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Skywalker 04-03-19 12:23 PM

Update On ;1979 P337, N88TN
Hello Guys
Finally my plane upgrading is coming to end after few months of huge upgrading in avionics, wirings, and other minor and major squawks elimination and we are planing to Fly the plane to Poland between 15 to 20 april, here is picture of the dream panel, We painted the Porp.lever blue to be up to date fashion ;-))
I Also installed Garmin G-5 as back up, with battery), as we know G500 Do not have reverse mode and also kept the old Vacuum driven Art.Horizon ,

FlyGuy 04-03-19 04:44 PM

Very Impressive, Even for a Gulfstream pilot.

Red Air Rambo 04-04-19 10:50 AM

Very nice! I want blue knobs now...Best of luck and tailwinds on your trip to Poland.


Skywalker 04-04-19 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by FlyGuy (Post 23596)
Very Impressive, Even for a Gulfstream pilot.

All this stuff truly enhance safety for a new IFR pilot like me ;-))

Skywalker 04-04-19 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Red Air Rambo (Post 23597)
Very nice! I want blue knobs now...Best of luck and tailwinds on your trip to Poland.


Thanks Brent
i will send update to all you guys about my adventure ;-))

kilr4d 04-09-19 08:22 AM

When is it going to to be ready for flight?

Also, get yourself a digital carbon monoxide detector instead of just the sticker that changes colour.

Skywalker 04-11-19 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by kilr4d (Post 23617)
When is it going to to be ready for flight?

Also, get yourself a digital carbon monoxide detector instead of just the sticker that changes colour.


Brant Aero is doing the test flights and we plan to pick up the aircraft for ferry flight after Easter Holidays
Yes i have bought a electronic carbon mono oxide detector from sporty,s

kilr4d 05-06-19 09:31 AM

Hi Dennis. Update?

Skywalker 05-07-19 05:51 PM

N88tn Updat

Originally Posted by kilr4d (Post 23661)
Hi Dennis. Update?

Hello John
finally the day has come , But I could not come ro take the delivery of the aircraft personally due to lot of work and my ferry Pilot is flying across Atlantic today, although there are some small issues to be fixed, but Brant Aero is working hard on them to get the plane 100% ready for the trans Atlantic flight, I have some initial feed back from my Pilot, as he was doing some check rides and test flights and overall he is impressed with performance ;-)))

kilr4d 05-23-19 04:35 PM

Hello Dennis,

Do you have your plane?

Skywalker 06-03-19 02:42 PM

N88tn Updat
Hello John
sorry not coming back to u earlier, had some problems with my account ;-((
My ferry pilot flew to Canada , but he rejected the plane ,as the few issues were not resolved as per contract and we had serious problems with ;pressurisation; Brant Aero has been chasing this squawk for a long time and finally and hope fully the issue is solved ,and my pilot is picking up the plane on 11 June ,after successful test flight and checking all the work done as per contract,he will head for Poland.
main culprit seems to be the door seal, which is no where to buy, and the stc holder ,is a guy not be trusted, do not pick up the phone for days( as per Blaine Aero ) And demanded 1500 in advance for a new seal and Blaine Field ,owner of. my workshop decided not to throw this money out in the blue , and he said he will make the mould of the seal and he will reproduce it ,when we fixed the door seal, it turned out ,that now Solenoid valve is not holding the pressure , we ordered it new few days ago and it should be installed today/tomorrow and they will do the pressurisation tests again

kilr4d 06-04-19 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 23711)
...main culprit seems to be the door seal, which is no where to buy, and the stc holder ,is a guy not be trusted, do not pick up the phone for days( as per Blaine Aero ) And demanded 1500 in advance for a new seal...

Bob Fields door seals? Lots of complaints on other forums about his son Craig ripping people off.


Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 23711)
...we had serious problems with ;pressurisation; Brant Aero has been chasing this squawk for a long time and finally and hope fully the issue is solved ,and my pilot is picking up the plane on 11 June ,after successful test flight and checking all the work done as per contract,he will head for Poland.

...that now Solenoid valve is not holding the pressure , we ordered it new few days ago and it should be installed today/tomorrow and they will do the pressurisation tests again

Good luck; keep us posted.

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