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Unread 10-01-02, 04:04 PM
GMAs GMAs is offline
George M. Amthor, Jr.
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 258
GMAs is on a distinguished road
Smile Hmmmm... what you think your are Columbis.. this ain't no pinto... in a foreign place

I got a real interesting reply at home... why they won't post it on the board is byond me... but, anyway... it makes for interesting reading... as the person says... he now just got a 337 skymaster and was interested in starting to travel and go places with it... OK... sounds good to me... they did make them so that they would go and come... without shucking parts en all.... hopefully...

But, what this person brings up... as I read between the lines is something that I don't think we have discussed before on the board... and that is ....


Here he brought up a question... what happens if it breaks... what about getting to and from the airport once you get their... and what do you do if you get back to the plane and its dead... (ya larry that is one for you to answer).... just what he ment by dead.. only the imagination can comprehend... but, I think he means it won't start...

And what about camping... hey now here is a whole new area... besides the hilton or ritz... what do you take along... and how do you care for the plane... hmmmmm... well take a big blanket and tuck it in at night... read a wana be jet story to it... smile..

On a serious note though he was asking some pretty good questions... and I think it might be a area that we all should cover... after all his biggest fear was that the plane go down and where to go to survival school.... ahhhh... welll last time I checked in the US... and with two engines... their are lots of airports and roads going all over the place... I would think one of them might not fall off the cliff of the globe... but, then again I wonder if columbis or lindy had these thoughts too... when they started out ... maybe that is why people want the meetings in their back yard... heaven forbid that they don't trust their 337 to make the trip... Hmmmm... so what say yee.... got any help for this young adventurerrr....

how would you list your biggest fear of traveling with your plane... wx, fuel, engines, airframe, electronics... or just plane bad day... Hmmmmm....

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