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JB78382 12-07-16 01:55 PM

Sun-N-Fun 2017

I will be attending SnF this year. Any other Skymaster folks going to be there?

Anyone with prior experience with 337s at SnF I would like to hear about your experience.

Jerry Brown

hharney 12-07-16 09:23 PM

Probably won't have my Skymaster there but may try to make the show. We had a SOAPA meeting at the show in 2010 and had a few birds there. Sun N Fun is a great show as it is still a smaller show than Oshkosh. It offers everything that OSH has but not so big and commercialized. Although I was there last year and it has changed since 2010 so it's headed the same growth as OSH. This is not a bad thing just different and change. The good ole boys will bash it some as they remember the birthing days..........

Not sure what specifics you are looking for but fire away with any questions and I will try to answer them.

JB78382 12-08-16 01:08 PM

Facts and Specific Achievements, SnF 2017
I just received a reply from the Sun N Fun organizers.
I asked for prices for a full "week" stay as a fly in camper, and full access to the 9-27 chalet. The price comes to $762. That's the full Monty so to speak. Now we'll check out the Fly-in, motel, rent a car option...more info soon.

rrolland 01-01-17 07:46 PM

I will show up for a couple of days, but will fly into KISM and drive.



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