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Dale Campbell 06-20-06 06:19 PM

New Windshield Question
I have removed the old windshield and found the center support
does not really fasten to the bottom of frame. So it really has no structoral benifit. I know some of you took it out. Do you just fill out the 337 form to legally take it off. I have the 337H 1978 model normally asperated. Windshield was all screwed, no rivets.
Two of us took it off in 6 hours at the annual time under AP suppervision. He does not really want to leave the support off, but the windshield is the thick one and very ridged. Dale Campbell

Ernie Martin 06-20-06 07:48 PM

This is not a new question. It has been asked and answered before. Use the "Search" feature of the Message Board to read the prior material. Briefly put: don't take it off unless you buy the RT Aerospace STC that does just that.


Dale Campbell 06-22-06 08:46 AM

New Windshield
I decided to leave in the center support. The A&P did not like leaving it out. Even though he agreed, the interior brace is short and does not fasten at the top or bottom of frame opening. It only screws to windshield. The only thing that goes from top to bottom of opening is the real thin strap on the outside. Dale Campbell

Roger 06-25-06 09:43 AM

I have discussed this before here: I wanted to remove the strap on a 70E I had many years ago, so I called Cessna direct. They put me in contact with one of the original designers who was involved in the certification flights (I can't recall his name).

He adivsed me that the stap is on the outside, not because the windshield deflect significantly, but becuase in a dive, the lift over the curve of the windshield makes it want to pop it out.

Thus the fix/337 available is merely a tab at the top and bottom (on a thicker windshield) .

I personally think it looks good without the strap, but I didn't want to spring for the expense of the 337 baack then.

Dale Campbell 06-26-06 08:19 AM

Center windshield suport
My annual is done and the new windshield is in with the center suport back in. The total annual this year was $5800. That was with the new windshield. It would have been higher, but I took the 5 days off work and assisted with the annual and removed the windshield myself. My son-in-law help me remove it. We had it out in 5.5 hours and replaced the oil and filters on both engines the same day. I also assisted the A&P install the new windshield. It took us 22 hours to get it back in. We had it in and out 6 times getting it to fit right. A lot of grinding around the bottom front edge to get it to fit right. The Windshield came from Aero-Plastics.
Remember this was on a 1978 337H with all screws no rivets. Dale Campbell

Emil 12-08-06 10:28 AM

Windshield center strap rubber seals

What did you use to replace the rubber seals under the outer center strap and the inner retainer assy?

These seals are not in the parts catalog.

Thanks very much!

(We have a 1966 C337A)

Dale Campbell 12-11-06 08:21 AM

Windshield seal
My ship is the 1978 H model and they used a aircraft windshield rubber sealant around the whole windshield. Dale

Kim Geyer 12-13-06 10:03 PM

The maintenance manual tells you what to use. It sez to use prestite 579.6 sealer or 3c-200. Don't think its been made in quit a few years. I would give Cessna a call. I just replaced a window in a t337h door that some moron installed with tank sealer. Came real close to destroying the door getting it out, so don't use that

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