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mshac 06-27-23 04:51 PM

Air Venture 2023: Who's going?
Anybody considering Oshkosh this summer? It would be great to fly in as a group and park together. Camping optional! :D

Galvine 06-27-23 09:40 PM

Glad to see someone interested in a group flying into Oshkosh.
Maybe next year for me, as plane is still under contract and won’t be ready in a couple weeks.
Have fun !


mshac 06-27-23 09:43 PM

Question is this: Do we fly the low and slow VFR approach at 1800 AGL and 90 knots, or do we go in the "fast aircraft" class and fly the 2300 AGL VFR approach at 135 knots? :confused:

You know what I would choose....:cool:

Is there anyone here who doesn't feel comfortable maintaining 135 KTAS?

Galvine 06-27-23 09:50 PM

I’ve only flown in 3 times.
Once VFR
Twice IFR and didn’t cancel despite VFR weather.
I flew the whole approach both times.

Flying the whole approach was for me the safest and easiest way to fly in.


mshac 06-27-23 09:52 PM

Welcome to the forum Galvine. Tell us more about your Skymaster! Or at least why your stayed on your IFR flight plan into OSH in visual conditions! Thank you for participating.

Galvine 06-27-23 10:08 PM

I was given a tip to file IFR and do not cancel when the tower says “field is VFR so we recommend you cancel IFR and fly in VFR”
I said “I need to stay on my IFR flight plan and fly the full approach”.

They let me.

I felt so safe. Away from traffic. Landed alone instead of with other planes trying to land on different colors.

The time I flew in VFR was too stressful for me.
Stacked in amongst other planes. Too close to other planes
Maybe it gets easier.
Instrument approach was way way easier.

cjordan 07-05-23 07:59 PM

I like the 2300 and 135kt much better, way less traffic there. 😎

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