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gcball 11-02-04 01:54 PM

337B Turbo IO-360 Rear Engine Exhaust parts
I am in the latter stages of an overhaul on the rear engine and my mechanic tells me that the rear exhaust; header assy., R/L collector, tailpipe, elbow and 2ea bypass elbows need to be fixed or replaced. The parts are damaged and won't pass inspection. I'm told that replacements are not readily availabe except from Cessna (to much$$) and that he has found someone to fix for $3,700.00 plus $407.00 of clamps. This seams like a lot however, I'm told that it's a lot less than Cessna. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Ernie Martin 11-02-04 07:42 PM

Buy the current Trade-A-Plane. Read all the display ads, looking for companies that overhaul/repair/build exhaust systems. Call all of them to get prices. You might be very pleasantly surprised. Many of these firms will take a clearly unrepairable unit and deliver back to you an "overhauled" unit which on inspection is clearly all new except perhaps for a flange from your old unit.


Kim Geyer 11-03-04 10:16 PM

We have been sending our exhaust systems to Acorn Welding in Canada. 1-888-388-8803. We have been very happy with their work. I think the cost for front and rear runs @3700.00 for the T337H, which is different than your B model.They have a set from our 337C now and its going to be @4500.00 without the rear muffler. I have gotten some pieces from Wall Chromolly'that are also very good.

Ernie Martin 11-04-04 09:29 PM

Kim, I think he can do better. He should follow my advice above, make the phone calls, and compare prices against your numbers. Gavin, maybe you can post the results of your inquiries here.


Kim Geyer 11-04-04 09:48 PM

I am sure that one can do better. We use these guys because they do a very good job and they are the only ones we found to have the jiggs for the T337H's. No they arn't cheap but what in this business is?

Richard 11-21-04 10:28 PM

WOW!!! I overhauled my ENTIRE rear system for around $1200.00. All yellow taged. Aerospace welding has a neat way to qualify your old exhaust system to produce and "new/overhauled system. I've left their number on this web site before. They also have the jigs.

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