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Paul462 09-22-07 09:57 AM

2008 SOAPA Fly-In.
Fellow Skymaster Afficionados:

The Executive Board is now deliberating where to have the 2008 Fly-In. We will keep you posted on our progress.

As a reminder to all who own, fly, or are interested in Skymasters, you may join the Skymaster Owners and Pilots Association, and the Executive Board, by notifying the Vice-President Secretary (Larry), as provided by the SOAPA By-Laws.

Paul S. Rooy
President, SOAPA

Skymaster337B 09-30-07 03:15 AM

Where are the top 3 places the board is looking at?

Paul462 09-30-07 10:38 AM


Speaking as proud owner of two Skymaster 337Cs, you fly a great airplane! Nominations for the 2008 SOAPA Fly-In occurred between 9/14/07 and 9/23/07. The result was a list of 7 destinations and three dates.

E-Board voting was called on 9/28/2007, and will close noon Friday 10/5/2007. Because the votes are currently in the process of being cast and tabulated, I can't comment on who the leading contendors are, but will advise ya'll as soon as this information is available.

Stay tuned, and hope to see you at the Fly-In.

Paul462 10-07-07 12:45 PM


The votes are in! The 2008 SOAPA Fly-In will take place in Kalamazoo, MI, during the 2d week of June, 2008!

Stay tuned for developments.

Skymaster337B 10-08-07 11:52 PM

So what's in Kalamazoo?

skymstr02 10-09-07 11:46 AM

The Air Zoo is in Kalamazoo.

Jerry De Santis 10-09-07 06:47 PM

Tell me.... you never heard the song "I got a gal in Kalamazoo etc. "

Quite frankly, the base meeting will be in Kalamazoo and when we attend the meeting, we will all be in Kalamazoo. All kidding aside, there is really a lot to do and we, the Michigan Flyers will do our very best to make it a very memorable and enjoyable event.


Skymaster337B 10-09-07 08:22 PM

Or will I have to wait for a meeting in Reno?

(just not appropriate. that's why I edited it.)

Jerry De Santis 10-09-07 09:55 PM

If that's your thing you better wait for Reno!

Skymaster337B 10-10-07 08:22 PM

My bad.

gkey 10-11-07 10:34 PM

Here's a question - has Canada ever been considered, eh?

I am particularly thinking of Qualicum Bay, out on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Absolutely breathtaking, the whole island. I was there in August, and during a low-n-slow up the Georgia Straights I saw positively over 100 whales!

Just my 2c.

I just saw on the news tonight that Homeland Security has finally totally gone bonkers. Not only are regulations being increased and tightened about 4-fold (again) for any air-entries into the US, but also for flights crossing OVER the US. I think this is going to deter a lot of us Candian folks from going to the States in future...

Jerry De Santis 10-11-07 11:20 PM

To be honest...No! Canada was never mentioned. Why? Well, you have to understand who votes. The voting is done by the people that attend the flyin meeting. If you come to the meeting when we have the flyin, you not only have an opportunity to vote for the next meeting place but you also have the opportunity to run for one of the SOAPA board positions. That's right. The organization is set up to serve those that join in. Simply commenting on the web site does not entitle one to vote. So for all you folks that haven't attended a Skymaster flyin....come on down! We will love to have you.

Attend the Michigan flyin in June 2008. It is really going to be one heck of a flyin full of fun things to see and do. Oh yes! flying too!


gkey 10-11-07 11:34 PM

Interesting point, I did not know that. It was just a suggestion though, not a vote.

Frank Benvin 10-12-07 01:16 AM

Quallicum sounds great. A quick 15 minute flight for me.

waynecraw 10-16-07 06:53 PM

2008 Flyin
I think Michigan will be great, hope to see everyone there in June. Wayne

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