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rmorris 05-22-17 01:42 PM

feathered prop
Have an interesting one, that seems similar to an issue from a few years ago, but thought I would share to see any other insights.

Here is situation:
After landing roll out and early in taxi, the rear prop feathers.

Waiting on callback from prop shop on estimate for IRAN of prop and governor.

A few years back I had something similar. Took off the governor, they flushed it out and tested it. Said it was all good. put it back on and all was good. Might be the same this time, don't know yet.

skymstr02 05-28-17 08:20 PM

You have an engine oil pressure problem.
It takes engine oil pressure to keep the prop out of feather at low RPM's (1100-1500).

rmorris 05-28-17 09:46 PM

Byam ft worth
Going to Byam Prop in Ft Worth tomorrw, they will look at it Tuesday.

rmorris 06-02-17 10:09 PM

It was the governor...under $400 to R&r and adjust

Prop now operating as normal on shutdown

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