Thanks, Dave. So, a trip to the Azores from Canada is completely dead, then? (I have 142 usable US Gal)
In your expert opinion, if planning a trip from Canada to South Africa, which waypoints would you recommend? (Political considerations included). I don't mind the 'northern' trip across the big pond - I think the scenery should be really spectacular, but I was kinda thinking to hop the islands west from Northern Africa to stay away from unfriendly places.
I am really in the fetal stages of planning this trip, and need a lot of research still, but you got to start somewhere, right?
My plan 'B' was to do the northern route to Scotland or Ireland, then work my way down to the Canary Islands -> Dakar (Senegal) -> Accra (Ghana) -> Luanda (Angola) -> Maun (Botswana) -> Pretoria (South Africa). I want to minimize my stops, to lessen paperwork if possible.
To the Blue Room!!
Jakes Dekker
Last edited by gkey : 02-18-07 at 01:16 PM.