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03-24-03 05:26 PM

fly in
hi all, made the fly in at slidell (KASD). was the only 337 there. boy it sure can make that head heavy when everyone is stoping and taking all those pictures as you taxi by. had a good time. there was a very good turn out.


Paul Sharp 03-25-03 11:13 AM

Just wondering, where is Slidell?

Ernie Martin 03-25-03 01:19 PM

In Louisiana. I didn't know, so I went to, which I always find very useful. There, I clicked on "Airports" and entered KASD. The next screen told me where it is, gave me info on the airport (runways, freq., etc.), and showed both a map and a photo form the air.


FRED-E 03-25-03 07:29 PM

You need to delete the "." after ".com" to make it work. It is a good site !!!!
Fred N358:D :D

03-25-03 08:54 PM

fly in
hi all, sorry about not saying that KASD was in louisiana. i'll try to remember next time.


Ernie Martin 03-25-03 10:11 PM


In my sentence above I put a comma (not a period) after the URL. The board software (not me) underlines the URL to make it a hyperlink. Regrettably, because of a small bug with the software, it includes the comma in the hyperlink, which creates a problem (maybe Kevin will read this and can fix the bug). As you said, just delete the comma and enter the URL manually.

(After Kevin's message below, I went beck to the message and moved the comma outside the markers which make the URL a hyperlink, so it should work now.)


Kevin McDole 03-26-03 03:19 AM


You, as author of that message can go back and edit it.

Also, if you want to get fancy, you can control the formatting yourself. Click here to see how that's done.

Francisco 03-26-03 08:05 PM

Rick how about coming to visit in Biloxi, Where are you at?. Board Slidell is just 10 minutes From Gulfpot / Biloxi International airport.



what when on at Slidell?

03-26-03 08:57 PM

hi francisco, your right, biloxi is not far away. give me a call and maybe we can get togather. if you have flown in to biloxi, maybe you can hop over to bogalusa (BXA) and we can have lunch.

looking foward to it

oh about the flyin. there was a good turnout. a lot of planes flew in. i was the only 337 there. sure does make you feel good when everybody is looking and taking all those picures. thay had some skydivers, also had some A10 do a flyover. all in all it was a good time.

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