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337G 01-03-05 09:21 AM

landing gear/fuel gauges
we have a 1976 337G model that is nothing but a thorn in the side. It may be poor maintenance, but I was wondering if any one else has had problems with the landing gear and fuel gauges.

Dale Campbell 01-03-05 09:35 AM

Landing Gear
We have all had some sort of problem with landing gear. I have a 337H with power pack for gear movement. I think I have had my share of problems. You have to be more specific to the problem you are having. Dale Campbell

337G 01-03-05 09:39 AM

landing gear/fuel gauges
Hi Dale,

I just did a search and found a previouse post of yours on landing gear. What you have described sounds much like what we are experiencing so perhaps we need to replace that same motor. Where did you say you got it from?

Craig Borkowski

kevin 01-03-05 11:16 AM

I never had any unusual gear problems, but the 73 and later fuel gauges are crap. I watched another 337 owner on the field spend a ton of money having an avionics tech make them work. He did, and they worked wonderful.

The next week, the airplane was totaled in a pilot induced gear up that did not end well.

May be bad karma to have properly working fuel gauges on a post 73 337.

The gauges on my '65 worked great.


Dale Campbell 01-03-05 11:28 AM

Power Pack Motor
Try Don Niesser e-mail or
call 405-722-4079. He should have the best price. Dale

337G 01-03-05 04:03 PM

landing gear/fuel gauges
Has any one heard of a calibrated dip stick? Would be able to make one up if it wasn't -30c

I will probably make one up one day even to have as a back up and a way to confirm what I am reading on the gauges.


kevin 01-03-05 06:44 PM

I used to use a clear plastic tube that I marked in five gallon increments. I emptied the tanks (to the point where the tube did not touch fuel), then added fuel slowly, marked the tube, then made a backup tube.

On my '73 P337G, a good amount of fuel was in the wing roots, below the level of the bottom of the tank at the outboard point where the filler neck is. So if the tank looked "empty" out there, the airplane had between zero and (as I recall) 35 gallons of fuel per side. 70 gallons is a bit over 2.25 hours of flying at the power settings I used, so I never found this to be an obstacle. If the fuel level was below this point, and I wanted to stay light, I would just add enough fuel to make it visible, and then I would know I had a bit more than 2 hours of flying time available. (Hope that paragraph makes sense.)

In my '65, determining fuel quantity was easier, since I could fill just the main tanks (and not the aux) and have a defined amount of fuel. I had a dip tube for that airplane too, but I did not use it unless I was really putting a lot of load in the cabin.


337G 01-03-05 09:04 PM

landing gear/fuel gauges
Thanks Kevin that makes perfect sense to me. I leave January 4 to train/pick up the airplane in St. Louis at Wings of Hope so I will be finding out first hand about the plane.

Thanks to every one for your input.

Craig B.

Jerry De Santis 01-03-05 09:16 PM

pick up
Hey Craig, if you are passing through Michigan on the way back to Canada, Azo has fuel for $ 2.32. I am 20 miles east at BTL. Stop by and we can chat about the Skymaster. Also, 10 mile east of btl a little airpot RMY has one of the best Skymaster IA & A&P in the Midwest.

337G 01-03-05 11:41 PM

landing gear/fuel gauges
Thanks Jerry. I plan on going SUS direct ADC with a fuel stop some where inbetween. So that would take me through Iowa and Minnesota then I may clear customs at Piney direct to CYAV which is in Manitoba.

I will keep you in mind and let you know if it works...hey I may want to just have some fun and fly a round a bit ha ha...NOT.

Craig B.

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