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SkyKing 05-04-02 07:38 PM

CQ MYAT... CQ MYAT: Anybody alive?
Gee, it's awfully quiet down on Treasure Cay... I wonder if the trip to Nipper's has begun... or is GMAS still twisting ears & wrenches?

Let's have a quick report there Bob Cook!


kevin 05-04-02 07:59 PM

They are having way too much fun to talk to us... ;-)


Bob Cook 05-05-02 07:12 AM

Myat report
All arrived safely, even from Panama. Don Hickman received a tshirt for longest IFR. Larry B received one for longest dist in us. Of course the panamanians one two for greatest distance...

Indian police dog came along. Think about 30+ showed up. Wx great. Meeting yesterday morning (sat) till 12 then broke for Nippers.

Great dinner at Coconuts down the road. Lots of grouper, wine, conk and talk. everyone enjoyed themselves. Girls are going snorkeling. Breakfest buffet waiting (7am now). Meeting till noon. Some staying extra day.. Severe VFR. not a cloud in the sky and temp is 78 degrees. water temp about 85.. colour of water is coral blue..

Friday night had beach party with salads and hamburgs against setting sunset.... EAT YOUR HEART OUT!..

It was just right number of people and GMAS doing fine job. Lots of engineers and lawyers.. No doctors ( they go to bonanza parties).

Lots heading back this afternoon.. Lots of pics. will post monday when i get to high speed....

I am sure you will hear more from the group.... Seems they would like to make annual event.



Don Hickman 05-07-02 11:29 PM

Thanks, Bob, for the compliment (longest IFR flight), but it appears that you had one or two Bahama Mama's (that's a drink for those that weren't there) too many. I haven't yet achieved that lofty goal of an IFR ticket. Heck, I didn't even get a T-shirt for the longest VFR flight.

But I did make it and it was great! Maybe if I start farther west next year I can get a T-shirt. Now I've got to finish that IFR bit next week.

Don Hickman 05-07-02 11:31 PM

Oh, and it was an Indiana police dog, not an Indian police dog. I think that next to GMAS, the dog was the biggest attraction -- at least for the women and kids!

GMAs 05-08-02 02:03 AM

Yep had a good time down their... and met some real great people... bob did a excellent job of putting on the ritz...for us all... it was great...

Came back with Larry and his wife... and we had a great time flying over the islands... it was a simple flight... and took just over an hour... from Treasure Cay to FLL.... customs was great and I would have to say that it was the best part of the meeting... views that you can't get anywhere else... and playing with the clouds...

we have some pics too that we will try and post that we took in our spare time...

Next time we will have the equipment to show the work we did .... but, we will post the pwr pt stuff on the web too... so others can see what we were talking about... too... thanks again all for the great time

WebMaster 05-08-02 11:34 AM

The trip was wonderful, GMAS was a great speaker, I learned lots, so did Kathryn (my wife). We loved having GMAS fly over to FLL with us. Extremely knowledgeable person, and a joy to be around.

05-08-02 10:29 PM

200kts, 200ft, over the hotel, solid as a rock.
Just wanted to say a big thanks to all who attended the fly-in. I learned a lot from GMAS and from talking with the rest of ya'll. This past weekend has confirmed my belief that the Skymaster is by far the best and safest light-twin available. Reading off the internet is sometimes impersonal but now I can put faces with the words, and a great group of faces they are! P.S. thanks Bob, thanks Larry!

Keven 05-10-02 10:44 AM

We're back
Well folks, I just got back in town from being on the road/air and haven't checked this board until now. Just wanted to say again that Allie Cat and I had a great time during our first adventure outside the US in the 337A. It was nice to put some faces to names, now I just need to meet Kevin and Skyking to complete the loop. Many thanks to Bob, Ernie, and GMAS again. Hopefully we can make this an annual event.

Keven (and Allie) Kenison
Wholesale vaporizers

WebMaster 05-13-02 03:05 PM

Wait BRAD,
Wait a minute, Brad, it wasn't that low!!
I'm sure I met all the minimums for overflight on the island!!
And, in case I didn't, I don't want to advertise it!!.
Oh, and it wasn't 200, it was 225, and we read mph, not kph. It was way cool, though, seeing the hotel fill the windshield.

Keven 05-13-02 03:24 PM

Good Lawyer
Larry, based upon your last response, it appears that you may consistently need a good attorney (and no . . . that's not an oxy-moron), so please keep my phone number and e-mail address handy. GMAS didn't preach hard enough on this topic at TC.

To assist you in your REVISED AND AMENDED response, please understand that: (1) there is NO WAY that you didn't meet minimums; and (2) the only way that the hotel filled your windshield was because of the ALMOST unusual attitude you were in at the time. It was NOT because of any low altitude:)

P.S. I received the headset via UPS. Thanks.

GMAs 05-13-02 03:34 PM

Well.... I am not going to say.... smile...

but, I did notice that you had a few rivets that looked a little lose on the bottom...when you passed over... smile...

No... Larry was high enough.... I heard him line up for his pass way out their... something about a skymaster you can always make them out in a sky full of planes...

It looked kinda neet... I was suprised that more didn't go out for the sunrise flight... to get some pictures... but then again its not the same as the US....and customs might have thought we were all getting ready do do something wrong... smile... so I guess it was the best...

Thanks again to Larry and his wife for the great flight back to FLL... it was the best part of the trip... which was a nightmare on the commercials... main reason why you want to fly your own... and own a skymaster... it was a nice relaxing flight back to the states... ahhhh the only way to fly.... smile....

and I want to thank Larry for the coconuts... that he knocked out of the palm tree for me... when he made his pass over... I was begining to wonder how I was going to get them off way up their... smile... must have been the shock wave from the speed run.... when he was rocking and rolling... ???


I hope you all washed your planes down... found a rain storm to fly thru... (automatic plane wash).... or left it out so that the fresh water from the rain or garden hose... flushes all the salt spray out... remember... that after going to islands or around the ocean.. you need to wash out the plane... flush with lots of fresh water ... in as many places as you can... and the only time you should spray water backwards on the wing... to get into the cracks and crevices... to get the salt out as much as you can... Scrub scrub.... everything... and if its raining outside... good place to leave the plane for a rinse... smile... GMAs...

GMAs 05-13-02 03:45 PM

Kevin... Alley Cat????.... you took your cat...????

Keven 05-13-02 03:53 PM

AllIE Cat

I think you're intentionally trying to bait me into saying something sexual or derogatory about my beautiful bride Allie (Cat). Shame on you;)

And if I wasn't scared to death of her . . . I probably would:(

Glad you had a better trip back than you did getting to TC.

Ferrari 360 History

WebMaster 05-13-02 05:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'll keep your email address and phone number handy Keven!!

We did get to fly through some rain on the way back, GMAs, but we want to scrub it clean. What do you suggest as a cleaner? We know stoddard solvent can't be had, I'm leary of MEK, so what would you suggest?

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