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djarrett 02-02-10 05:28 PM

Sun and Fun
What is happening? Were starting to plan our trip to the sun and florida and maybe the bahamas for some fishing and or maybe NASCAR racing or some baseball. I will not stay for the entire week so I would like to know when most folks want to arrive and leave. Will we have any organized meetings, or dinners or whats happening.
See you at Lakeland

Dave and Yvonne Jarrett

hharney 02-13-10 02:33 PM

Spring Break coming up
4 Attachment(s)
Here is the info on the SOAPA fly-in.

SOAPA 2010 is joining the excitement with Sun N' Fun in Lakeland, Florida. The premier aviation event for springtime fun for pilots. You don't want to miss this opportunity. How many times have you said to yourself, "I would really like to attend Sun N' Fun?" Well, now is your chance, with the Cessna Skymaster group to meet you there. It will be the one fly-in this year you will not want to miss. Sun N' Fun has become the event to attend with more than 450 educational forums, seminars and "hands-on" workshops; plus more than 500 commercial exhibitors who offer aviation products and services including all the major aircraft manufacturers; daily air show plus additional night air show on Friday, April 16; more than 5,000 aircraft of every size and shape.

SOAPA will kick off (Monday April 12) in Daytona Beach with a reception accompanied by locals Paul Rooy and Mary Lightfine. Everyone will arrive at the New Smyrna Beach Airport (EVB) just south of Daytona (DAB) on Monday April 12. After the arrival the party begins at 6 PM local, featuring sunset drinks, seafood dinner, island music, and "How To Fly To Sun 'N Fun". This will be the start of the 2010 SOAPA fly-in. Enjoy the time to talk with passionate fellow Skymaster owners and pilots, enjoy the warm ocean breeze that only Florida's coast can provide. We will plan to discuss the arrival into Lakeland before dinner, so be prepared to copy notes for this exciting opportunity to fly as a group. All information on the arrival procedure to Sun N' Fun is available on the SNF website It is highly recommended that you visit the website to download and print the pilot arrival procedures information. This will be very important to have as a reference as the group attends the briefing before dinner. After all the briefing information is presented its time to PARTY!

Tuesday morning will start at the New Smyrna Beach Airport (EVB) at 8 AM local with a recap briefing on the arrival at Sun N' Fun airport in Lakeland (LAL). Please be at the EVB airport no later than 7:55 AM. We will depart New Smyrna Beach and make our way to Sun N' Fun as a group flight. When we arrive Lakeland airport we will land and park together in the camping area parking. For those that are camping at their aircraft you will be ready to set up. That evening will be a Skymaster Happy Hour at the Sun 'N Fun Sunset Grill at 6 PM.

Wednesday will begin with a field trip to the seaplane fly-in lake. Then Wednesday evening will be a Cook-out at the Skymaster Tents Camping area or a pavillion (to be confirmed) and the business meeting.

We would hope that all can stay for some more Sun N' Fun through the rest of the week. There will be plenty of aircraft to see, airshows in the afternoon, evening get together, exhibit halls to explore and sun to bask in. Come for the entire week.

The registration form is now available. Please complete and send in by March 31. This only confirms that you will be attending and does not reserve any accommodations in Daytona Beach or Sun N' Fun. Please visit the Sun N' Fun website for information or call 863-644-2431 for details.


We will be parking in the Overnight Aircraft Camping area (ONC) at Sun 'N Fun. If you plan to camp at your aircraft there is a $25 per night fee for camping. If you plan to just park and have other arrangements for overnight, you will still be parking in the ONC area but will not be charged for parking or camping. Sun 'N Fun has set this up for SOAPA so that we can all park together and allow those that want to camp do so in this area. This should work out really good. We can have our dinner event at the aircraft parking area. When you go the Sun 'N Fun website to register you CAN NOT pre-buy camping space in the ONC area. Just register and buy your daily passes for the show and once we park at Sun 'N Fun in the ONC area those that want to camp will register on-site.

