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Dave Underwood 05-28-04 09:45 AM

Two good books:
John Eckalbar has written several books, but I would like to recommend two I have recently read:

“IFR A Structured Approach” – a very neat book with lots of detail of a LOFT (Line Oriented Flight training) IFR session applicable for the GA pilot doing single pilot IFR. It is a very good review for of all aspects of IFR flight and it raised and answered lots of good questions. The sections of GPS use are great. It has actually changed the way I fly – much more by the numbers now, one of the things that John stresses. In fact it was good enough that I am re-reading it now and that takes a lot for me.

John has also written ”Flying High Performance Singles and Twins”. I also found it an excellent read. A good book for the technical details of flying our type of aircraft, a bit detailed in places, but the detail is all good. Don’t be put off by the Baron and Bonanza on the front cover as the material covered applies to us all. The section on single engine flight confirms that the 337 is a much better place to be.

More details on his web site:

My two cents worth!

Regards - Dave

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