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Unread 10-21-02, 03:55 AM
GMAs GMAs is offline
George M. Amthor, Jr.
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 258
GMAs is on a distinguished road
Smile Now don't take the whole wing apart....

If in fact you have isolated it to the inboard tank... you only need to take the inboard section of the wing apart.... and the spacers that are in the hat section are re-useable.. so long as you properly torqued the wing screws down.. and they were before... so the spacers you don't need...

Naw its the inspection cover in the middle of the wing tank that is probably leaking... been their done that kinda thing... the inboard tank does not flex much so cracking is not really a option... but, you do need to take the boom cover off on top.. after its remove... you can remove the inboard top panel... and put the boom cover back on to stablize the boom stresses.. if you want.. using the old screws... and don't go drilling holes in the cover either... to try and get just them few screws out... the boom cover is structural and if you start putting holes in it.. your going to have problems...

The circuit for the penny cap and the parts are listed in cessnas service manual for the system...

You should not need to get inside the tank.. and to replace the indicator gasket... their are plugs that you can remove... and slip it over the cap part of the ring...

Again no silicone or tefflon is to be used on the system... use only the products that are approved...

As to the hoses.. they have been superceded... and they still are the black rubber.. but, no bradeing on the outside any more... actually the new stuff is silicon rubber radiator hose... blue... with a stripe.. some come red... but, the black hosing is still the old stuff... but, newer now... I will dig up the change if you want for the ne numbers.. but, again I don't think your going to have that problem... and if you do... their is time to get it... as you will have much more work to get the tank in and out...

Actually its better if your going to take the tank out.. to remove from the wing tip in... and then go the other way when you put them back in...but,... you should hope to be their yet...

Let us know what you are doing.. and maybe take a picture or two...

Also the screw list you have is not correct.. as you don't need that many of the different types... again I will look it up.. but, most of the time we pull screws from stock... and when we put them back in we go with the 2 thread rule... even though cessna says a R5-7.. a R5-5 will work without a 1/8 inch of screw hanging out the bottom... you only need two threads.. past the nutplate... the rest is just so much dead weight... so re-sizing the screws are typical.. and when you pull them you will find they are not what the books says they are ... from the factory... so I would get the cover off... making sure the screws are measured for their locations... and then go get screws and gaskets.. etc... you can get them from API in one day... kinda thing... if not you can get them from spruce or another parts house.. in less ... almost... so that should not be stopping the progress... smile....

By the way you coming to LV in may..??? see other thread...

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