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Jose L. Ichaso 11-24-04 09:38 PM

Flying to Angel`s Fall
There is a company that every January organize private plane flying trips from Palm Beach thru many island in the Caribbean and Angel`s falls in Venezuela. You can have more information at:
(not any comercial interest)

I have been three times in Canaima (were the indian town and lagoon and airstrip is) and the closest point to the 3000+ ft.falls, about 25 miles from it. Believe me, this is one of the most amazing landscape you will ever see, and to have and idea, this table mountains( 3000 to 9000 ft) are one of the eldest rock formation in earth, with unique erosion rock tops with vegetation and insects and anphibs unique in the world only found in this mountains.
This area of more than 7.000.000 acres is part of the Canaima national park, embbeded just with part of the Venezuelan amazonian rain forest and the Gran Sabana, a huge rock core sabana with and altitude of 1500 to 4500 fts.
You can have an idea of the landscape from Disney`s Dinosour and Spielberg`s Aracnofobia films, were the outdoor footage was film from here.
I am attching some photos from the falls and the camp from my last trip about a month a go, and 260 miles south of my home airport Barcelona.
If anyone is going to come down here, let me know to joint you down to Canaima or my Caribbean shore hometown.


Jose L. ichaso

Jose L. Ichaso 11-25-04 11:18 PM

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Cessna 206 flying close to the falls..

Jose L. Ichaso 11-25-04 11:22 PM

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Aerial view of the camp..

Jose L. Ichaso 11-25-04 11:28 PM

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Nothing like a cold beer lying in this cool red colored fresh water, after a flight...

Jose L. Ichaso 11-25-04 11:33 PM

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This is my "churuata" or hotel room, right in front of the beach..

Jose L. Ichaso 11-25-04 11:40 PM

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Aproach to Canaima. If you want to learn more about Jimmy Angel, the pilot who discovered the site in the 30's go to:

Francisco 11-26-04 08:26 AM

Mr Ichazo I have greate memeories of Canaima and flying with my father (Constantino Gonzalez Blanco) to the falls on his 310 D
It was at the Canaima airport where he lost an engine and bellied it in, He loved flying to Puerto ordaz, Canaima y El Pauji. La Gran Savana. once we flew looking for the El Pauji VOR and could never stablish contact. after 3 hours we had to return to Canaima. (ON VAPORS) It is amazingly beautifull and wild. Thanks for the pictures they bring back greate memeories. I am going to Caracas Dec 28 and plan to fly comercial to Angel Falls, Margarita, & Merida . Upon my return I will post pictures as well


Eustacio-Chachi 11-30-04 04:48 PM

Hey Jose, send me your e-mail.
I have plans to go to Roatan in Honduras and Cancun, Mexico early January but Canaima sounds good. Ayudame a cambiar de destino.

Ernie Martin 11-30-04 07:35 PM

Lean cada palabra al reves. Orepse solrev a sol sod ne oyam, ay euq al noinuer ed soñeud ed sretsamyks áres ne oyac oseuh, orep on odeup olraicnuna aivadot. Ol narev iuqa ne sol somixorp said.


Eustacio-Chachi 11-30-04 08:23 PM

Oruges son somev ne oyam. Hello Ernie, I just had both my engines and propellers OH and I`m doing my best to put some hours on the engines. My plan is to go to Roatan and Cancun but I have never been to Canaima and this is the best time of the year to fly in the area. Saludos

rick bell 11-30-04 10:37 PM

love rotan (many times) for diving, if you get to close to baja, you have a place to stay con muy bella plays.

bawb 12-04-04 03:43 AM

Angel Falls
Count me in for a trip to Angel Falls in 2006. What is the best weather window? January through May?


Jose L. Ichaso 12-05-04 09:48 AM

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Francisco, Chachi, Bawb, and anyone coming down here, I will be happy to show you the best my country could offer, my e-mai is:, and Phone:58-414-380.82.02/58-281-282.01.08. Weather is most of the time very good (there are not weather fronts), the best is during our "summer" (not rainy months), from November to May. Remember, since we are at the Tropic, heat and humidity from our 1000 mile Caribbean waterfront and giant rivers and rain forest at the south, plays a lot with the weather, specialy at hotter months, mostly after noon. There are to many thisngs to list to do here, but specialy worth of visit is Los Roques, 80 miles offshore Caracas, fishing at the Super grand slam capital of the world at la Guaira bank, just 8 miles offshore right in front of the main Int. airport, or visiting or fishing the Bull Peacok Bass at the Venezuelan Amazonian (there is an ex US president that comes every year for fishing Bonefish at Los Roques and the Bull Peacok Bass in Venezuelan Amazonas) , Duty free Margarita Island, the Venezuelan Andes and Llanos, and the Venezuelan offshore islands.
Hope something of this could change your destination Chachi!!


Jose L. Ichaso

The photo is flying to Los Roques(SVRS) fron Aeropuerto Caracas (SVCS- check the weather cams!!), passing right at the 9000 ft. Avila mountain. Caracas is a valley 20 miles from this shore at 2800 ft. high back from these view. Down you can see the the main International airport in our country,SVMI, and La Guaira bank is a huge 200 fathoms platform that rises just from 8 miles from this shore.

Jose L. Ichaso 12-06-04 08:06 AM

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Short final to Tortuga island, just 60 miles offshore from my home airport Barcelona (SVBC), to the right is a 2.5 miles long beach, at the left is a huge sea lagoon in which you can walk in sand botton to the coral reef breakers ( temporary fishermans keep live lobster for sale in season);after the lagoon is a 4 miles beach!!

Jose L. Ichaso 12-06-04 08:09 AM

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The runway, and my ship..

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