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10-25-02 06:05 PM

Looking for Super Skyrocket
I have owned a couple skymasters and thought I had enough of twin engine aircraft so, I bought a 1991 B36TC Bonanza. Super aircraft but I miss my 337... So, I am starting to look for a Super Skyrocket. When I find one I am looking to trade or sell the B36TC. If anyone knows of one, please let me know.

SkyKing 10-27-02 02:54 AM

Riley SuperSkyRocket
Here, this website should satisfy your curiosity concerning the Riley SuperSkyRocket:

Not only do they have a few for sale, you'll also find several on The Controller website:

Suggest you sell your Beech first... I don't know of ANY 337 owner who would take one in trade.

Good luck.


WebMaster 11-02-02 12:11 PM

Does anyone who reads this own a super skyrocket? What is the actual cruise speed, I know what MaryAnn posts, but what is real life speeds like? How does that compare with the normal P models, or the ones with intercoolers, like Jerry's

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