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Bob Cook 07-25-03 07:36 AM

music music music
Anyone need music?

Try the Delphi XM radio..... WOW. For 160 dollars it is well worth it! Good set of BOSE and you are flying.... with tons of music. Sure beats CDs. Works off the cig lighter.


Pat Rolfes 07-25-03 04:31 PM

I had same thought and bought XM for the music. Turns out the only time I listen to music is when the kids are on board (XMComedy is too racy for them).

jimmuse 07-27-03 06:41 PM

Do they all run on 28v?
Any special antenna required?



Bob Cook 07-27-03 10:03 PM

re xmradio
A 28volt to 12 adapter is required. Power consumption is 1/4 amp or less. There is a standard headphone output that can drive an intercom or headphones. Suggest Delphi unit.

Antenna.... put it on the seat and had no problem. You can also put it on the instrument panel. The antenna is rather small. Be careful as it is a magnetic mount. The magnet must be removed to be useful....

email if you have any other questions.


jimmuse 07-28-03 08:38 AM

Thanks, Bob.

I will check out Delphi.

Is there a readily available 28v to 12v converter? I was thinking about that last night. They are really not that hard to build.


Bob Cook 07-28-03 10:12 AM

re 28v converter

There are a number of inexpensive 28-12v converters that consist of a heatsink and series regulator. The better ones have THERMAL Protection, Fused, fire protection and current limiting. Surge protection (internal) is important to avoid blowing std regulators (TO-3 case type).

I replaced the series resistor in the aircraft with a commercial unit and did a 337. This way the cig lighter is now a regulated 12v that can be used with any 12 appliance without worry. Not worth the time to build one and worry about construction!

Cost - around 25 dollars for a 8 amp unit. Heat sink can go on front firewall or over the glove box. Far safer than watching a 10W resistor glow red....



jimmuse 07-29-03 01:22 AM

Amen...unless you need a nite-light.



stackj 07-29-03 07:00 AM


Where did you find a regulator for that price --- and one small enough to go behind the panel. I have a 16 amp external one (which I have fused at 8 amps) but it is much too large to mount anyplace in the Skymaster (except maybe on the wing - guess that would get it plenty of cooling air).

Bob Cook 07-29-03 01:04 PM

re converter

Unit is a SYNCRON RT10A NLS. This model is 10 Amps continuous. Input voltage 24-30 volts output is 13.5 volts.
Screw terminal block in and out. Fully protected with reverse polarity protection.

size is about 6X8X6 inches. Aluminum heat sink included.

should be able to pick it up from Amateur radio supply store (AES) or equiv.



Pat Rolfes 07-29-03 01:41 PM

Just in case any of you like the idea of xm in the cockpit and the above threads are a bit over your head (like me)...

You can get the Delphi boom box (that runs on C batteries) and plug it into your audio panel.

Paul Sharp 07-30-03 11:23 AM

what's a "Delphi?"

Pat Rolfes 07-30-03 07:18 PM

Delphi is just the name of the manufacturer. I think the name of the unit is Delphi "Sky-fi". All the basic hardware is sold at any audio store i.e Best Buy.

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