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Unread 03-24-10, 02:09 PM
hotprop hotprop is offline
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hotprop is on a distinguished road
There is one more choice that non-flyers ask when they see the handle, "Are you in real estate?". NOOOOOOH! Saw it used in a/c classifieds, thought it would be a cool handle. Sorry about the redundant pic, thanks for the heads-up on FlightAware.
Even though in this case the blame, IMHO, rests on the shoulders of plane misuse, I can only be concerned about the tip tank winglet ext mod. Wrinkled skins and smoking rivets, never really a good thing, B-52's notwithstanding. You would think someone did the due diligence thing. I believe I'm not alone in thinking STC suggests something other than - Caveat Emptor. Watching the ' Owen Bell - Aviation Enterprises ' thread with interest, as I''m sure you all are.
Thanks for your kind words of support. "Loose operational practices", that's a good nut shell. To many in the 'Count the wings, kick the tires, light the fires, thorough pre-flights are for wusses' camp out there. Respectively hope your handle is not implying a medical condition, In case, hope it's jcure real soon.
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