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kevin 09-06-02 12:34 PM

Link for Adam Aircraft?
Hi folks,

Please read the following email thread, from the bottom to the top, and comment and/or vote as you see fit.




The idea behind the web is to make accessing information easy, by promoting links from site to site. In my own opinion, you seem to want you use the web for your own commercial purposes, without contributing to it in return. I regret that you will not provide a link to our site, as we offer information that would be of great interest to your visitors. I will post this email thread to our site's message board, and ask our members whether they think a link would be appropriate. Please feel free to check back on the site and read the responses, I will post it as a poll so folks can vote on it.

Thanks for your interest in our site.

----- Original Message -----
From: Hughes, Sue
To: 'Kevin Mackenzie'
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: Adam Aircraft Link

Sorry, Kevin. I regret that the only other sites we link to are those of our manufacturing partners (e.g., Teledyne, Hartzell, Garmin). nevertheless, I hope that you'll still consider providing our link to Skymaster owners, since we offer a product that is of such interest to your visitors.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Mackenzie []
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 9:57 AM
To: Hughes, Sue
Subject: Re: Adam Aircraft Link

Only one question I guess Sue, will you provide a reciprocal link on your site?

Thanks for your interest in our site.

----- Original Message -----
From: Hughes, Sue
To: ''
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 8:46 AM
Subject: Adam Aircraft Link

We'd love for your site to include a link to our web site ( Many Skymaster owners have expressed an interest in our new centerline-thrust twin. We suggest the following text:

Adam Aircraft brings you the new, economical A500(tm) aircraft--a 250-knot, centerline-thrust, twin. This six-place aircraft with a cabin class, pressurized interior has an expected service ceiling of 25,000 feet. The inaugural flight of the first production aircraft occurred on July 11, 2002. Appealing to individuals, corporations, and air taxi operators; the A500 is the aviation industry's first, flying response to the AGATE/SATS initiative, a NASA-led program that promotes affordable personal air transportation. For more information, visit or call toll free at 866.AdamAir (232.6247) to speak to a sales representatives.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. Thanks!

Sue Hughes
Adam Aircraft

WebMaster 09-06-02 03:53 PM

I was talking with a skymaster owner in Detroit, who is buying one of the CarbonAero's. I think it is valid that there are skymaster owners who are buying CarbonAero's. I also think it is valid that if they won't reciprocate, AMF.

NOW, if they'd agree to come to our next gathering, with one of their shiny new CarbonAero's, and demonstrate it ( a low pass over the palm trees!!! ), and sit down and talk with the folks who are there, (take some of our seminar time) explain how they improved on the design (after all, they guy behind this had a skymaster), I think that would be a good thing.

Keven 09-06-02 10:24 PM


Their response speaks volumes for itself. If anyone really wants to communicate with these folks, you've provided the link in this thread (an extremely generous measure, if I may add). Otherwise, thanks but no thanks. When they learn to play nice with other kids, maybe, just maybe, then.

My own humble opinion . . . uh uhhh.


stackj 09-06-02 11:39 PM

Play Nicely!
I'm in favor of the link but I do think they should recipricate. Maybe you can offer one for a fixed period and if they are willing to recipricate after that, continue the link. I think thay should have to PLAY NICELY too.

Bob Cook 09-07-02 01:39 AM

not impressed

Skymasters have high wings, carbonaero has low wings.

Skymasters are made of aluminum, carbonaero is carbon <G>

Mind you it is a twin (+1)

Now if Carbonaero would like to make a "donation" since there interest is "commercial" then maybe we should consider.

If they are going to "contribute" knowlege and information that is NOT commercial then I would agree.

Otherwise because an aircraft has "three wheels" doesn't mean it is the same.

Lets keep the board to Skymasters and support thereof, not to say we all have an interest in their progress along with some other "oil burners" that appear to be highly competitive; especially the one that is made of aluminum.

My "humble" <G> opinion.


Kevin McDole 09-07-02 06:47 AM

I'm not sure why people are bothered by either: 1) the commercial aspect of their link, or 2) the fact they won't create a reciprocal link (although I think it was smart of Kevin to request the reciprocal link:D).

Plenty of other links are up there with commercial content and no reciprocal link. Whatever policy there is should be consistently applied. The fact that this question being raised makes me think it's a bit arbitrary.

Is the Adam link of interest to this group? The centerline thrust is the connection to the Skymaster, but maybe that's not enough.

In the future, what are we going to fly when the Skymasters get worn out? I sure would like to see a centerline thrust manufacturer in existence. For that matter, I'm just as interested in Eclipse Aviation.

Having links to everything under the sun makes it easier to find stuff. But maybe this should be a revenue source and the link positions should be sold.

To me, it matters not (I already have their link in my favorites) - but I think it would be wise to have some clear policy on this.

Bob Cook 09-07-02 09:53 AM

One last comment

Most people prefer a "focused" group and bookmark their particular interests. I have mine.

I am not interested in going to a "BMW" interest group and finding 50 links to other manufacturers. I went to the sight for specific information on BMW.

Let's keep the sight "focused" and in tune with our (skymaster owners) needs. (keep the noise level down to a minimum).

This is not to say there cannot be a seperate "commerical" interest links thread if someone wants that information.

It all must be managed and Kevin has his work cut out as it is.

We do appreciate the effort Kevin. Let us know if and when you may need help.

We also need to do some recruitement. I found a 67 skymaster in the next hanger would you believe....... Told him about the websight and suggested he visit.

