I always enjoy your posts and I haven't seen you around much lately. Hope your G model is treating you well. I still love mine!

Ernie Martin 03-22-19 06:21 PM

Thanks, Ed. I've had a bunch of stuff, none critical -- divorce, new house, etc. But I'm still flying and now looking for ADS-B Out.


n86121 03-23-19 10:06 AM

There is no enforcement of 18k limit for UAT
FAA has no authority nor means to enforce the 18k ft 'limit' for UAT.
At that altitude be reassured that radar and TCAS will see your 1090 transponder quite well.

edasmus 03-28-19 01:20 PM

I have flown multiple times now with the new SkyBeacon. The configuration via my phone was very easy and the unit is working as designed. Multiple requests from the FAA's website for ADS-B performance reports confirm the unit's proper operation. If the unit stands up to the test of time, I would imagine they will be quite popular. So far so good! I would recommend this product if it fulfills the user's requirements. I'll report if my opinion ever changes. u-Avionix has been outstanding in response to any questions via email!


Skymaster337B 01-22-20 02:07 AM

UAvionix also has a tail light sky beacon. Looks like a much simpler install. Anybody put one on a Skymaster yet?

cessnadriver 01-22-20 07:59 AM

SkyBeacon for my SkyMaster
Hello ALL. I finished installing the Garmin 82 it was a breeze, as mentioned before I had to get another transponder, my Collins 750 , wasn't up to the standards. Purchased an avionics shops' loaner, Collins 750. Install the GPS antenna on top above the pilot position, and an additional "stick and ball" transponder antenna on the opposite side of the belly beneath my feet.It took about two hours for me, an A&P, to install. As for the new tail light ADB-S. I contacted the manufacturer a couple years ago about the requirement for the tail light unit be in line with the fuselage. They told me that they hadn't planned to have this unit installed on an aircraft that didn't have the tail section "in line" with the fuselage. So I didn't buy that unit. Although I have heard that someone has installed that unit on a Skymaster, using the "OFFSET" distance from antenna to the center line of the aircraft?? For the price and and minimal installation required, which by the way, can be installed by ANY competent A&P that is the way to go. If you purchase the Garmin 82 be sure to buy the harness, it has tiny pins that no one has the crimper for! MY OPINION!! The Garmin 82 is an UAT and NOT 1090 which has the altitude limit of 18,000 ft, can't be flown in any foreign country, to include Canada, Mexico and the islands. Hope this helps. Regards, BILLS

edasmus 01-22-20 03:02 PM

When I was deciding the ADS-B Out solution for my C337G, I specifically emailed uAvionix with a photo of my tail arrangement of my SkyMaster and the view of the transponder antenna and their response was it would work just fine with TailBeacon. The TailBeacon was not available yet but I was waiting for it.

I then asked uAvionix if I could install a SkyBeacon inside the plastic housing of the wingtip as shown in my photos above. As you can see, this is what I elected to do which uAvionix told me would work fine too. They were correct. I have had no issues in 65 hours of flying with it. I did apply the offset through the SkyBeacon AP. Super easy to do. I would assume there is a similar offset with the TailBeacon AP but I cannot speak from experience on this.

It was slightly more labor going the wing tip route but TailBeacon was not out yet at the time and my plane was down for maintenance so I was eager. In the end, to do it over, I would stay with the wing tip option for a few reasons that benefited me but may not you.

Having the unit protected behind plastic seemed a plus but certainly not a requirement. It seemed to offer a a tiny bit of security in that effort to be stolon would be greater though this really isn't of serious concern as without passwords, these unit seemly are useless to anyone up to no good. The largest advantage to me was the option to utilize the strobe light in the future should it become necessary or convenient. My strobe lights are independent however the system is old and I have hunted for parts replacement in the past to keep the system up and running. The uAvionix strobe light would be a convenient alternative if a future need is to arise.

I suggest you email uAvionix yourself to confirm TailBeacon is an option for C337. They were always quick to respond to my questions.

Good Luck. I'm quite certain you will be satisfied.

cessnadriver 01-22-20 07:09 PM

SkyBeacon for my SkyMaster
edasmus. That's great to hear you had a good experience with the wing ADS-B!
As I stated the Garmin 82 was the right fit for me, and hopefully for other 337 owners. Regards, BILLS.

dan1000 01-22-20 08:56 PM

I had one installed on N70S. The shop charged me 2 hours for the installation, including doing all the paperwork, etc. I am extremely pleased with mine.

