Update for further information
I just spoke with my engineer and he did say he was wrong in his assessment of the zero fuel weight (the gross weight of the aircraft) for the "short wing" 337s. It appears that will be 3,400lbs. You do need to keep at least 12 gallons of fuel in each tip tank until your weight drops to this point. Once the aircraft is reinforced this will go back up to 4,330lbs. I am still waiting on hearing how much fuel you need to keep in each tip at higher gross weights. Right now I would say keep your tips full until you get your weight down to 4,330lbs and then transfer some fuel out of the tips but you need to keep at least 12 gallons in each tip at 4,330lbs.
Again, this will only effect the "short wing aircraft." If you have the factory 150 gal tanks you are fine with the STC as it is currently written.
Also, I think it is important to add that our engineering numbers only deal with a total gross weight of 4,700lbs and below. Technically, our STC only provides a GWI up to 4,630lbs (that of a non-turbo 337G).