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WebMaster 08-14-13 10:08 PM

I get several hundred requests for admission every week. I got backed up, and deleted several thousand. In amongst the several thousand were two, legitimate users, that I deleted. They have been set up.
The backlog is clear. However, my situation has changed significantly over the past few months, and I can no longer devote the amount of time required to maintain the site. Just the basic stuff is now beyond what I can do.
Not to mention, we need a new front page, and Herb planned a fall outing that should have had a new page of it's own.
So it's time for a change. A new webmaster, someone who can devote the time required, has a basic understanding of HTML so we can get a new front page.
I'll pay the hosting fees at the end of this month, but I hope someone can step forward in that time, and take over.
I'll send an email blast to every registered user, with this same message.
It's been a great ride, and it's been fun, but it's now time to pass the baton.
This makes my 1,504 post. That's a lot.

Jim Smith 08-14-13 11:21 PM

I have zero experience managing a website but would gladly contribute towards the hosting fees.


mhudsonbsme 08-15-13 12:14 PM

I would be willing to help
I would be willing to help. I would like to talk with you over the phone to get an idea of the responsibilities.

WebMaster 08-15-13 09:55 PM

New Webmasters
Anyone can call me, night or day, at 269-330-8308. If you don't get me, leave a message, the battery occasionally goes dead.
We have Shawn Bell, Ernie Martin, and Herb Harney that have all volunteered.
Wish them luck, give them patience, next month, and be kind to each other, and everyone you know.
Thank you, All.

hharney 08-15-13 10:17 PM

Thank you Larry for the numerous years of service to this site, all the behind the scenes work that no one knows you are doing and you don't even have a Skymaster anymore. I know that some of the fees have been re-imbursed but I can only bet that not all the fees were accounted for. You willing just stood up and took responsibility on your own to keep this site alive. Hours among hours of time that started out as a passion because of ownership in these great birds. As time went on we all just turned away and you kept your focus on this site while we all just logged in and enjoyed it.

It has always been on when we needed it, it was always there to provide that answer we needed, it was always a tool when we had to ask for help, it was just always there, no bumps, burps or hiccups just always on. You kept the switch on, we just accepted that it was always there. We just logged in and expected it to be there. It was, and that's because you were behind the scenes, hacking away to keep the light on. Shining back stage that the audience couldn't see. It has been a lot of years, you just kept it going and going and going.

Thanks Larry Bowdish, you are a great friend and I just want to say that I really appreciate the fact that I can just log in and smile, it's just always on, thanks to you.

Cheers buddy

anyone want to second this motion?

WebMaster 08-15-13 10:19 PM

Just doing my job
That's all.
But thank you. I made a lot of good friends here. I have gotten a lot of good emails, which you folks can now get. The best one, I think , was a guy in South Africa, who flew Skymasters in MS Flight Simulator, and wanted us to fly him to one of our annual meetings. No, the best one was the girl in Alaska, who wanted to put tundra tires on her Skymaster. No, the best one was the guy in Costa Rica, nah, his wasn't very interesting. There was the lady who needed parts, and could I express ship them to Nigeria, and she would send a bank letter to pay for it. Yeah, that was the best one.
Have fun.
Thank you.

Skymaster337B 08-15-13 11:07 PM

Count me in too...

jchronic 08-17-13 09:27 AM

I'll add my heartfelt thanks to Larry for all the effort he's put in to keep this site going (along with the other 'regulars,' Herb, Erinie, et al). The tips, info, etc. over the 5+ years I've been a Skymaster driver have been invaluable.

Tailwinds, Larry!

Joe Chronic

edasmus 08-17-13 09:51 PM

Thank you very much Larry! Herb is absolutely correct when saying "We just logged in and expected it to be there." I have been one of those SkyMaster guys who quietly goes about reading all the posts and benefitting from them and occasionally having something useful to contribute. Thank you very much for providing this to me and all the SkyMaster folks out there. Good Luck to you!

Ed Asmus

WebMaster 08-18-13 06:29 PM

Ed you are also one of those guys who keeps the traffic separated. We thank you for that as well.

edasmus 08-18-13 08:30 PM

Thanks Larry. I suppose we both know what it is like to simply be working quietly in the back ground. I actually prefer it that way. The less attention I draw, the better. It means all is running smoothly.


fastaviationdat 09-25-13 12:32 AM

That's a great idea Larry. To keep the website running. Are you using hostgator for the hosting?

Ernie Martin 09-25-13 09:56 AM

We are using FluidHosting.


WebMaster 09-25-13 10:41 AM

Because our website uses VBulletin software, changing hosts would involve a whole new license (not cheap), considerable amount of time to set up, and then some down time to make the transfer. For that reason we are with Fluid Hosting, with whom we have been since the beginning.

fastaviationdat 10-16-13 02:06 AM

There are many people willing to help. Good to hear that.

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