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likes2fly 11-12-17 02:52 PM

what is the average price for 337 full coverage insurance? Say low time pilot with 10 hours in 337. Just trying to get a ball park price. I'm guessing between $1500 and $3500. When I was a student pilot and owned a Cherokee 150 mine was $1000. You don't have to give details other than maybe how many hours you had in a 337 when you first got your insurance. I know there are variables but I'm looking at low time single engine pilot.

hharney 11-12-17 05:04 PM

You did not mention what model Skymaster

My normal C model is averaging about $2,000. I would guess with no hours it would be a bit more like $2800 or so

likes2fly 11-12-17 08:30 PM

I plan to buy a plane in a year or so and hope to find a p337 g or h model

cessnadriver 11-13-17 04:57 AM

I have insurance for liability only at $1355 BUT I'm NOT rated in a C337 or any twin. If I want hull insurance at $30,000 its additional $1030. The price for liability is with conditions, I must get 20 hours dual which includes at least 10 instrument training (I'm not instrument rated either) this policy also covers my CFI and any pilot with 1500 total time, with 500 multi-engine and 25 hours in the C337. I bought a 1965 C337 several years ago with the:eek: thought of putting it together, all parts are there just disassembled. But I just finished a grueling 10 year C172 project and I'm tried of working on airplanes, ps: I'm an A&P. BUT just bought another '65 C337 that's totally flying. I'll hopefully start training this week. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR C337 DREAMS.

likes2fly 11-13-17 10:00 PM

Thanks for the great responses I now have a ball park guess.

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