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Jerry De Santis 11-21-02 07:21 PM

Nashville Meeting
Hi folks! A little bit of an up date.

We now have 14 confirmed skymasters and 6 good potential Skymasters planning to go to Nashville for the April meeting.

Thanks to Erine Martin who stepped up to give me a hand, we are looking to fly into Smyrna (MQY) airport a close suburb to Nashville and about 15 minute drive to BNA . We are talking to several hotels in the area near BNA that has a conference room large enough for our group.

What does MQY have to offer us?

* First of all, they want us!
* Lots of hard surface Parking.
* Very friendly people at the FBO.
* Will group our aircraft together.
* Compared to BNA, low fuel prices.
* Good runways with ILS approach.
* FBO willing to help us on the Saturday
airport meeting by letting us use the
hanger with a Skymaster in it for
* They have a 16 passenger van to get us to hotel
* Rental cars available.


I am asking if one of you will step up and give a presentation on and cover the AD's as they apply to Skymasters. Please do not be shy! send me an e-mail.

If any of you have a particular topic you will like to see covered in the meeting, give this old Skymaster driver a clue or two to see if I can arrange it.

Cheers To All

Jerry De Santis

stackj 11-21-02 09:27 PM

Skymaster Subjects
Jenny wants to know if we will have enough spouses to do a non flying spouses presentation.

She has done it with the FAA at several flight clinics they have put on. She's had pretty good success with them. The first thing she does is run us flying spouses and instructors out of the room. Then she approaches the issue from the aspect that if the non-flying spouse wanted to learn how to fly they would take flying lessons.

She then goes into helping them realize that they know more about flying then most of them think they know because of their exposure to flying. She covers use of the radio and very basic attitude flying and navigation.

It's been very interesting to me to see the high percentage of those spouses who are then interested in just knowing enough about flying to maybe get out of trouble if something should happen to the flying spouse.

We are 90% sure we will be there so if this is a topic of interest, let us know.

I am doing research on the Airframe AD's. I'll let you know later if I can handle that topic.


Jerry De Santis 11-22-02 04:36 AM

Good idea
Thanks Jim and Jenny, sounds like a good idea! Perhaps if enough spouses come, we can time slot it for Saturday morning using the FBO conference room while the pilots are attending the hands on session.

What do you say people? Think your spouse will be interested?

Even if only a few will attend, I think it will be an important and all.

Jerry:cool: :D

WebMaster 11-22-02 09:18 AM

I agree
I agree that a non-flying thing would be really good. I'm wondering what my wife will be doing while I'm in class. At TC, it was obvious, but less obvious here.

Jerry De Santis 11-22-02 05:58 PM

Non flying thing
Hey Larry! Lots to do in Nashville depending on your interest. Suggestion: Only take one credit card!!!!

Jerry:D :D :D

stackj 11-23-02 12:04 AM

More Ideas from Jenny
Jenny has lots of good ideas. We think we may be able to make the meetings eligible for the classroom part of the FAA's wings program. We'll have to double check, but I am a safety counselor and with Jenny being an FAA employee, I'm pretty sure we can get set up to sign off the classroom portion of the wings program. I am also a CFI and could probably fly with one pilot to do the flying portion (3 hours, 1 airwork, 1 landings and 1 instruments).

Are there more instructors coming? If so, do we want to do that?

I don't want the group to feel we are pushing the FAA programs on them, but if there are some who wish to participate, we will try to accomodate--- we are harmless... Jenny is a Computer specialist with Richmond FSDO and I work for a cigarette company (don't smoke though), so we are harmless from the enforcement prospective.

Let us know... we'll at least come armed with the wings paperwork if there is interest.

Jim---the mechanic (cause Jenny took over the flying!)

WebMaster 11-25-02 09:11 AM

great idea
Great idea, Jim. Sign me up for some flying!!

Rickskymaster 11-25-02 07:51 PM

I am in for some flying
Count me in for some flying, I would look forward to it.

Also, how about going over some airplanes with an IA.

I still think that the Bonanza group has it right when they make available very competent IA's to go over guys planes.

I was in that group until I was the light, or was it until the V35 could not fill the bill?


Jerry De Santis 11-25-02 10:08 PM

Nashville Agenda
Rick, Please read the Nashville meeting agenda for Saturday April 26. It States "IA's will be available to answer questions on your Skymaster"

Hands-on was already planned to be accomplished. On MQY, if we want, the FBO will let us put a Skymaster in their hangar for hands-on learning.


12-23-02 04:38 PM

So, whats the deal and dates for this Nashville thing y'all got going?
May be interested in running up there myself.

kevin 12-24-02 04:32 PM


The event is 4/23 to 4/26/03, and it would be great to have you attend. As Jerry points out, you can get more information from the Calendar page of this site. Just go to the main page, and on the left edge, click on the word Calendar.

Or follow this link:

Hope to see you there.


kevin 12-24-02 05:42 PM

After a bit of a delay due to computer problems and the holidays, I have updated the meeting information in the Calendar section of this site to include the latest information from Jerry, as he requested. To keep the most up to date information in one place rather than two, I have deleted the messages Jerry put up recently in this thread.

Jerry has selected the hotel, and recommends we all make reservations as soon as possible.

If there are any errors or omissions in the page, please let me know.



Jerry De Santis 03-07-03 09:23 PM

Nashville Meeting.
Well folks, the entire Nashville agenda is completed and in the hands of Kevin for posting on the meeting page. Check that web page out over the next few days for topics, speakers, transportation etc.

This meeting is really going to be a blast. Good presenters on many topics including a session for the spouses on emergency handling of the plane in the event that the pilot...well lets hope it never happens.

We also have a Service Reprentative from TCM to talk about a host of things regarding the care and maintenance of our engines.

Learn what it is like to fly a Skymaster across the Atlantic ocean.

Learn about Aircraft insurance and special Skymaster modifications.

Don't miss this meeting! It is going to be a fun learning experence!

Cheers to all and safe flying.

See ya in Nashville.

Jerry De Santis
N34EC:D :D :D

kevin 03-08-03 11:13 AM

Complete agenda and other information has been posted.

Looks like a great event!


kevin 03-08-03 08:03 PM

Jerry has sent me some changes and revisions to what is posted. I can't post them right now as I am at a customer site. Expect to seem them posted by Sunday noon, Pacific time.


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