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Unread 06-03-10, 10:35 PM
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FMild FMild is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Southern Indiana
Posts: 19
FMild is on a distinguished road
I am not officially claiming anything, so I can keep my ticket... however I was "named" in a lawsuit in 1994 in Mombasa, Kenya by a British tourist who claimed his wife was terrified by a low pass by a C-130 over the beach which "showered her with fruit and flowers from the trees" and caused her to be unable to sleep or board an aircraft. The letter was addressed to "the commander of the American airforces" even though the culprit was actually a Belgian Herc. I actually witnessed from the top (4th) floor of the hotel, and was looking down on him as he climbed to clear the top of the building. I would have certainly been the first at the scene of the accident if he had misjudged his height.
As far as a motivational pass over the drop zone at Ft. Benning, GA, where the radar altimeter indicated 34 feet and the airspeed indicated 270 knots, I know nothing...
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