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Eustacio-Chachi 05-05-02 06:08 PM

Back home
We are back home in Panama from the meeting in Tcay. The weather on the way back was beautiful all the way, we started our trip from Kendall Tamiami airport this mornig at 6:10 a.m. local time and on the way to Grand Cayman we had tail winds with ground speed of up to 165 knots at 11000 feet but on the flight from G. Cayman to Panama we saw ground speed of 126 knots. Total flight time from Kendall Tamiami to Panama was 7:50.
Any way I would like once more to thank Bob, Ernie and Larry for puting together the meeting in TCay. To GMA special thanks, for I had the wrong impression on him -smile- the guy is really very nice and I doubt if there is any body who knows the Skymaster the way he does.
Treasure Cay was as Bob had said a real beautifull island and I think we have made good new friends.
Once more if any of you ever wants to come over to our region I will be more than pleased to be your guide (Jerry let´go fishing for real big black marlin). I have been using <> and I can be reached at (507) 315-0576, (507) 315-0129 in the office and (507) 226-8298, (507) 226-0875 at home
To the ladys I am sorry I had to get back so soon, next time I will make a hat for every one of them.
I hope we are all in good health next year for another meeting.

Eustacio-Chachi 05-06-02 10:10 AM

Some pictures of the trip to TCay
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The first one is Larry´s Skymaster on the way in to TCay
The second from left to right me, George and Ernie
The third is HP-669 in TCay

Eustacio-Chachi 05-06-02 10:13 AM

One more picture
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Think I´m going to have to post the one by one the next is Larry´s Skymaste

Eustacio-Chachi 05-06-02 10:16 AM

Another picture
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Fron left or right me, George (GMA), and Ernie

Jerry De Santis 05-07-02 08:46 PM

Hello Chachi, Nice photos. Happy to see that you arrived home okay. Black marlin will be on the menu when I visit you.

WebMaster 05-08-02 09:47 PM

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I took a few pictures also.
We had a young guy named Brad, who was a prospective skymaster owner, but had never been in one, so while everyone was recuperating on Sunday morning, Brad and I went flying, and flew around TC.
This is photo 1 of TC from the air, on Sunday AM.
Oh, and I noticed Kevins post about speed, 305, and in demonstrating the Skymaster to Brad, I got up into the yellow. Not straight and level (smile).

WebMaster 05-08-02 09:48 PM

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Photo 2 of TC, a most beautiful place.

WebMaster 05-08-02 09:50 PM

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Here's a picture of Chachi's plane on our way to TC

WebMaster 05-08-02 09:51 PM

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Friday night, we got together at an informal setting to go over the agenda and schedule

WebMaster 05-08-02 09:54 PM

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Here's bob cook addressing the crowd

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