Let's make this THE skymaster websight! Everyone here can help and altimately it will benefit us all. Spread the word.


Jim Rainer 09-07-02 10:06 AM

Adam Link
I agree that this should be only a Skymaster site, pure and simple, no links except very pertinent ones like TCM, Cessna, etc. I vote no to the link.

kevin 09-07-02 12:00 PM

Kevin (McDole),

To some of the points in your message.

I am acting as an editor for this site, and using editorial judgement. The sites (commercial or not) that are linked from this site are there because I believe they are of interest to Skymaster Owners and Pilots. I either find the sites myself, or they are suggested by others who visit our site. For example, Gmas has suggested a link to TCM, and I have it on my list to add it. But in the end, with as much input as I can get for everyone who visits the site, I will decide what goes in and what does not. This paragraph consitutes our current policy on adding links. I am very open to suggested alterations to this policy.

With regard to Adam Aircraft, I am afraid a personal bias entered the picture for me when I received the email. I object to commercial organizations "taking" from the web for free without giving back. I don't object at all to commercial web sites, please don't misunderstand. But the email I received from Adam was obviously part of a PR effort, and written by a PR person whose job it is to get as much free advertising for Adam as possible. OK, I'm fine with that too.

I asked her for the reciprocal link because it is very common practice when you are asking for a link on someone's site to offer a reciprocal link on the "links" page of your own site. It is so common that I consider it poor net manners to refuse. One line, somewhere on your site. The advantatge to our site is that search engines and editors score the site on how many other sites link to it, so the more links, the higher we appear on Yahoo, Google, etc.

I must admit, when she refused to provide a link in return, it pissed me off. Adam apparently wants the free exposure, but is not willing to have even one links page on their site to give back to the web.

I could have just deleted her email, but I do my best to do the right thing for all you folks that visit the site. The Adam is only tangentially related to Skymasters, and prior to this point my editorial judgement has been to leave it off the site. But I decided the best thing to do was ask all of you what you thought.

Frankly, I don't want to put the link up. I am in Bob's camp, I think Adam has plenty of exposure elsewhere for those who are interested, and the only thing that might make it appropriate for this site is that it is a center-line thrust aircraft. That is not enough of a relationship for me.

But I asked for all of your opinions, I am greatful for them, and I am inclined to abide by the poll results. If they are close to 50/50, I will probably add my own vote and leave the link out. If the results are more clear, I expect that I will abide by them.

Like I said, thanks for your opinions and suggestions, and please keep them coming.

Kevin (webmaster)

GMAs 09-07-02 02:14 PM

Ya right....
Well they are taking without giving.... nope.. I vote no... after all if you allowed them... then what would you say to TCM or Cessna making you carry them too... no... I say that the site should have only the people interested enough in contrubiting to it... and will do the same... on theirs... otherwise its like them getting free advertising... after all they have links to their vendors... so links do exist...

And what about others who would demand equal time on the site or space... after all you can not be BIASED or Pred... now can we... so if one is allowed they all will want free space... with no thought of what it cost us ... while they get the free ride... what next .. united airlines... because they have the word united in it.... smile... this is a no brainer... their history.. if you want to see their site.. or aircraft.. you know where to find them on their site... GMAs

SkyKing 09-07-02 03:36 PM

Keep it "337"
Kevin, et al.,

I also voted 'NO' and Bob echoes my exact thinking on the subject.

As far as Kevinmcdo suggesting "what are we going to fly when the Skymasters get worn out", I note his is a '77 model as is ours, and as far as I'm concerned the airplane will probably outlive we mortal beings. No offense Kevinmcdo, but just a reality check <G>.

"" IS and should continue to BE solely and exclusively for the 337 Skymaster! And we should all be recruiting new 337 owners to this site to share insights in the care and preservation of these wonderful airplanes.


Bob Cook 09-08-02 10:37 AM


The skymaster will outlive my pocket book for sure....<G>

We all need to find as many Skymaster owners and direct them to the "cause".

If we have enough we might (just possible) be able to have some influence on parts and insurance...


Tony Giantonio 09-08-02 09:37 PM

My vote is no
Dear Kevin,

I am relatively new to the board and I have enjoyed all the information that is posted here. I think thats why I keep checking here. What is Adam Aircraft going to contribute to this forum? Not very much in my opinion. Thats why I vote don't give them a link. Tony

stackj 09-09-02 06:37 AM

Doesn't really matter
OK... I voted before to allow the link and hope they would reciprocate. It's not a big deal to me. I will continue to use this fine site whichever way it goes.

Let's just be sure this doesn't become a point of dissention among us.

337skymaster!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D

Dale Campbell 09-09-02 01:06 PM

My Vote is no
I feel as most of you do. This is for all 337 drivers. I will never be a Adams owner unless I hit the lottery jack-pot. Did you see the price.

Jerry De Santis 09-14-02 01:02 PM

No thank you@!!!


jimmuse 09-21-02 09:45 AM

<GONG> Next Issue!
I understand both why Adam would want a link... and why they wouldn't want to put one on their site (perhaps short circuiting their sales effort - after all, who wants to wait 3 years to spend their hard earned 800 - 900K). 337's are a genuine alternative, at least for the present.

As interesting as it may be, I think that the 337 guys on this site are already well aware of Adam and it's address.

Just keep it straight and let them do their own promotion.

Sincere thanks for this site. You are doing a fabulous job.


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