travis 02-18-10 01:01 PM


My wife and I will be at Sun n Fun this year with my skymaster. As part of our usual plans we will be working for Aero Adventures out at the Splash In. I will be giving demonstration rides in an Aventura II. I would like to invite all of you to go for a demo ride. I will check and see if I can get SOPA members a discount. The owner of the company flew FAC in the O2 so he has a bit of a sweet spot for the type. Hope to see you there.


hharney 02-18-10 02:16 PM

Sounds really fun Travis, we plan to venture over to the splash in area on Wednesday. What are your suggestions for a group to visit? What should we plan for? How practical is it for all us to take a demo ride? Do you want to park your Skymaster with us in the camping area?

travis 02-18-10 04:37 PM

The Splash In is a rather chaotic event. I really don't know what to expect atthis years event. It is a much smaller show and the lakefront is rather confined so there should be no problem seeing the whole show in a fewhours. I generally take a lunch break during the bomb droping contest. So Generally early afternoon is when the events are up and running. I don't know what the schedule holds for this year.
As for the number of demos I can do... I'm not gonna make any promises there. My single day record is 158 water landings. That's about 65 demos give or take. The purpos of he demo flight is to sell airplanes. But there are allways lots of people who just want a ride! So just come on by and sign up for a ride and well see what can be done.

As for camping... I don't know. I would like to park
the plane there but there are logistical issues I have not yet addressed!

Is there a camping parking fee?

hharney 02-18-10 09:38 PM

Sun N' Fun Camping Fees
The SUN ’n FUN Convention Campground is open from March 10 through April 18, 2010. Camper Registration was relocated in 2008 west of the General Auto Parking (across Medulla Road)

(members only) $260*
Package includes two weekly convention registrations and one weekly campground permit for April 12th - 18th only. Early arrivals - refer to fee schedule below:

(members only) $100*
Does not include required convention registration:

Pre Fly-In Camp 3/10 - 4/4 $20 per night *
Registration Open 4/5 - 4/11 $25 per night + $100 *
Convention Rate 4/12 - 4/15 $100 weekly rate *
April 16 or later $25 per night *

Overnight RV and aircraft camping are available only in designated areas with limited facilities for $25 per night. (not available for online purchase)

Overnight RV Camping is located just east Camper Registration building.

hharney 02-18-10 09:48 PM

2010 Notam - Arrival/departure Procedure
If you plan to fly into LAL, Lakeland Linder Airport at Sun 'N Fun here is the 2010 Notam


hharney 02-21-10 10:25 AM

SOAPA reserved parking at SUN 'N FUN
Once at Sun 'N Fun we will all park together in the ONC (overnight camping) area. Those that camp at the airplane will have to register ($25 per night) and those that just park will not be charged. This way all SOAPA member can park together in the same area.

See the second post in this thread above for more information and attachments.

Roger 02-24-10 11:01 PM

I am a bit confused by the VFR arrival to Mun n Fun. The notam states that we can basically choose our altitude (100 kts 1200MSL) or (150kts at 1700msl) so that's pure choice. But then it goes on to say that if it gets backed up, all twins regardless of speed are to hold at 2200Msl over Lake Parker, and or 3000 Msl over Lake Hancock.

The notam describes how if you are instructed to hold, you are to essentially "follow the leader". But that's not going to work because if one of us is following at 1200msl, or 1700msl we will be required to climb to 2200msl or 3000msl depending on where we are held. I can't imagine that they want us to climb in the hold. So what's the dealeo ? We arrive at 3000, then step down when we don't get held, to then be bounced back up to 3000 a minute later if a delay develops ? Maybe it's too late in the day, but this doesn't look quite right.


hharney 03-12-10 07:37 AM

I don't think it will be an issue. Might be some grey here but we will plan to hang with the 120 speeders.

Will you be joining us?

