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rmorris 05-07-19 01:35 PM

O2 door
On my o2 door, the top and bottom bracket that the pin rides in to keep it open are broken.* Lmk if you have any? If so,* what would be the price?

Looking at fabrication option, ....but thought i would ask group first .


N337B (aka bumblebee)

hharney 05-07-19 10:36 PM

Don Nieser

rmorris 05-08-19 07:02 AM

Gold plated
Herb...of course i tried Don...

He's a nice guy, but unfortunately he and i disagree on using Cessna prices as his guide when selling. Here's how the calls went..
1: me to Don: do you have these brackets and how much. Yep, got them Robert, brand new. Ok, how much. Let me check and call you back. Ok,standing by...
2: don to me: cessna charges xyz, so I'll sell for 345 for one and 225 for the other. What? 500 for two brackets, i can just fabricate a repair. Ok, I'll sell them to you for $500. Ok, we're still no communicating. I just said $500 was too high. Ok, I'll let them go for $495. [True story btw]. I'm not going to pay $500, i can have a repair fabricated. Ok, how much do you want to pay? Geez, this us stupid. Ok, let me check with fabricators and call you back.
3: me to don: they told me that if i can buy them for $300, do it. Othetwise they can fabricate. Ok, I'll sell for $400. No Don, i said $300. But Cessna charges...i don't care what Cessns charges. What they are worth, to me today, is $300.

Needless to say i told fabricators to move forward.

I like Don, but those things are not gold plated. But hey, maybe someive else with an O2 door will be beating down his door tomorrow.

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