Thread: Gear Up Landing
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Unread 07-22-07, 11:22 AM
Dave Underwood Dave Underwood is offline
Join Date: May 2002
Location: England
Posts: 167
Dave Underwood is on a distinguished road
Just a comment and to pass along some experience.

Go out and practice shutting down the front engine and you will see the shut down is pretty quick and it normally does not take more than one or two tries to move the prop horizontal in the feathered position. Mind you all that depends on what else is keeping you busy at the time.

The rear is a different story and as was mentioned, it is difficult to see at the best of time.

One suggestion would be to establish the zero thrust points with both engines running. This may be in your POH, but if memory serves me correctly it is about 2000 rpm on mine. You can then practice power off forced landings with safety. I have not done it for a while, but it is pretty manageable. You do have to keep it in fairly tight from the abeam position of your landing point.

A good excerise to do and this has prompted me to do so.

On the gear up and rear prop turniong, I think the recommendations are to use rear engine power to make your gear up landing controlable. When landing assured and only if everything is going your way, shut down and feather the rear.

You think you will find that if the rear engine is still turning the prop will hit the ground as you have the nose up quite high at the end of the flair when you are gear up. That actually happened on mine, although I was not in the plane at the time.

Personally, I think I would prefer to have power on all the way down and through the flair and let the insurance deal with the possible need for the tear down.

As always, practice makes perfect and good maitenance will minimize gear issues.

Fly safe - Dave
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