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GMAs 06-12-02 02:39 PM

Boom Stands...... drawing ...
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seems that the board is not taking this too well... we will try and put the text in the next message... G.M>

GMAs 06-12-02 04:59 PM

What are these things....
Well the drawing is a typical one for the boom braces for use when you do your gear retract... we know nothing about them... nor do we admit that you can use them... in other words... you like build... your the one... we take no credit or responsibility for them or their use... even though we have a set we made for our own...

Also... just because we said a pick up tires... doesn't mean you go eyeing the parking lot... for a couple... but, you might not take ... the guy that owns them might want to use them for his truck too... smile.. so wrecking yards are the best... unless you happen to have a couple of spares around... if you need more weight... you might want to put sand bags on the top of the tire stand part...

the straps can be just about anything... that is used as a hold down... you might want to put a towl or rag under them.. and not cench them down so tight that you bend the alu... on the boom...

As to their use... the holes are your option... also.. they usually start out at 6 inch intervals... at the start and then get down to about 2 inch intervals.. and finally 1 inch... of course you could mark where the holes will go as you lift the plane... but, that would require a lot of assistance... anything from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch bolt hole thru is good... and make sure you use a bolt that doesn't have treads in the shear area of the two tubes...

How it works...

Well as you go up with the plane on the jackstands... you lift tillt he front wheel comes off the ground... go back and lift the stand up till it comes in contact with the boom... making sure you don't put too much pressure on... then back to jacking the plane up... as it goes up it will want to settle backwards... again have the assistant lift the boom and you pull the pin and rase the support... till the nose wheel touches or the plane is in the nose down position... not too far about 10 to 15 deg is best... this repeats until the plane is up high enough... make sure you put a nut on the bolt that goes thru the two tubes... as it keeps people from seeing what it does if it comes out... and of course you want to keep the pressure equal on both booms.. thus both stands need attention as the operation goes...

safety the nose by placing a jack under it too... but, again with the boom supports don't allow pressure to be placed on the booms.. these supports are only their to keep the plane level... and if someone gets in to pump the gear down or fiddle with the controls... you need to support the nose as well as the tail booms... but, again too much pressure on the booms will not be a good thing

Going down...

You reverse the operation... releasing the boom support first then lowing the plane.. if not you can put stress on the booms again ...not good for the rear spar... so you lower the booms about 4 inches.. then lower the plane... then lower the booms again and lower the plane... if the nose wheel touches you want to make sure that their is not any pressure on the booms the nose wheel will react with the boom pressure.. and the collapsing of the strut on the nose is a lot of pressure on the booms.... again watch and be careful... as pressure ont he booms will crack the rear spar... not a good thing...

till finally the plane is on the ground... unstrap and remove the supports out of the way then rock the plane back and forth to get the mains to come back to where they need to...

Hope this helps.. GMAs...

jcthomas 06-13-02 03:24 PM

Outstanding! Better than Picasso!

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