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Richard 06-05-08 08:00 PM

Cost of parts is driving me to drink.
I know we are not going to solve the GA problems here, but I wanted to rant a little on the cost of parts. Here are some examples:

Hydraulic filter screen (about the size of a .50 coin, thickness of paper)

Cessna: $1173

Cowl flap motors:

Cessna: $Insane

Now, I have had some inside sources in the past who have shared with me the manufacturer and Cessna cost. I was told the screen cost was $34.90 and the cowl flaps cost $227.00.

I know they have to make a profit, but come on! Same with some of these mods. $600 for a plate that looks like it was made in 3rd grade metal shop. I know, I know, the STC paperwork is what you are paying for. Why do these things cost so much? Does anyone have any insight that will make me feel better? Right now I feel like someone has a gun to my temple and giggling at the same time.

tropical 06-06-08 05:06 PM

What you are paying for is piles of paperwork required by the FAA, enormous amounts of time Cessna engineers had to spend convincing the FAA this part would work and is "airworthy".

Not to mention our "I'll sue you" mentality in this country. Until this country (USA) adopts a loser pays system in our courts, expect these prices to continue to rise. This is the exact reason for me, even though I'm an A&P/IA I will not touch anyone's aircraft or give any advise on maintenance.

Pete Somers 06-06-08 05:33 PM

We had a saying, if the paperwork matches the AUW of the airplane the it is was allowed to fly, however now you would have to treble that and there is no way you will get airborne with that amount of paper!


Richard 06-07-08 03:19 AM

I've been logging time towards my A&P. I really like the work and enjoy the types of people in the GA industry. It's sad because I don't see much of a future. I see these invoices and know that pennies on the dollar are going to the hard working people that installed the components. It just gets me upset to see so many GA shops struggle. When you replace a handle on a door and the invoice is almost 4k, someone is getting rich. Lawyers, paper pushers... someone.

Is there anything we can do? Will it take an act of congress? Can companies apply for PMA licenses and start producing the parts? What if the parts are bought from salvage companies outside of the U.S.?

Looking around on the net it's confusing to me that there is no clear explanation of why. Demand for the parts is decreasing. Demand for the airplanes are decreasing. Jobs are being lost, yet the prices keep going up. If there is a source behind this, they had better wise up before the skies are dried up, and the golden goose is headless.

tropical 06-07-08 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Richard (Post 12592)
I've been logging time towards my A&P. I really like the work and enjoy the types of people in the GA industry. It's sad because I don't see much of a future. I see these invoices and know that pennies on the dollar are going to the hard working people that installed the components. It just gets me upset to see so many GA shops struggle. When you replace a handle on a door and the invoice is almost 4k, someone is getting rich. Lawyers, paper pushers... someone.

Is there anything we can do? Will it take an act of congress? Can companies apply for PMA licenses and start producing the parts? What if the parts are bought from salvage companies outside of the U.S.?

Looking around on the net it's confusing to me that there is no clear explanation of why. Demand for the parts is decreasing. Demand for the airplanes are decreasing. Jobs are being lost, yet the prices keep going up. If there is a source behind this, they had better wise up before the skies are dried up, and the golden goose is headless.

If you get that A&P, my advise is to never use it on anyone else's aircraft. The liability you are opened up to is ridiculous.

I had a rather interesting "ordeal" happen to me a few years ago. A fellow was working on an aircraft (unlicensed) but was someone I knew for several years. The aircraft he was working on was not his, but he was repairing a push to talk at the request of the new owner. I would stop by, chat with him and then move on.

A month later comes the certified letter from the FAA. I have now been accused of "supervising" an unlicensed mechanic working on an aircraft and I did not fill out the logbook for the work performed. Seems the new aircraft owner was mad at the seller, ran to the FAA and made a slew of accusations. Since I was seen around the aircraft as the work was being performed I was guilty by association. The FAA was seeking my A&P certificate for suspension for 120 days.

Long story short I had to endure an FAA investigation and a hearing with some very unfriendly FAA attorneys and inspectors. It finally got thrown out but not before costing me over $2000 in attorney fees to defend me.

To this day if I'm at the airport and I see a hangar door open and someone tinkering with their airplane I don't stop or get near it. If someone wants advise on fixing something, sorry can't help you. And under no circumstance will I ever put my name in someone else's logbooks.

Thank your fellow aviators for the sad state of GA. And I have news, it's only going to get worse.

Richard 06-07-08 09:35 PM

Wow, that is a truly pathetic show of what the governing powers to be have served to work against us. For some, "weird" reason I thought they were working for us.

I'm just trying to get along with everyone and get to do what I like. Is that too much to ask? I'd like to afford the parts that need replacing and not have it routine to see people "hack" the fix because the correct part is beyond expensive.

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