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KyleTownsend 03-06-05 01:15 AM

New TBO Poll (Normally Aspirated Only)
If you have ever had a Skymaster Engine overhauled/replaced/remanufactured, please select the number of hours on the engine at that time.

If you have had more than one engine overhauled/replaced/remanufactured, please answer the poll based on the engine MOST RECENTLY done. If two were done at the same time, flip a coin (literally).

NOTE: This poll is for NORMALLY ASPIRATED skymasters only. If you have a Turbo or P model, please use the other poll.

If you have suggestions on how to improve this poll, or ideas on other topics that you would like to see incorporated into a more formal survey, please comment in the thread "Ideas for TBO Survey."

If you have time to comment more fully on your TBO experience, please attach a message to this thread and answer the following questions:

1. If you have had this experience with more than one engine, list the times for the other engines.

2. List the age(s) in years of the engines at overhaul.

3. WHY did you decide to overhaul your engine(s) at that time (if there was a mechanical problem, please be specific).

4. Did you ever do any major repairs to the engine(s) before overhaul (eg: top overhaul, etc.) If so, please list the type of repair and the engine hours at which it was done.

5. Any other comments you care to make concerning your TBO experience.

I will do a spreadsheet analysis of the supplemental data after the poll closes and post it for everyone.

Thanks for your participation!

Ernie Martin 03-06-05 10:09 AM

To be clear, shouldn't people report only on engines whose performance or condition required an overhaul (as opposed to you wanting to do it when it didn't need it or regulations unrelated to the engine forcing you to do it) and such condition was not the result of infant mortality of a new part or workmanship issues? Specifically, don't report an overhaul of a healthy engine due to a prop strike. Don't report an overhaul of an engine because you put in a new magneto and the engine gear disintegrated inside the engine. Don't report an overhaul of an engine because your mechanic left something loose on last week's oil change, with all the oil running out and the engine seizing (although I'd blame the pilot as much as the mechanic). Am I right here? We want to measure engine reliability and life, right?


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