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Trippster 09-30-18 01:02 PM

New to 337's seeking advice
Greetings everyone. I've been reading this forum for a month or so and have learned so much, but I have to ask for advice and tips for my situation.

I'm a 20,000 hour airline guy that hasn't flown GA much, if at all in 30 years. I want to get back into it and the 337 seems like perfect plane for me. Most flights would be myself, my wife, the dog and some bags. I can't imagine ever really needing to "load it up". It's about comfort so my wife enjoys flying with me. We would likely keep legs to 3 hours or less, but might go longer in some cases. I definitely want a good IFR capable plane, but I won't be pushing things regarding low ceilings, freezing temps or convective activity. We don't ever NEED to go anywhere. I do love having the extra engine and space to move around even though I'm only 5'4". We live on the North side of Houston near Lake Conroe, so it's hot and I want AC. I've read many threads on flying higher and getting the turbo or P model, but I don't think we need that. A good NA plane with good AC is what I think works best for us and our budget.

I've been reviewing a few planes on Controller, TAP, Skymaster etc. I like N5478S on Skymaster because it has the AC and I've already talked with Owen Bell about it. (He's got the airplane and keeping it running).

Does anyone know anything specific about this plane that I might not find out easily, but should know?
Does anyone know of another similar aircraft with AC that might be for sale possibly?

Eventually, I will probably put in a glass PFD and MFD because that's what I'm most used to and comfortable with, but I can wait a bit if need be. I'd like either mid time or less engines or runout engines and I'll get new ones. I'm trying to keep it under $100K for the purchase.

I've never flown a 337 so I'm going to go to Nashville and go up in one that Owen has available to see how it fits. I'm also thinking of going to Corsair in VNY to take their ground school and flight training program in their 337 and get a biannual. Any place else I should look at for this?

Finally, any other advice on anything I might want to study up on regarding the 337 or be aware of? I have a very good friend who is an IA that will help me with a prebuy, but he is only slightly familiar with the 337 and it's been a while.

Thanks again for any and all help


cessnadriver 09-30-18 04:45 PM

New to 337's seeking advice
Hello Tripp, welcome.
I to am a SHORT pilot-5'2". I have a 1965 C337 and I have no problem with seeing over the cowling (Nose). I'm just starting my Center Line Thurst (CLT) restricted multi-engine training. My C337 is a basic bird No Auto-pilot, AC, etc. As an A&P I do all my own maintenance which saves me a lot! Ive flown C337 only twice, once mine, once a friends'. Since you said you don't have much GA time, you may find that the C337 has a heavy yoke on T/O and landing. USING A LOT OF ELEVATOR TRIM helps. It maybe better to find a Skymaster experienced mechanic for the PRE-BUY, there are several things that need checked that a good C337 mechanic can find. Good luck in your hunt.

Trippster 10-01-18 09:32 AM

Thanks Bills

It’s good to hear from a fellow shorter pilot and I appreciate Kate the tip on the trim. I’ve noticed very few 337’s have electric trim. I guess it’s not that needed? I will try to find an experienced 337 mechanic for the prebuy that’s within range of the plane also and my buddy. Can’t hurt to have more experience and since my buddy will do a lot of the maintenance with me, maybe he will learn also. Thanks again.

YankeeClipper 10-01-18 11:38 AM

I haven't owned a Skymaster yet, but also committed absurd time to reading up. If you haven't already, find Ernie's write-up on early Skymaster fuel system operation. It's required reading if buying a pre-'73.

kilr4d 10-01-18 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
We live on the North side of Houston near Lake Conroe, so it's hot and I want AC. I've read many threads on flying higher and getting the turbo or P model, but I don't think we need that. A good NA plane with good AC is what I think works best for us and our budget.

You could also find the plane you want and utilize a portable A/C unit. They work pretty well these days:


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
I've been reviewing a few planes on Controller, TAP, Skymaster etc.

They've all got their pros and cons...a knowledgeable prebuy is a MUST.


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
I've been reviewing a few planes on Controller, TAP, Skymaster etc. I like N5478S on Skymaster because it has the AC and I've already talked with Owen Bell about it. (He's got the airplane and keeping it running).

Does anyone know anything specific about this plane that I might not find out easily, but should know?

Don't know anything about particular aircraft.


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
Eventually, I will probably put in a glass PFD and MFD because that's what I'm most used to and comfortable with, but I can wait a bit if need be. I'd like either mid time or less engines or runout engines and I'll get new ones. I'm trying to keep it under $100K for the purchase.

It always better to let someone else do the glass upgrade and then buy their aircraft if possible. Those big glass avionics installs can really hurt the wallet up front.

New engines are $42K EACH from TCM...certainly something to keep in mind.


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
Finally, any other advice on anything I might want to study up on regarding the 337 or be aware of?

As has been discussed, the entire legacy GA fleet is getting old and Cessna/Piper/Beechcraft don't want us around anymore. 50 year piston twins can be EXPENSIVE to own and operate...don't be lured by a low purchase price and be a very diligent shopper. Once it's's yours.


Originally Posted by Trippster (Post 23196)
I have a very good friend who is an IA that will help me with a prebuy, but he is only slightly familiar with the 337 and it's been a while.

That guy won't be much help. You need an IA that has 337 experience.

At the risk of being labeled a heretic, take a look at Beech 55 Barons. They're the sweet spot of used airplane pricing right now. Really nice birds for the money. Here's an outwardly nice example:

Good luck and have with your search! :)

Skywalker 10-02-18 12:01 PM

Pre Inspection and Squawks/Snags List
Hello Tripp
The best investment you can do , is to get the professional work shop do the pre buy inspection , i bought 1979 P337 ,aircraft,which was very well maintained, Front engine with fresh top, ( 18 k ), Rear engine 80 hrs SFRM, Newly overhauled fuel tanks and i got list of 172 items which needed attention, may be 12- 15 of them were related with Pressurization, deice, turbos etc, but most of them will apply to all C337 ,no matter N/A ,Turbo or P models,
The seller is True Gentle man, took most of it on his chest and reduced the price as per, but you can only know if you will have done the;PROPER; pre buy inspection , it will cost your around 3500 to 4000 Usd , and will safe you lot of troubles,Forget about the A & I , u need a proper work shop with tools ,to inspect every thing, going to the hanger and working on knees, will only bring you pain, and also this guy should have knowledge of SkyMasters, should know where to look etc. I highly recommend Brant Aero in Canada, Owner is directly dealing with customers, no matter you are business Jet or Piston Cessna , you get the same attention,here is the sangs list and you can see , how microscopic, they were in inspecting ,each and every thing,
Also this pre buy must have a test flight ,where the pilot should check each and every system working, all avionics talking with each other, engines parameters, and gauges, there is another list i got from test flight and aircraft needed lot of attention in that regime too, We are dealing with 40 years old airframes and they will need ;healthy amount of money; to maintain them
P.S- I live in Poland and have no affiliation with Brant Aero ,in fact i got this contact i got thanks to John K from this forum ;-))

Trippster 10-02-18 09:09 PM

Thank you very much for the advice and the recommendation. This is exactly what I was looking for with this post.

I think I will definitely hire a 337 knowledgeable mechanic for the prebuy and maybe have my IA buddy just tag along to learn something.

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