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Unread 11-26-11, 07:53 AM
sns3guppy sns3guppy is offline
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sns3guppy is on a distinguished road
Sorry, I was commenting about the P model (the Riley conversions). I have no knowledge about the regular 337 having never flown one.
Okay. The Riley P model is a mighty, powerful airplane. You got me there.

Max twin engine climb at sea level, 1,200 fpm. Truly blistering performance. max single engine climb at sea level 350 fpm. Awe inspiring.

Same basic engine, add an intercooler, heavier airplane (pressurized), and while the Rocket folks like to advertise that you'll have the sky to yourself at 20,000', that's not very high,and it's also not very alone. It just means you're putting yourself in a slow airplane in a faster airplane environment where there's a greater chance of getting run over byother traffic. It does offer more options.

The skymaster is a light twin; it's not high performance and not really stellar compared to many other light twins. It handles nicely, it's simple, it's relatively efficient, and the view isn't bad. The Rocket is a very hard to deal to beat, given the advertised price, for all the modifications, upgrades, and aircraft, especially given that many singles that don't offer so much go for considerably more.

Just don't overestimate what you've got. In aviation, sometimes that hurts. An old friend and co-worker did that recently, and it hurt him and his loved ones a lot.
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