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Unread 09-17-02, 01:38 AM
GMAs GMAs is offline
George M. Amthor, Jr.
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 258
GMAs is on a distinguished road
Red face Normal condensation

No it is normal condensation that is forming on the cold metal parts... on the inside ... if you are runing your engines with the EGT indicators at 125 of peek... you will cut some of it down as for every gallon of gas you produce 1 gallon of water... kinda thing... and some of it ends up in the crankcase... but, if the oil is hot enough say around 270 deg.. it will boil off and out the rear crankcase vent... some will stay around the cooler metal parts like the dipstick and up in the oil fill neck... and cap... if it bothers you you can put some black foam rubber insulation around the tubes and it will keep it warmer and cause it to go away... you can get it at the same place that sells refrigration tubing... as they put it over the return line to keep it from freezing water on the outside... kinda thing...

If you look at some of the other skymasters you will see it came stock on the later ones... but, its nothing to worry about.. if the oil is getting up to temp... if not... well then you have another problem.. with the oil cooler or thermactor being stuck to where the oil is too cold... and not boiling the moisture out... here you can tell if the oil is getting a yellow mustard color to white like milk...

If you get that indication.. have your mechanic check out the oil temp controlling device.. as it is not allowing the oil to get warm enough... has nothing to do with cyc head temp... the varithem is like a car thermostat that regulates the oil temp.. and allows it to bypass the oil cooler when cold and re-routes it thru it when it gets up to temp...

Might want to check it out... as your oil has nothing to do with the temp... just want it to cook the moisture out by getting hot enough over 212 deg f...

Let us know what youfind... G.M> Gmas
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