Note the limitation to flying below FL180, since the current TailBeacon is only 978MHz, not 1090ES. But uAvionix has announced a 1090ES version (but not a release date). When that comes along, I may swap mine out for one of those, and sell my current one. Not in any hurry to do so though, I rarely fly above 17,500.


Skymaster337B 01-22-20 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by edasmus (Post 24302)
When I was deciding the ADS-B Out solution for my C337G, I specifically emailed uAvionix with a photo of my tail arrangement of my SkyMaster and the view of the transponder antenna and their response was it would work just fine with TailBeacon. The TailBeacon was not available yet but I was waiting for it.

I then asked uAvionix if I could install a SkyBeacon inside the plastic housing of the wingtip as shown in my photos above. As you can see, this is what I elected to do which uAvionix told me would work fine too. They were correct. I have had no issues in 65 hours of flying with it. I did apply the offset through the SkyBeacon AP. Super easy to do. I would assume there is a similar offset with the TailBeacon AP but I cannot speak from experience on this.

It was slightly more labor going the wing tip route but TailBeacon was not out yet at the time and my plane was down for maintenance so I was eager. In the end, to do it over, I would stay with the wing tip option for a few reasons that benefited me but may not you.

Having the unit protected behind plastic seemed a plus but certainly not a requirement. It seemed to offer a a tiny bit of security in that effort to be stolon would be greater though this really isn't of serious concern as without passwords, these unit seemly are useless to anyone up to no good. The largest advantage to me was the option to utilize the strobe light in the future should it become necessary or convenient. My strobe lights are independent however the system is old and I have hunted for parts replacement in the past to keep the system up and running. The uAvionix strobe light would be a convenient alternative if a future need is to arise.

I suggest you email uAvionix yourself to confirm TailBeacon is an option for C337. They were always quick to respond to my questions.

Good Luck. I'm quite certain you will be satisfied.

What is an “offset through the Skybeacon AP”?

edasmus 01-23-20 05:53 PM

The "offset" is (going from memory here) configuring the system through the AP on your phone that tells the unit where on the airplane it is located relative to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft and relative to the nose of the aircraft. So on my airplane the SkyBeacon being on the wingtip was about 18 feet offset from the longitudinal axis and about 8 feet aft of the nose. I do not have the exact numbers of what I used but hopefully you get the idea. I guess the beacon accounts for that offset when transmitting it's position. Seems a little crazy to me that that level of accuracy is needed. I figure if the beacon is transmitting from anywhere attached to the airplane, that ought to do it terms of accuracy but what I know?

It is very easy to do so I simply did what I was told via the instructions provided by uAvionix.

If that step was skipped, it is difficult for me to imagine any negative consequence but again, what do I know?

loy53 01-23-20 11:34 PM

sky beacon
I installed a tail light sky beacon last month in my 65 skymaster
very easy to install & uAvionix was very helpful with some assistance
that I needed.


hharney 01-27-20 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by cessnadriver (Post 24299)
The Garmin 82 is an UAT and NOT 1090 which has the altitude limit of 18,000 ft, can't be flown in any foreign country, to include Canada, Mexico and the islands. Hope this helps. Regards, BILLS

Not sure what islands you are referring to but as of now the popular Bahamas Islands DO NOT require ADS-b. Mexico and Canada require 1090 ES (not 978UAT)

BTW, 4 Skymasters registered to do the Bahamas Flying Adventure this year. We will be departing March 22 for the Exumas and have 16 airplanes total going.

dan1000 01-27-20 09:25 AM

Don't forget - Canada's timing is different
The first ADS-B deadline in Canada is January 1, 2021. Until then, no ADS-B is required anywhere in Canada.

Thereafter, until January 1, 2022, ADS-B is only required in Canada in Class A airspace, which is all at or above 18,000 feet (and starts even higher in the far north, above 72 degrees latitude).

After January 1, 2022, ADS-B is required in Canada in Class A and B airspace, and it must be the 1090ES ADS-B and have antenna diversity (antenna on both top and bottom of aircraft).

Here's a good summary for those who want to read more.

Hope this helps those flying into Canada :)


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