IS ANYONE ELSE GOING TO SUN 'N FUN??????????????????



stackj 03-12-10 10:10 PM

Not absolutely sure yet, but it appears that Jenny and I will be there on behalf of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

hharney 03-12-10 11:23 PM

Are you joining the mass arrival?

stackj 03-13-10 06:10 AM

No... And worse than that, I will probably be arriving in either a 310 or a 340... one of those silly side-by-side twins.

hharney 03-22-10 04:48 PM

SOAPA Meeting
We have received a total of 2 registrations for SOAPA Fly-in. I need to give the folks at Sun 'N Fun a head count for our Tuesday arrival.






Todd Gessel 03-22-10 07:46 PM

Hey Herb,

I have delayed in responding because I'm not sure yet, but things are looking good so far. Chances are that I will be there. I plan to arrive at EVB on Monday and fly over with the group. I plan to stay 3 or 4 days.

Todd Gessel N53687 1977 337G Normal, Sweet & Not Modified, Not an Oshkosh Winner (yet)

SteveG 03-23-10 10:29 AM

Hi All,

Sandi & I are planning to attend Sn'F again this year although it's always subject to the uncertainty of work, weather, etc. We usually come in the day before the show starts, sometimes two, which in this case would be Monday or possibly Sunday. In previous years we have always camped in GAC. Its proximity to the runway provides a good view of arriving/departing aircraft and the afternoon airshow from the comfort of your campsite along with reasonable access to showers, ice, potable water, etc. The drawback is that in years when a military demonstration team is in the show the campsite lies within the show box and the FAA insists that it be evacuated during their performance. For that reason, and to be closer to any SOAPA aircraft staying in ONC, I am considering moving to VAC this year. The problem with ONC is that it is much further from show central and from camping amenities. Additionally, it is unclear to me if the weeklong camping & admission package price applies to ONC or if the $25/night + admission is the only available ticket. If the latter, this would increase costs by another $100 or so. Getting together in Daytona sounds like fun but my present thinking is to decline the invitation in favor of arriving earlier in the week. Good luck with a group arrival on Tuesday. My bet is that it cannot be safely accomplished. Invariably someone will cut you off in the arrival sequence and disrupt your best laid plans. Well, that's my story for now but subject to revisions as they may become necessary or expedient. Hope to see y'all in a few weeks.

hharney 03-24-10 04:36 PM

Those wanting to Camp at Sun 'N Fun, I am :-), should be able to pay the $100 weekly fee in the ONC area that we will be parked in. If you are not camping then you do not have to pay anything but can still park in the same place with the rest of the Skymasters. We will be parked either East or West of the VOR. Take a look at the airport layout (KLAL) to see where the VOR lies. It should be a good spot for the airshow. I have attached an aerial photo of the field during SNF last year and you can see where we will be.

We can also use a grill for the brats on Wednesday night for the SOAPA gathering. Ed Kalis from Michigan is going to be camping in his motorhome and will have a grill for us to use Wednesday night. Should work out good and a nice time together.

Folks, this is our SOAPA meeting for 2010 so come on down and join us.

I was looking online at Allegiant Air web site and they have one way tickets to St. Pete / Clearwater airport for $59 during Sun 'N Fun week. I don't know if they are around your area but that is cheap. It's about a one hour drive to Lakeland from the St Pete airport. Not a bad way to join us.

If you are planning to join us sometime during the week please let me know so that we can have a place for you to park with us.

Thanks all,

rmorris 03-29-10 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by hharney (Post 15470)
We have received a total of 2 registrations for SOAPA Fly-in. I need to give the folks at Sun 'N Fun a head count for our Tuesday arrival.






I'm in the same boat as others...plans still in flux. But at this point, looking to jojn you all at EVB on Monday and then fly-in together. Probably park with others, but unlikely on the camping part. Quick question on EVB - where is everyone staying on that Mon night?
Ford Sunliner Specifications

hharney 03-29-10 11:29 PM

SOAPA Hotel Monday Night
Sorry about the late posting of the hotel in New Smyrna Beach (EVB), details below.

