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Keven 08-12-02 10:59 AM

Ryan Stormscope 7A
Does anyone have any experience with a Ryan Stormscope 7A good, bad or otherwise?


Box vaporizer

Bob Cook 08-12-02 01:27 PM

re ryan

Not recommeded Keven, was great in its day but has been passed by with new software and technology.


Keven 08-12-02 02:33 PM

But . . .
If I can get one cheap, is it better than nuttin? Or is the new software and technology SO superior that I should go ahead and spring for it.

You gotta remember, although I make multiplied millions simply because I'm a lawyer;) I'm on a limited budget for my bird. And I'm staring a double engine purchase in the face not too far down the road. Plus, there are other toys I want to put in.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions?

Box vaporizer

kevin 08-12-02 03:01 PM

If you are really budget limited, get a WX-900, but WX-950 was my choice, and I am sure I was being as careful with money as you would like to be. Maintenance and performance is dramatically different. Have a friend that just put in WX-10 against my advice, he regrets it now...

Kevin (the SW engineer, not the lawyer)

Bob Cook 08-12-02 03:04 PM


It is obvious you are not working hard enough!
Go for a BFG and wait before you put in a RYAN. False positives and false negatives does not do the heart any justice (pun).

Call stormscope guys and see if they have any demos or refurb units. you do not need the brighter display. Want me to call them? They are just across the river from IAG... ?

Wait for nexrad if nothing else.

Two engine changes, suggest you stagger them.

Priorities do get in the way.


Jerry De Santis 08-12-02 08:22 PM

Keven, I got a wx-1000+ and it is a great unit. You may be able to pickup a used one in the 4 to 5,000 range. I had a wx-8 in my last skymaster, and although at the time I considered it good, it was nothing compared to the wx-1000+ The fact is--in lawyer terms, ya better pleading the 5th and save the money until you can get the modern units. Old technology will only get you into a jam.

Bob Cook 08-13-02 12:12 AM

keven /stormscope
Jerry, AMEN! could not say it better.....


The ryan is BIG (three units) as opposed to the strikefinder which is all contained in std 3 inch instrument, not to discount the fact it is heavy and little space for the control unit. Good for a dc3!

I have seen stormscopes go for 3-4k. will keep an eye out on ebay but better yet grab the trade a plane and there are usually one or two advertised due to garmins being installed. wx1000 is the way to go.... or nexrad.

should call the older units "suckerscopes"



Keven 08-22-02 09:35 AM

How 'bout?
B.F. Goodrich Stormscope Series II WX 1000? There are so many "series" and versions of these things that I'm not sure it's the same model that Bob & Jerry were bragging on.



Jim Rainer 08-22-02 10:55 AM

stormscope 7a
I had one of these one time in a normallay aspirated '73 Skymaster. It's rudimentary but when it lights up and starts blinking - especially right in front of you - there's definitely something there! I used it for 4-5 years without ever feeling the need for anything more elaborate. I later bot a '76 w/o any sferics and bought a Strikefinder 4 years ago and it has been very satisfactory.

I do not have the palm pilot nexrad uplink stuff but you might consider buying the 7A and getting ther nexrad capability before spending a lot on a stormscope or strikefinder. Anything over $1000 for the 7A (including installation) should be applied toward a Strikefinder in my opinion.

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