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Guy Paris 11-30-05 08:24 PM

Front cowl flaps motor... C610501-0101
Hey guy's,

Anyone have first hand experince with Owen Bell's overhauled front cowl flap motor? ($1600) exchanged...

Anyone have any experience with his new (PMA) cowl flap motor? ($2100) exchanged...

How about Don Nieser's overhaul of cowl flap motors.

Guy... (

Jim Rainer 11-30-05 09:54 PM

front cowl flap motor
Go to the "Parts for Sale" forum and type "cowl flap motor" in the search window and you'll see several suggestions for the motors including one from me.

Jim Rainer

Ed Coffman 12-02-05 07:29 AM

Several years ago I purchased a used cowl flap motor from Mr. Bell. It was very noisy when I ran it on the bench. When informed of this he exchanged it for another one which is still in service.

Ed Coffman
Nevada dispensaries

WebMaster 12-02-05 02:01 PM

I have one of Mr. Bell's rear motors in, and it runs flawlessly. Far better than the one it replaced (which did not function at all)

Bob Cook 12-03-05 08:10 AM

cowl motors

1) Has your mechanic checked the resistance of the motor?

2) Suggest you soak it in CRC contact cleaner and try applying 24v momentarily to see if it may work.

3) if you are technical then check brushes.

oil from front engine can cause problems and create enough dirt etc. to stop it's operation.

keep linkages well lubricated and always adjust limit switches with full voltage on system to avoid overuns when set by low voltage (suggest adding battery charger to aircraft while adjusting.

I find spraying CRC cleaner after every oil change makes a big difference in performance and reliability.

if all above fails then "open the wallet"

for what it's worth..........


Frank Benvin 12-04-05 03:50 PM

Make sure you check your fuses in the engine compartment for your cowl flap motors. Someone put fuses that were over three
times the rated fuse size in ours. Check your manual for sizes.

sunnysky 12-05-05 04:46 AM

We had problems with our front cowl flap motor. Intermittent operation. It wouldn't start if it stopped in certain positions. The problem was worn brushes and some broken wires in the windings. As new brushes are not available, a friend managed to adapt some simular ones from another motor by careful filing. With the aid of a microscope, he was able to re solder the "ultra thin winidings" that had also broken. This was over 2 years ago and the motor is still working fine.
These are the usual problems with these motors and if you know somebody with some basic skills, they are repairable.

Guy Paris 12-05-05 10:16 AM

front cowl flap motor....
I should have prefaced the issue that it is still running but not

sounding normal, a strained noise... It's out of the plane and at

a small electric motor repair shop. They have not looked at it thus

far. Thanks Jerry, Jim, Ed, Larry, Bob, Frank and Sunnysky... guy

Guy Paris 12-09-05 10:58 AM

Cowl flap motor update....
Cowl flap motor appears to be running fine! (3) new bearings, (1) new brush (lead broke), cleaned and lubed. Reinstalled in my hangar... burrr, it sure was cold... guy

Jim Rainer 12-09-05 11:43 AM

Guy, that's good news! If you don't mind, tell us what it cost you to get the motor repaired, please.

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