See ya'll Monday

From Paul Rooy,

Seascape Inn
2601 S. Atlantic Ave.
Daytona Beach Shores
Manager: Debbie.

Highlights: On the beach, heated pool overlooking the beach, complementary buffet breakfast, rooms are $75 and $85, depending on whether you want a kitchen or not.

Alfonso 04-03-10 03:19 AM

Going to SOAPA Fly-in EVB & LAL
Looking forward to joing you all. Best regards, Alfonso.

Cole5Oh5 04-15-10 02:32 PM

It's Wednesday, and is it still Sunny, and are you having Fun?

hharney 04-16-10 08:41 PM

Finally the Report
5 Attachment(s)
Ok, sorry the internet service has not been the greatest. No excuse Right? Well this year Sun 'N Fun should have been called Sun 'N Wind. It has been unreal! 20-25 kts in the afternoon. The airshow folks have been very challenged with the wind. The good thing was it was out of the East and pretty much right down the runway. But we parked in the middle of a huge area by the VOR and no chance to get out of the wind.

This show is great. Many of you have been here but I'm a newby to this event. We had a total of 6 Skymasters, a 182 and a motorhome. We had a wonderful time. Everything came together really well with the reception, BBQ, meeting and presentation by Air Journey. The SOAPA folks that are here have had fun. It's been great to meet some new people and visit. We discussed the SID's at the meeting and that helped to clear up some of the confusion about the new inspections. The real positive thing that has come out of the proposed SID's is that I feel it will make us more aware of inspections on our aircraft when doing annuals and pre-flight inspections. We have a new 2011 committee and a list of potential destinations to meet next year. More to come on that later.

The attendance overall is down a little from previous years, so I am told. But to be expected with the economy. Today there was about another 30 or 40% more airplanes that arrived. Weekend coming so that makes sense.

We are watching the night airshow right now. Pretty cool, shooting fireworks from airplanes.

Here are some photos to get started with the rest of the report. That's Robert Morris getting a ride in the Sea Rey at the Splash In

rmorris 04-16-10 10:08 PM

Sea Rey
That ride over at the slpash in was a hoot. Now I need to buy (and build) the Sea Rey for my getting around the ponds plane, but keep the Skymaster for the long haul stuff.

Really enjoyed meeting everyone (including Sunny Skies from UK/France) over the past few days.

We leave Sunday, so if you haven't stopped by to say hi - do so before that time. We are by Herb's 'best of show' plane, ours is the one close to the runway that makes his look so good.

-Robert Morris
Chrysler Newport Specifications

SteveG 04-18-10 01:34 PM

5 Attachment(s)
A few Sn'F images attached. If you wern't there, a taste of what you missed; if you were there, a reminder of the sun and fun enjoyed by all. It was my pleasure to make some new aquaintenances and renew some old ones. My last hundred miles into home base were through persistent snow showers, what a bummer after a week of sunny & 80. Safe travels to all on your way home.

stackj 04-18-10 03:49 PM

Wow. Sorry we missed you guys! Jenny and I arrived with our Coast Guard contigent on Monday and left on Thursday. We saw about three Skymasters parked together as we were taxiing out, but did not get opportunity to look around too much for them while we were there.

Sounds like you guys had fun. I'm sorry we missed you.

hharney 05-04-10 03:27 PM

SOAPA Sun 'N Fun Video
Here it is, the SOAPA 2010 video. If you have photos or footage of the SOAPA event in Lakeland you can send them to me and I will produce another video.

Many other Skymaster videos on my channel. SOAPA 2007, 2008 and Airventure 2009 plus some Michigan Flyers stuff. Also Skymaster History and Thanks for our Skymaster photo montage.


Paul462 05-17-10 08:32 PM

SOAPA 2010 Fly-In.
Herb - Great job with the video - I'm sorry now we didn't stay for the Friday night air show! The video you did is great - good music choice, and nice interspersion of still & video photography! Thanks for doing it!

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