Originally Posted by kilr4d
Yes. The key word here is *MINOR*.
Option 1 is that there's minor pitting on the cylinder walls it can be scraped off by the rings with no ill effect. (This is more likely if you pull the plugs, pre-oil the engine and turn it over by hand until your arms and back ache.)
Option 2 is that the cylinders need to be be rehoned but not overbored and you reuse all the parts.
Option 3 is that the cylinders need to be overbored and you essentially require a top overhaul.
Option 4 is that the engines are severely corroded internally and you need complete overhauls.
Do you have detailed borescope pictures of each cylinder?
There were a number of boroscopes in play yesterday and none were that great as far as I am concerned. The one that gave the best "view" was the simpliest with an eye piece and a light. That was what I personally saw thepitting the best with. The other two were Rigid and Stanley type digital units with crappy little screens that could be magnified but did not give a lot of detail. None had the ability to take photos and I didn't thing to take a photo of the screen (bad).
These engines had a top end overhaul less than 50 hours ago but that was also something like 10 years ago.
Keep in mind - these are original engines with 1440 hours on them. It is kind of a unique situation.